Latest news – Page 489

  • NHS sign

    Trusts and CCGs ordered to change logos by NHS England


    Trust managers have condemned NHS England for ordering them to change their logos on signs and websites.

  • Stevens Simon

    STPs will end the purchaser-provider split, says Stevens


    Some STPs will ”effectively end the purchaser-provider split for first time since 1990”, claims Simon Stevens NHS England chief claims STPs will be given governance “rights” over NHS organisations in their areas Vanguards seeing a slower rise in rate of emergency admissions according to Mr Stevens Several STP ...

  • Mackey jim nhs finances in troubled times june 2016051

    Exclusive: 100 NHS locums earning £20m


    Trusts will no longer be allowed to employ other trusts’ medics as locums through an agency, and register on the trust’s staff bank instead More than 100 locums earn more than £200k a year, Jim Mackey letter reveals £300m spent on locums above the cap set last year. Significant ...

  • Bruce_Keogh

    Exclusive: Sir Bruce Keogh warns trusts over surgery delay deaths


    Letter from Sir Bruce Keogh follows coroner warnings NHS England chief executive was warned over future deaths Medical director says neurosurgery patients should be admitted regardless of bed capacity NHS England medical director Sir Bruce Keogh has warned hospitals they must not refuse patients in need of emergency ...

  • intensive care medical machines

    NHS England urged to review bed capacity after surgery delay deaths


    Royal College of Surgeons recommends a review of critical care bed capacity It follows two patient deaths as a result of delays receiving surgery NHS England chief Simon Stevens was warned by coroners of future deaths risk The Royal College of Surgeons has called on NHS England to ...

  • Iss 0893 04777

    Hospital group pioneer says more trusts are seeking partnerships


    Collaboration gives “the advantages of scale that come with merger and acquisition without the downsides” Major teaching hospital wants to share its 1300 consultants “across a wider network of hospitals” District hospital retains its own board, own chief executive and full responsiblity for patient safety District general hospitals around the ...

  • Meg hillier mp

    Stevens and PM warned over 'bickering’ about funding


    NHS England and Number 10 told by public accounts committee to grow up and work together Repeated ‘crisis driven’ capital raids could have dire consequences, say MPs MPs warn current ’sticking-plaster approach is not sustainable’ Local NHS organisations could be being asked to deliver unrealistic plans, report says ...

  • accountable officer, Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group
    HSJ Local

    CCGs move to 'single management structure' across STP


    CCGs across STP patch to create single management structure CCGs will form joint committee in April as part of future integration plans Four clinical commissioning groups in the Black Country are set to move towards a “single management structure”, HSJ has learned.

  • HSJ Local

    Finance woes hold up biggest CCG merger in England


    CCG’s, set to merge next year, have delayed the appointment of a single accountable officer Birmingham and Solihull CCGs fail to agree combined financial plan Solihull CCG facing a deficit of £2.1m and QIPP savings target of £18m Progress towards a merger creating the biggest clinical commissioning group ...

  • Simon Stevens

    HSJ Live 27.02.17: Stevens quizzed by PAC on integration


    NHS England chief executive to give evidence to the Public Accounts Committee on the integration of health and social care.

  • 13 liverpool city
    HSJ Local

    Community service transfer may be scrapped


    NHS Improvement has said it could terminate the planned takeover of Liverpool’s community services by Bridgewater Community Healthcare Foundation Trust, and will consider if “a more beneficial transaction” could happen.

  • Grantham Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Hunt wades into A&E closure row


    Health secretary orders review of Lincolnshire trust’s decision to close hospital A&E overnight Independent reconfiguration panel will make initial assessment of whether full review is needed Trust says remains committed to fully reopening Grantham A&E ‘but only when safe to do so’ Jeremy Hunt has ordered a review ...

  • Kettering general hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust 'in real trouble' loses finance director


    Finance director leaves Kettering General Hospital FT during period of £13m deterioration against financial plan in three months Trust currently under CQC warning notice following inspectors identify ”sub-optimal care” Kettering has missed deadline to start reporting RTT data again after it was suspended in December 2015 Agency spend, A&E ...

  • HSJ Local

    Exclusive: NHS England 'told CCG to report £41m deficit as £5m'


    NHS England asked struggling CCG to under-report its deficit by more than £35m Northumberland CCG’s forecast deficit has grown from £5m to £41m A struggling clinical commissioning group at the heart of a pioneering new care model vanguard was asked by NHS England to under-report its ...

  • HM_Treasury

    Exclusive: Budget set to extend CQC role to oversee care funding


    Care quality regulator to inspect local authority commissioning of social care New role for regulator will come alongside boost in social care funding Treasury wants reassurance money will deliver for social care and NHS The Care Quality Commission’s role is due to be extended to regulating local councils’ ...

  • Beds

    NHS bed occupancy hits record high


    Latest NHS bed occupancy rates are highest ever recorded for a third quarter since data collections began in 2010 HSJ analysis reveals hospital trusts with highest occupancy Six acute trusts had general and acute bed occupancy rates over 99 per cent The latest NHS bed occupancy figures are ...

  • efficiency clampdown cover pic

    'Woefully short' NHS will miss forward view targets, report warns


    New research raises fundamental questions about progress on productivity goals required by Five Year Forward View Kingsley Manning says “productivity is not a priority” at STP or trust level No STPs provide analysis of workforce productivity, report finds Lord Carter says progress is being made but “urgent” action is ...

  • clipboard_meeting_notes_writing

    Private hospital rated inadequate by CQC


    BMI Healthcare hospital in Kent receives damning CQC report Surgery patients at “high risk” of harm or abuse Inspectors witnessed wrong patient being taken for surgery Leadership and governance concerns also highlighted A privately owned hospital has been rated inadequate by the Care Quality Commission after regulators found ...

  • Cambridge
    HSJ Local

    CCG rows back on service closures following local backlash


    Cambridgeshire minor injuries units reprieved following public outcry New model to be piloted in spring involves expanding units to take pressure off A&Es Move comes despite leaked CCG paper last year saying closures represented “only realistic option” Three Cambridgeshire minor injuries units threatened with closure could be reprieved ...

  • Rob_Whiteman

    NHS officials 'treated like idiots' by councils in STP process


    Councils engaged in efforts to integrate health and social care should stop competing for resources with the NHS and believing increased funding for the health service is “theft”, the chief executive of the Chartered Institute for Public Finance and Accountancy has said.