Latest news – Page 502

  • East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Trust recommended to exit special measures


    CQC recommended East Kent Hospitals University FT leaves special measures Inspectors say significant improvements made in maternity and emergency care NHS Improvement defers decision till 2017 while it reviews trust’s finances England’s chief inspector of hospitals has recommended that East Kent Hospitals University Foundation Trust should exit special ...

  • map of london
    HSJ Local

    Joint chief appointed to run five CCGs


    A collective of clinical commissioning groups in south London has appointed Sarah Blow as their new accountable officer.

  • court

    NHS England to press ahead with court appeal


    NHS England has agreed to commission sodium oxybate routinely for children with narcolepsy NHS England will continue with Court of Appeal bid over judicial review decision to prescribe the same drug to a child High Court said the national body’s decision was “thoroughly bad” and ordered to commission 17 ...

  • David Behan

    CQC plans 'far fewer comprehensive inspections'


    CQC to cut the number of comprehensive inspections it undertakes in the future to improve efficiency CQC will ask providers to “set out their view” of their own services to help inform discussion on where best to inspect From April 2017 providers to face an annual assessment of leadership ...

  • prison
    HSJ Local

    NHS manager guilty of £153,600 fraud avoids jail


    Lisa Hill and Ian Watson admitted defrauding the NHS of £153,600 Judge suspended two year jail term for two years Money was used to train GPs in mental health care A senior clinical commissioning group manager and clinical lead on its board have avoided being immediately jailed after ...

  • Statue of justice

    Exclusive: Trust prosecuted after 'high profile' patient death


    A trust is being prosecuted by the Health and Safety Executive over the death of a mentally ill patient, who fell to his death on hospital premises.

  • Barts Health NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust plans £60m extra savings by April


    Barts Health Trust plans to use £33m of non-recurrent savings to meet its financial target in 2016-17, including balance sheet adjustments and cuts to planned consultancy work.

  • Birmingham Heartlands Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust set to miss financial target due to CCG fines


    A large acute foundation trust has said it is likely to miss its control total by £10m because of fines imposed by commissioners for emergency readmissions and the resulting loss of central funding.

  • Payslip

    Payments to fix junior contract quirk may cost trusts thousands


    Junior doctor contract pay protection system has led to varying levels of pay among doctors doing the same job NHS Employers says equitable pay will emerge over time but no doctor is losing out Imperial College Healthcare Trust has paid 16 doctors a total of £12,500 to remedy pay ...

  • Kettering general hospital

    Hospital, CCG and GP consolidation mooted by STP


    Northamptonshire STP says there is potential to move to a “single commissioning organisation” across regional boundaries “Fundamental review” of estates proposed as part of aim to create “single model” of acute care STP aiming for £116m of savings from decommissioning services, CIP and QIPP schemes Service redesign under ...

  • scissors budget cuts
    HSJ Local

    Commissioners may make 'controversial' cuts to break even


    Herts Valleys CCG reported £6.1m deficit at the end of August and is now considering decommissioning or cutting services to break even Care packages, IVF and OTC prescriptions all under review CCG failing on QIPP scheme and 40 per cent behind schedule by the end of August Herts ...

  • A&E

    Hospitals to be rated on new A&E 'scorecard'


    New metric part of measures to “broaden oversight of A&E” and drive “greater focus” on sickest patients Four hour standard will remain “headline” target but new metric will include clinical and patient experience data Current reporting of A&E data is “very inconsistent”, says NHS Improvement Hospitals will be ...

  • Treasure chest

    Bonus pot for trusts that hit financial targets confirmed


    Bonus payments will come partly from funds allocated to providers that are not able to meet their financial targets Payments would total more than £300m if official forecasts are correct Concerns that the scheme could exacerbate problems for struggling trusts NHS trusts that are able to meet or ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt: Trusts face poor CQC rating for ignoring families


    Health secretary warns trusts risk a poor CQC rating if families are not involved in investigations Jeremy Hunt says avoidable deaths is a “global healthcare” problem beyond the NHS No trust will be penalised for reporting an increase in avoidable deaths Jeremy Hunt has warned hospital trusts that ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Regulators will not merge before 2020, says Hunt


    Health service regulators will not be merged or restructured before the end of the current parliament in 2020, Jeremy Hunt has told HSJ.

  • Houses of Parliament

    Health secretary 'committed' to new patient safety laws


    Jeremy Hunt says he is committed to legislation for new patient safety reforms Mr Hunt said Number 10 knew legislating for safe space was a priority for him Government consultation on safe space protection closed last week Health secretary Jeremy Hunt is lobbying the prime minister for legislation ...

  • hospital operation

    Exclusive: Hospitals told to stop 'most' operations over Christmas


    NHS Improvement letter tells trusts to “cease most inpatient elective activity” Move could involve rescheduling planned care “beyond any current plans” Trusts asked to cut bed occupancy from 95 per cent to 85 per cent for the next month Hospitals should focus on emergency activity over Christmas period ...

  • money_box_finance

    Exclusive: £3bn to be raided from NHS investment funds


    Presentation suggests £1bn will be transferred from capital budgets in 2017-18, on top of £1.2bn this year Further raids of £500m and £250m could be made in 2018-19 and 2019-20 respectively DH has been heavily criticised for repeatedly using capital funds to achieve financial balance More than £3bn ...

  • Cambridge
    HSJ Local

    CCG may be ordered to break into reserves as finances deteriorate


    Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG control total revised from £3m to £17.4m deficit CCG will “probably” be ordered to raid reserves by NHS England to improve position at end of 2016-17 CCG says it faces “most significant” financial challenge since its inception The financial position of one of the ...

  • Sam Allen
    HSJ Local

    Deputy steps up to trust chief executive role


    Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust has appointed Sam Allen as its new chief executive.