Latest news – Page 491

  • Croydon Health Services NHS Trust

    Trusts taken out of financial special measures


    Two acute trusts have been lifted out of financial special measures, as NHS Improvement considers whether to put another 12 organisations in the regime.

  • Jeremy Hunt
    HSJ Local

    CCG to be reported to Hunt over £8.5m care fund withdrawal


    Councillors to consider asking health secretary Jeremy Hunt to intervene 

  • coins toppling
    HSJ Local

    Teaching trust loses half its sustainability funding as deficit rises


    Major teaching trust’s deficit forecast deepens to £27m News follows University Hospitals of Leicester enforcing 12 day elective work restriction to cope with A&E demand A major teaching trust has been forced to revise its year-end forecast from a £20m to £27m deficit, after failing to hit its ...

  • Great Ormond Street

    Top trust chooses Epic for £50m patient records contract


    Epic electronic patient records system aims to go live by 2019 New data platform will create a bank of secure, de-identified data, which can be used in real time IT system will “transform the way in which we manage our research projects” trust says One of the most ...

  • Alastair McLellan

    Act now to give CCGs a good death


    Clinical commissioning groups’ demise must be handled carefully and their achievements preserved

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Regulator to be investigated over handling of care scandal


    Jeremy Hunt has today ordered an investigation into the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s handling of the Morecambe Bay care scandal.

  • Manchester tram
    HSJ Local

    Landmark merger creates largest CCG in the north


    Merger of North, South and Central Manchester CCGs approved by NHS England Ian Williamson confirmed as accountable officer New CCG will have a programme allocation of £785m in 2017-18 Detailed work to be carried out on the how many roles could be cut The merger and senior leadership ...

  • Traffic lights

    Exclusive: Trust chiefs must sign off CCG mental health spending


    Mental health trust leaders must sign off their commissioners’ spending plans, NHS England says Letter to chief executives stresses national and political focus on mental health Mental health trust leaders must sign off their commissioners’ spending for the sector under radical new plans to make sure cash is ...

  • Southend pier
    HSJ Local

    Success regime will not solve region's problems, warn senior medics


    Essex success regime proposals will not address workforce or sustainability problems, warn senior medics East of England Clinical Senate said a “bolder” plan and extended timescale is needed Success regime said it was “delighted” the senate agreed with its “direction of travel” Plans for a major acute reorganisation ...

  • Head xrays

    Mortality spike linked to care cuts


    A sharp rise in deaths last year was likely to have been caused by failures in health and social care linked to funding cuts, a study has concluded.

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    'Lives at risk' unless ambulance trust cuts waiting times


    East of England Ambulance Service “does not have capacity” to meet response time targets, chief executive admits Coroner warns of patients waiting up to four hours for a vehicle response Inquest heard Brian Mills waited more than two hours for emergency responder The chief executive of East of ...

  • St George’s Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Former council chief to chair special measures trust


    Gillian Norton named as St George’s chair after being non-executive director since June 2016 Ms Norton has been a council chief executive and led on health issues for the South London Partnership Twenty candidates applied for the role A new chair has been appointed at St George’s University ...

  • meeting
    HSJ Local

    Trust gets cash for staff standing up in long meetings


    Bedford Hospital Trust “requires” people to stand once a meeting runs over 60 minutes Step is to comply with indicators in staff health CQUIN worth £900,000 to the trust NHS England regional team says it “does not set out” activities trusts must do to receive the funding A ...

  • heart attack
    HSJ Local

    Concerns over future of pioneering heart failure unit


    First of its kind heart failure unit opened in 2015 Waits of up to five days for admission to unit due to limited capacity Trust spokesman says “we need to ensure the service is sustainable” “Significant” concerns have been raised over the sustainability of a pioneering heart failure ...

  • morecambe bay lancashire
    HSJ Local

    Eight CCGs could be 'taken over' under council proposals


    PwC report proposes “integrated commissioning authority” to hold a single budget in Lancashire Also suggests social care and public health provision should transfer to NHS trusts, creating five integrated care providers described as “wellbeing corporations” Senior NHS sources in the region told HSJ it appears to set out a ...

  • Sir_David_Dalton
    HSJ Local

    'Inadequate' trust secures £40m support package


    Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust was rated inadequate last year and has severe problems in its maternity services Sir David Dalton said the additional funding would be “enough in the short term to get us on the right trajectory” There have been calls for the Department of Health to provide ...

  • Tim Briggs

    Exclusive: Huge expansion of scheme to cut NHS variation


    Getting It Right First Time programme to reduce unwarranted variation in the NHS grows New specialities include acute and emergency medicine, cardiology, intensive care and mental health Clinical leads announced for 12 specialities currently in progress The Getting It Right First Time programme, designed to reduce unwarranted variation ...

  • Workforce

    Doctors could be allowed to opt out of new consultant contract


    Contract proposal would allow consultants to opt out of new contract Idea would avoid the need for a ballot on the contract NHS Employers says it is “unwise” to prejudge outcomes of negotiations A new consultant contract for hospital doctors in England could be made optional for both ...

  • shredded paper

    Exclusive: Trust sector deficit worsens by £280m


    HSJ research suggests trusts’ finances have deteriorated by nearly £300m since quarter two The numbers suggest a year-end provider sector deficit around £970m NHS Improvement has been discussing revisions with a number of trusts and will report a lower official number next week Jim Mackey concedes the £580m maximum ...

  • Bristol
    HSJ Local

    'Special measures' CCG group hires STP lead as joint chief officer


    Single chief officer hired across three CCGs Follows instructions from NHS England, with two of the CCGs in financial special measures MP questions move to joint chief officer Three clinical commissioning groups – two of which are in financial special measures – have recruited a joint chief officer ...