Latest news – Page 2893

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    One hundred kilometres east of the killing fields of Kigali, a new community of 94 brick-built houses is taking shape in the green hills of Kibungo. Built by its inhabitants, many of whom returned to Rwanda only last year after fleeing the country's troubles, it is a model of good ...

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    Ready, steady, go


    Patients waiting to leave hospital take up beds needed by others. A discharge lounge where they can wait and be looked after has proved popular - and can lead to more efficient bed use and ambulance services. But some staff are wary.

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    Key Points


    Setting up a discharge lounge has proved popular with patients.

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    Role of discharge liaison nurse


    The discharge liaison nurse:

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    Taking a day off


    One trust has reduced the median length of stay for emergency medical admissions from six to five days. Hugh Rayner shows how it was done

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    Key Points


    A trust, comprising two hospitals, has reduced the mean length of stay for acute medical admissions from 11.1 to 10.5 days and the median from six to five days, despite an increase in the number of these admissions.

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    The following were among those who received awards in the New Year's honours list for their contribution to health services

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    This week


    New year, new idea: Dennis Holmes, an accident and emergency manager from the West Yorkshire Metropolitan Ambulance Service trust, on duty at one of two mobile medical centres set up in Leeds on new year's eve as a 'trial run' for the millennium celebrations. The centres, staffed by members of ...

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    CHCs demand new law to end HAs' 'closed-door meetings'


    Community health council leaders are demanding changes in the law and new guidance on openness to stop health authorities going behind closed doors to vote through service cutbacks.

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    Proposal for first primary care trust


    One of the UK's smallest community trusts and its local GPs have set in motion proposals to merge and create one of the first primary care trusts in April 1999.

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    Public health minister Tessa Jowell has said she intends to make public health a key part of the UK presidency of the EU. This will include taking forward the tobacco advertising directive and public health issues relating to food law. Ms Jowell is due to chair the EU health council ...

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    Charges 'will not benefit NHS'


    There is little economic sense in introducing new charges into the health service, a study from the Office of Health Economics concludes.

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    Unison calls on Welsh Office to ease HA debt


    A union leader has called for Welsh Office support for a health authority facing a pounds13.5m deficit.

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    Consultation delay allows time to talk


    Widespread objections to service cuts proposed by a health authority facing a projected pounds18m deficit have forced the postponement of public consultation to allow more time for talks with health professionals and local councillors.

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    Survey will seek views of 100,000 patients


    Details of a major annual opinion survey which will seek to build up a national picture of patients' experience of the NHS have been revealed by health minister Alan Milburn.

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    Government to target high-spending trusts in management costs drive


    Trusts and health authorities with higher than average management costs will be targeted in the government's latest drive against 'NHS bureaucracy'.

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    US-trained doctor's dispute is test case


    A US-trained anaesthetist is fighting for consultant status in Britain in a case that could have implications for medical workforce planning.

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    Scottish health minister Sam Galbraith has announced that a steering group chaired by John Arbuthnott, principal and vice-chancellor of Strathclyde University, is to conduct a 'wide-ranging' review of NHS funding in Scotland. The group will review the 20-year-old SHARE distribution formula to see 'whether the distribution of resources can more ...

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    Welsh O f fice jumps gun over trust job adver ts


    The Welsh Office has come under fire for advertising top posts in an all-Wales ambulance service trust before the end of public consultation on whether one should be set up.

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    Former RHA sold off IT agency 'for a fract ion of its potent ial value'


    An NHS information technology agency was sold by the former South and West regional health authority for a fraction of its potential value, MPs have concluded.