Latest news – Page 506

  • Speech bubbles
    HSJ Local

    Financially troubled CCG 'distracted' by service reform, review finds


    The “desire” to report positively to NHS England and “too much focus on service redesign” contributed to mismanagement at a London clinical commissioning group, a report into its governance has found.

  • News

    Frimley STP proposes radical upgrade of primary care


    Fourteen GP hubs to be phased in by 2018 Model expected to save more than £65m by 2020-21 STP stops short of recommending PACS model be adopted across the patch The Frimley Health sustainability and transformation plan has set out plans to establish a new model of large-scale ...

  • board
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Council chief takes over CCG as vanguard area moves to ACO


    Northumberland County Council chief executive to become accountable officer of Northumberland CCG HSJ understands Stephen Mason takes over at the CCG from chief clinical officer Alistair Blair from 1 December Mr Blair is expected to take up the role of independent chair of the accountable care organisation’s board ...

  • Manchester central new website

    Exclusive: STPs chosen to lead major £350m back office savings drive


    Greater Manchester, Kent, Essex and north west London to be back office merger “pathfinders” Their models will be used as blueprints for other STPs NHS Improvement says back office bill can be cut by £350m over next four years Four sustainability and transformation plan areas will spearhead system ...

  • Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Former directors will not be pursued over unauthorised payments


    Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals Trust made three sets of additional payments to non-executives that were not approved by health secretary Two NEDs refused to repay the money and will not be pursued by the trust NHS Improvement accepts concerns over “continuity of oversight” Two former non-executive ...

  • Royal Bournemouth Hospital
    HSJ Local

    First consultation begins on STP proposals


    First formal consultation begins on proposals put forward in an STP Plans in Dorset follow a long running clinical services review Proposals include substantial changes to acute and community services The first formal consultation has begun on major service changes proposals put forward in a sustainability and transformation ...

  • Woman_GP_with_child

    CCGs could be 'forced into wrong decisions' by spending deadline


    Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG says award of funding is “over shadowed” by challenging timeframe According to the CCG, the 2016-17 allocation of the ETTF must be spent before the end of this financial year. Some CCGs are unable to fund increased rental costs of premises developments, says BMA official ...

  • Bristol one use
    HSJ Local

    Major children's services contract awarded to independent-led partnership


    Partnership of non-profit and NHS organisations awarded £34.6m a year children and young people’s community services contract in Bristol and south Gloucestershire Led by Sirona Care and Health and includes Bristol Community Health CIC, Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust and University Hospitals Bristol FT Contract to provide ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Updated: DH refuses to release key funding details of Hunt’s NHS management scheme


    Jeremy Hunt promises to double amount of NHS graduate scheme places from 100 to 200, then rising to “up to 1,000” Leader: Hunt’s demand for more clinical managers is based on a false premise The Department of Health and Health Education England have refused to say how much ...

  • Stockport
    HSJ Local

    Vanguard area plans to create new 'care trust'


    Stockport Foundation Trust and Stockport borough council to create a new accountable care trust New organisation would hold the contract for the area’s MCP plus other health and social care services Primary care contracts would not be included in the scope of “care trust” model Council and trust set ...

  • share data
    HSJ Local

    High profile NHS 'cyber attack' may have 'come from USB stick'


    “Cyber attack” virus may have come from a USB stick rather than an intentional outside attack “Zero day” viruses are difficult to protect against and “pose the same problem through industry” A high profile “cyber attack” on a foundation trust appears to have been the consequence of poor ...

  • York Hospital

    Regional leaders plan hospital contract shake-up


    Regional health leaders are drawing up plans to abandon payment by results based on national tariffs and move to a cost and risk based contract for acute providers, along with an STP-level control total.

  • handshake

    Patient body appoints new national director


    Healthwatch England, the national health and care “consumer champion”, has appointed Imelda Redmond as its new national director.

  • HSJ Local

    Cheshire backtracks on potential A&E downgrade


    Regional NHS leaders have given assurances that Macclesfield General Hospital will retain its accident and emergency department – a fortnight after saying it could be downgraded.

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    Cut medical locum rates or close services, Stevens tells trusts


    Trust leaders have been told to close services that cannot be run without paying locum doctors a rate worth more than £150,000 a year.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt: Introducing NHS general management may have been a 'mistake'


    Jeremy Hunt launches bid to increase NHS managers with clinical backgrounds Mr Hunt rejects idea that non-clinical managers were needed to take control of hospitals Government will look to reverse changes to medical training made after introduction of the European working time directive Introducing a general “manager class” ...

  • waiting_room_time.jpg

    Exclusive: Hospital trust eyes takeover of more GP practices


    A vanguard acute trust is holding talks with seven GP practices with a view to fully integrating them into its primary care provider arm by the end of 2016-17, HSJ has learned.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    NHS leaders 'misjudged' call for more funding, says Hunt


    NHS Providers chief said yesterday trusts “simply cannot deliver all that they are being asked to deliver on the funding available” Jeremy Hunt says calls for more money were a “misjudgement”, coming “less than a year” after a “good settlement” Health secretary suggests the calls could erode confidence in ...

  • Richmond House

    Department of Health offers £220k salary for new commercial chief


    Department seeks pharma heavyweight to lead on commercial strategy Post holder will lead renegotiation of the pharmaceutical pricing regulatory scheme Salary would make post holder one of the department’s highest earners The Department of Health is recruiting for a new chief commercial officer, with a £220,000 basic salary ...

  • Nurse

    Health secretary says STPs unlikely to reduce nurse numbers


    Jeremy Hunt says he would be surprised if STP areas are able to reduce nurse numbers Health secretary says lesson of Mid Staffordshire scandal was wards need to be properly staffed New roles should assist qualified nurses and not serve as substitutes, he says Jeremy Hunt has told ...