Latest news – Page 2882

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    Has warned: don't rush to set up primary care groups


    Health authorities are to be given a stern warning not to rush into making 'premature' arrangements for setting up the primary care groups proposed in the government's white paper.

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    Bart's is saved as cardiac and cancer centre


    Health secretary Frank Dobson said this week he had 'saved' St Bartholomew's Hospital by announcing it will become a specialist centre for cardiac and cancer care.

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    The NHS Confederation and the Institute of Health Services Management welcomed reports this week that the government is considering marking the 50th anniversary of the NHS this summer by announcing a permanent pounds2bn annual increase. Health secretary Frank Dobson is said to have urged the chancellor to boost NHS resources ...

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    Sense of mistrust replaces Ashworth 'gang culture'


    Managers have stamped out the gang culture that once ruled the corridors of Ashworth special hospital through increased security, an inquiry heard this week.

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    Barnet faces legal action on cuts


    A London trust and health authority are facing legal action from a community health council and doctors over a pounds7m package of cuts.

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    Milburn orders re-think on Gateshead proposals


    Health minister Alan Milburn has asked two trusts to re-examine merger proposals in the light of the government's white paper.

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    DoH admits to error but no 'secret agenda' in NHS board appointments


    Hundreds of recent NHS board appointments are to be investigated after the Department of Health admitted that an error during a trawl for new members may have led to a disproportionate number of Labour councillors getting jobs.

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    Doctors reject rescue plans for Worcester


    Doctors have rejected Worcestershire health authority plans to re-organise hospital services in the face of an pounds18m deficit.

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    Survivors: health secretary Frank Dobson meets Minnie Hodges, aged 107, during a visit to Moseley Hall Hospital, Birmingham. Mrs Hodges was in hospital after a fall, and was preparing to return home at the time of Mr Dobson's visit. She told reporters afterwards that she believed John Major was Britain's ...

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    Test blunders claimed eight women's lives, report reveals


    The deaths of eight women have been linked to smear-test blunders by the cervical cytology screening service run by Kent and Canterbury Hospitals trust.

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    Whistleblower policy hailed as NHS 'model'


    A 'whistleblowing' policy which guarantees the right of trust staff to go public with their concerns has been commended as a 'model' for the rest of the NHS.

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    Chain store Dixons


    Chain store Dixons featured in a newspaper investigation this week after a freelance computer expert was reportedly 'shocked' to find a computer he bought as an ex-demonstration model held personal details about a psychiatrist's patients. The doctor said Dixons had assured him the computer would be wiped clean after he ...

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    Fund takeover angers GPs in budget dispute GPs


    Doctors at a pilot fundholding project in Scotland have reacted angrily to an unprecedented decision by the local health board to resume control of their budget.

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    News focus


    Wales of protest

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    There is scope for Powys-like protest


    There is scope for Powys-like protest in its decision since the project group reports: 'The one trust option is greatly feared in the north of the country' and there is 'cohesive opposition from the local trust, GPs and local councillors'.

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    It's all very embarrassing when you give someone the boot and are then forced to give them their job back. Which must explain why South Thames regional office has insisted on saying that Lady Helen Gardiner has had her appointment as chair of Surrey Ambulance trust 'extended'. 'It's an extension ...

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    All our Yesterdays


    6 February 1948

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    What with Dobbo riding paramedic motorcycles, and eye-aching yoof- culture videos, the NHS looks set to celebrate its half-century in some technological style. So what better way to show you're bang up to date than to have a web site - complete with 50th birthday cake?

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    Stage struck


    Doctors can hardly conceal their glee, the unions are furious, and managers have been warned that their pay rises

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    Lord Justice Phillips


    Lord Justice Phillips, chair of the government's BSE inquiry, opens its preliminary session in London last week. He said former ministers, civil servants and animal feed manufacturers would be questioned about the spread of 'mad cow disease', but the 'primary object of the inquiry is not to attribute blame but ...