Latest news – Page 2892

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    Health secretary Frank Dobson


    Health secretary Frank Dobson chats to patient Jean Boyle after officially opening Huddersfield Royal Infirmary's pounds1m critical care unit last week. Because of funding problems, the eight-bed unit has been running half-empty since it started accepting patients 18 months ago. The four intensive care beds at the unit have already ...

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    Baby deaths case doctors want GMC hearing halted


    Barristers for three doctors who face misconduct proceedings following the deaths of babies after heart surgery will this week call for the cases against them to be thrown out.

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    Managers will be able to do their job 'more efficiently'


    Managers will be able to do their job 'more efficiently' thanks to a new national e-mail system that will be created through NHSnet to link health authorities, trusts, the NHS Executive and the Department of Health for the first time, health minister Alan Milburn has announced. He said the system, ...

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    24hr helpline could ease A&E pressures


    A London health authority is using pounds195,000 of winter pressures money to launch what may be the first 24-hour nurse-led helpline to divert patients from casualty wards.

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    Nursing regulations 'must protect the public'


    Radical suggestions for changing the way in which nurses, midwives and health visitors are regulated have been set out in a report commissioned by the four UK health departments.

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    Leaders signal merger of primary care lobby groups


    Primary care leaders last week signalled their willingness to enter talks about a possible merger of the three main lobby groups.

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    Health board workers asked to repay cash


    More than a dozen employees of Tayside health board have been invited to repay money to which they were not entitled.

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    Always read the label:


    Always read the label: a patient gets to grips with half-a-dozen types of medication at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff. It is breaking with 25 years of NHS operating procedure by allowing patients to take their own medicines in hospital instead of confiscating or destroying them on admission. ...

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    Managers believe there are too many trusts


    Most managers believe there are too many trusts and that services need to be reconfigured, a survey shows.

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    Director-general of fair trading John Bridgeman has announced that he will ask the Restrictive Practices Court to overturn its 1970 decision allowing drug companies to fix the price of branded, over-the-counter pharmaceuticals. The decision has angered drug companies and pharmacy pressure groups who claim the abolition of re-sale price maintenance ...

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    Hospital project is 'proof' of new co-operation in NHS


    An agreement between a health board and two trusts to build a new children's hospital in Scotland was hailed last week as proof of a new climate of co-operation in the NHS.

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    Measures will help NHS fraud crack-down


    Health authorities will be given access to GPs' accounts so they can investigate suspected fraud more easily, health minister Alan Milburn has announced.

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    Angel and death


    Angel and death: Marlene Dietrich, the German actress transformed into a screen icon in the 1930 film The Blue Angel, shows how smoking was once portrayed as the height of sophistication. The image comes from Cancer Wars, a four-part Channel 4 documentary starting on Sunday. The first programme focuses on ...

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    Crisis, what crisis?


    Why has the predicted winter crisis failed to materialise?

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    Items are entered free for public sector


    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, Health Service Journal, Porters South, 4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW. Fax: 0171-843 4670. E-mail: Due to pressure on space, publication ...

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    How history repeats itself


    The prime minister wants to see the NHS’s 50th anniversary marked with events throughout the country. Quite right too. But what a pity that so few staff feel they have much to celebrate. Despite the extra cash since Labour came to power, and the promise of more in 1998-99, the ...

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    Clutching at Straws in the drugs debate BY MICHAEL WHITE


    Thank you very much. And a Happy New Year to you, too. But, quite apart from the NHS's 50th birthday, how happy will 1998 be if we continue to make such a muddle of the rules by which we decide - as individuals and collectively - what we should eat, ...

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    He has a large family, a big house, and was used to earning pounds80,000 a year. Even if he worked every day and night in his new job he would only rake in pounds17,000 a year. So how does recently ennobled ex-Confed chief executive Lord Hunt of Monitor do it? ...

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    All our Yesterdays


    9 January 1948