Latest news – Page 485

  • Angela_Hillery

    Pioneering trust and GP tie-up to bid for new care model contract


    Northampton Healthcare FT creates new organisation with 3Sixty Care GP federation New partnership will bid and deliver contracts together and is “keen” to secure a local MCP contract once released The organisations have an “equal” share in the new company with three board directors each A Midlands trust ...

  • map of london

    New London devolution deal postponed


    A planned announcement on devolution in London, which was due tomorrow and expected to involve devolving health powers, has been halted less than a week after the “deal” was revealed in the budget.

  • EU flag

    New immigration charges could cost NHS millions


    Immigration and skills charge could cost NHS millions of pounds from April NHS England chief nurse Jane Cummings says EU staff must be supported Government has overturned protections for EU staff ahead of Brexit talks NHS England’s chief nurse has called on the NHS to support European nursing ...

  • dr wendy burn

    Exclusive: Warning over 'neglected' elderly mental health services


    New royal college president elect vows to address neglected mental health services for older people Wendy Burn takes over as president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in June The president elect of the Royal College of Psychiatrists has warned mental health services for older people are being ...

  • warning sign

    CQC risk monitoring 'wrong more than right', study warns


    Research finds the CQC’s risk monitoring could leave poor care undetected The CQC’s tool failed to identify more than half of inadequate trusts Analysis found the tool had an accuracy rate of 48 per cent The Care Quality Commission’s new system for identifying high risk NHS trusts could ...

  • Lawyer

    Virgin Care starts legal proceedings against NHS


    Virgin Care issues legal proceedings after losing £82m, three year contract to provide children’s services Virgin spokesman complains of “serious flaws in the procurement process” Commissioners say they they “have confidence in the process” A private provider has launched legal proceedings against eight NHS commissioners after losing a ...

  • Liverpool Merseyside waterfront
    HSJ Local

    Three-way merger to create largest CCG in England


    Three clinical commissioning groups in Merseyside have announced plans to merge, after NHS England “paved the way” for discussions to start.

  • Hopson chris 6th oct roundtable junior doctors contract040

    Councils must agree targets for rapid help to hospitals, say NHS Providers


    NHS Providers has urged councils and NHS leaders to agree targets for short term reductions in hospital bed days, after the announcement of £1.2bn extra in social care funding for 2017-18.

  • angel of the north
    HSJ Local

    Struggling CCG first to be taken out of special measures


    A struggling clinical commissioning group has become the first in the country to be taken out of financial special measures.

  • UK map

    18 week waits, January 2017: explore the maps


    NHS waiting lists around England, updated for January 2017

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Major trust appoints new medical director


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has announced Keith Girling as its new medical director to replace Stephen Fowlie, who is due to retire at the end of May.

  • virus__sick.jpg

    Analysis: Over 100 trusts report rise in E coli infections in a year


    106 trusts report increase in E coli rates, with more than 10 per cent increases at 60 PHE data casts doubt over feasibility of government target to halve infections by 2020 Across England the infection rate has increased by 6.7 per cent in 12 months and by 12.7 per ...

  • city of london
    HSJ Local

    CCG to pool majority of its budget with councils


    City and Hackney CCG to pool £335m of its budget with two local councils Two joint commissioning boards will oversee health and social care budgets for Hackney and the City of London A London clinical commissioning group is set to pool the majority of its budget with two ...

  • Paula Vasco-Knight

    Former trust chief guilty of fraud avoids jail


    A former hospital trust chief executive has been given a 16 month suspended jail term after she had pleaded guilty to fraudulently paying her husband more than £11,000.

  • Surgical scissors

    Exclusive: NHS England warns CCGs over ‘arbitrary rationing’


    NHS England says some CCGs are using “arbitrary” methods to “ration” hip and knee surgery and restricting treatment for smokers and obese people CCGs must report on whether they have implemented restrictions, and in future seek NHS England’s permission National RighCare team has also written to CCGs about hip ...

  • coins toppling

    Bailout delays force trusts to take out extra loans


    Further uncertainty over the timing of payments from £1.8bn sustainability and transformation fund This could leave more hospitals struggling to pay suppliers and relying on interest bearing loans from the Department of Health Trusts complain of “unnecessary extra cost and administrative burden” Dozens of NHS trusts face having ...

  • Workforce
    HSJ Local

    NHS trust replacing qualified nurses with nursing associates


    East and North Hertfordshire Trust to replace 21 nurse posts with nursing associates Royal College of Nursing warns the move is worrying and will short change patients Nursing associate role is being developed by Health Education England The Royal College of Nursing has criticised plans by an NHS ...

  • Dame_Julie_Moore

    Dame Julie Moore to take over STP


    Dame Julie Moore is to be confirmed as the new lead for the Birmingham and Solihull sustainability and transformation plan.

  • NHS walk in centre

    Trusts must hit A&E targets to secure STF money


    NHS Improvement and NHS England chief executives tell trusts performance element of STF funding will be dependent only on hitting A&E targets Simon Stevens and Jim Mackey set out measures to improve A&E performance in a letter to local leaders Trusts will still have to achieve financial control totals ...

  • board room

    Regulator objected as Newcastle FT considered Sir Leonard as chair


    Regulators objected to moves for Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals to consider appointing its long-serving chief executive as its chair, saying it had “very real concerns”, HSJ can reveal.