Latest news – Page 480

  • Crowd

    Two year ambition to roll out new primary care hubs


    NHS England to push for “hub” model of primary care with each covering 30,000-50,000 patients Half of the country to be covered by these networks next year, says national director NHS England to “benchmark” GPs and CCGs with high hospital referral rates £700m investment to be released by agreeing ...

  • Elderly hands walking frame

    Officials plan new metric to measure patient flow


    A new set of metrics is being developed to assess patient flow across the NHS and social care system, Local Government Chronicle reports.

  • older woman

    Exclusive: Vanguard project cuts A&E admissions of over 65s


    A Nottinghamshire MCP vanguard has had 23 per cent fewer emergency admissions for care home residents, new analysis has revealed Health Foundation report shows lower A&E attendances and admissions of residents in the Principia MCP but no link to lower elective admissions or outpatient attendances NHS England and the ...

  • graph_arrow_down

    CCG deficit forecast sinks by £180m in two months


    CCG sector’s forecast deficit is now £550m, worsening by nearly 50 per cent in two months £800m risk reserve may not be “adequate” to achieve financial balance with current trust deficit forecasts “tantalising close” to that figure Audit committee chair says “integrity and accuracy” of 2017-18 financial plans is ...

  • 13 liverpool city
    HSJ Local

    'Incompetent' regulator cancels troubled services takeover


    NHS Improvement stops takeover of Liverpool community services Bridgewater Community Healthcare was the preferred bidder but the transfer was paused in February after trust was rated requires improvement Alder Hey Children’s FT will provide the services on a short term management arrangement until an “alternative option” is found ...

  • Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

    Dozen trusts named for second consultants turnaround scheme


    Regulators have named 12 more NHS trusts that will work with management consultants to improve their finances, as well as setting out a “fee structure” for paying the companies for the work.

  • Southampton General Hospital

    Revealed: NHS England intervenes at 10 trusts over DTOC rates


    Ten trusts visited by NHS England “central support” team to “accelerate” delayed transfers of care initiatives FOI revealed the team initially shortlisted 33 trusts at “high risk” of delayed transfers NHS England also drew up a list of trusts that must “prioritise” plans to implement A&E streaming services ...

  • Abacus

    Exclusive: Next STF payments depend solely on financial performance


    Regulators say that final allocations from the sustainability and transformation fund this year will be paid in full if headline financial targets are met Final quarter’s allocations could now total more than £800m Measure could incentivise trusts to pursue further technical accounting measures NHS trusts will not be ...

  • Queen's Hospital, Burton
    HSJ Local

    Foundation trusts could consider merger


    Two NHS trusts in the Midlands are working on proposals to work closer together, including a potential full merger, HSJ understands.

  • calendar

    Exclusive: Treasury funding fears derail medical examiner launch


    Funding fears over medical examiner fees have delayed launch A national medical examiner service was first recommended by the Shipman inquiry Department of Health says it is committed to launching medical examiners Plans for a national rollout of independent medical examiners next year has been abandoned by ministers ...

  • News

    Trusts urged to 'prove critics wrong' with deficit reduction


    NHS Improvement says the aggregate forecast for the provider sector had improved at the end of February, compared to the outlook two months earlier “Material number” of land sales will help boost aggregate position, along with technical accounting measures Trusts urged to “be a bankable investment” by delivering their ...

  • Snowy UK street

    'Little evidence' of winter funds reaching trusts, says regulator


    A national regulator has questioned whether funding earmarked to help NHS trusts cope with winter pressures was actually made available to them.

  • city of london

    City investor bids to buy Circle in £74m deal


    Investment firm offers to buy all Circle shares in deal the firm says values it at £74m Circle says new investor could provide capital investment it needs to “scale up” Circle posts accounts for 2016 that show business was loss making, but the loss had been reduced since 2015 ...

  • Woman using tablet computer

    Jobs cut as NHS quango will 'cease to exist'


    NHS Protect will “cease to exist” from July and be replaced by NHS Counter Fraud Authority Memo confirms support and training for local organisations will no longer be available New organisation will employ 140 staff, which is around 20 fewer than the number employed by NHS Protect in March ...

  • Stephen Eames
    HSJ Local

    Final Keogh review trust removed from special measures


    North Cumbria University Hospitals Trust to come out of the special measures The trust was one of 11 placed in the regime following Sir Bruce Keogh’s 2013 review into organisations with high mortality rates CQC rates the trust requires improvement The final trust from the first wave of ...

  • Theresa may

    Article 50: Theresa May warned to safeguard NHS workforce


    Coalition of health and social care organisations call for new post-Brexit immigration policy NHS Employers chief executive says government “must take all possible measures” to safeguard workforce supply Cavendish Coalition says policy should be based on workers’ “public service value” rather than salary A coalition of health and ...

  • white_Michael_serious

    40 years of wit and wisdom: Michael White retires from HSJ


    Four health secretaries and two NHS England chief executives have all paid tribute to HSJ’s political columnist Michael White, who has retired 40 years after filing his first article.

  • Images

    Our continuing STP story asks what good joint working really looks like


    The latest chapter in HSJ and NHS England’s series on the progress made by sustainability and transformation plans examines how Surrey Heartlands has drawn on strong existing working relationships

  • European Parliament

    Brexit: What does article 50 mean for the NHS?


    Theresa May is expected to write to EU leaders today to trigger article 50 of the Lisbon treaty – and begin the process of removing the UK from the European Union.

  • Team meeting multidisciplinary working

    Report: Force NHS boards to publish gender balance data


    NHS organisations should be forced to publish data on the gender balance of their boards and senior management teams, a new report backed by NHS Improvement has said.