Latest news – Page 2891

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    Night vision


    Can junior doctors' night hours be reduced without threatening their training?

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    Key Points


    By establishing separate timetables for senior house officers and registrars, an obstetrics and gynaecology department has been able to reduce out-of-hours work while offering training relevant to the doctors' proposed careers.

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    1 Hobart A. Report on hours of work and medical staffing. JDC Annual Report 1997. BMA.

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    Safety measures


    A survey of medium-secure units for mentally disordered patients reveals wide variations in staff-to-patient ratios. James Rooney considers the implications

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    Key Points


    More than 20 years after the publication of the Butler report which led to the establishment of medium-secure units, many of its recommendations have not been implemented.

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    1 Butler R. Report of the Committee on Mentally Abnormal Offenders. London: HMSO, 1975.

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    Survival practice


    A former contracts manager for a health authority, Murray King finds his current job as manager of a

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    Only a quarter of bids for HAZ status will get approval


    Four times more bids for health action zone status are expected than the government plans to approve this year, the Journal has learned.

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    Welsh NHS will not go same way as England


    Differences between the direction of the NHS in Wales and England are expected to be unveiled today with the publication of the white paper on the future of the Welsh NHS.

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    On the record


    JUDY WILSON became the first director of the Long-Term Medical Conditions Alliance in September 1996. Previously she led the Nottingham self-help team, wrote books about self-help groups and was a non-executive director of Nottingham health authority. She is an NHS Charter adviser.

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    What is the first thing you do when you arrive at work?

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    In person


    Leicestershire Mental Health Service trust has appointed John Boyington (above) as chief executive. A general and psychiatric nurse, he has been on secondment to the top post at the trust for the past six months and has been formally appointed to take charge until decisions are made about a merger ...

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    The deaths of as many as 24,000 people a year may be accelerated by the short-term effects of air pollution, the Department of Health's committee on the medical effects of air pollutants has concluded. But it noted that most of the deaths occurred among people with existing, long-standing illnesses.

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    Sur vey confirms health inequalities


    A national survey confirming substantial health inequalities is set to inform ministers' decisions on the location of health action zones.

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    Work set to begin on biggest PFI hospital


    The government has given the go-ahead for construction work to begin on the biggest hospital being financed through private funds.

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    Derbyshire inquir y: police examine case notes


    A police investigation into deaths of patients at a psychiatric hospital in Derbyshire is examining the case notes of 26 people who were cared for on a single ward.

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    Mental health in Scotland is still institution-based


    Scottish adult mental health services are still largely based in hospitals, according to an Accounts Commission for Scotland study.

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    NHS par t-timers' pension appeals could land Treasur y with huge bill


    Thousands of part-time health workers could win better pensions under a series of test cases to be heard in the House of Lords next week.

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    Staff absence costs trusts pounds1.8m a year


    Sickness among nurses and midwives can cost individual trusts as much as pounds1.8m a year, according to research.