Latest news – Page 509

  • Keyboard

    Trusts 'downplaying security breaches'


    Data guardians and teams “scoring down incidents” to suggest security is better than it is New toolkit in development will help trusts “meet the highest possible levels of data security” ICO says it needs to address “current concerns around robustness, reliability and inconsistency” NHS Digital will relaunch a ...

  • acute service redesign

    Last chance to enter HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards


    The deadline to enter the HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards has been extended to Wednesday 23 November.

  • Red pencil marking ticks in boxes

    CQC: Fraction of inspection ratings challenged


    Only 69 providers challenged final ratings awarded by the CQC from 10,840 inspections Three hospital trusts received changes in service ratings after review, but none had overall rating altered 51 primary medical services inspections were challenged, but only five have had ratings changed Only a fraction of hospitals ...

  • Theresa May

    Statistics authority intervenes over government NHS spending claims


    UK Statistics Authority will ask officials to “ensure clarity” when reporting on increases to NHS spending Complaints centred around the government’s claims that it is increasing spending by £10bn by 2021 Chancellor Philip Hammond defended use of the £10bn figure last week The UK Statistics Authority will ask ...

  • Office writing on form

    Providers and CCGs consider merging back-office


    STP looking at options to integrate non-clinical support services across providers and commissioners Potential for sustainability and transformation funding to be used to buy out private finance initiative Wolverhampton CCG to set up an MCP alongside existing PACS model Modality MCP to be established from April 2018 The ...

  • European Parliament

    Exclusive: CCGs may bypass EU tendering rules


    Clinical commissioning groups look set to take a contrasting approach to NHS England over new tendering rules – due to the potential administrative burden and a “ridiculous timescale” that would need to be met.

  • homa_peter
    HSJ Local

    Major acute trust admits 'insufficient' efforts to hit financial target


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust chief executive says trust is £18m adrift of 2016-17 plan The trust must find £43m of savings this financial year assuming it receives £24m of STF support Chief executive says the trust faces regulatory intervention if it fails to take action One of the ...

  • Hospital

    Trusts heading for £670m end of year deficit, says regulator


    Official mid-year performance figures suggest the NHS provider sector is forecast to end the year with a combined deficit of £669m, which would be £89m worse than planned.

  • Agency nurse3

    Agency spending higher than planned despite caps


    NHS Improvement quarter two report says agency spend 16 per cent higher than planned Provider sector predicting £900m savings compared to last year as a result of agency caps NHSI names best and worst performers on agency spending Trusts’ spending on agency staff is 16 per cent higher ...

  • The Christie
    HSJ Local

    Trust awarded outstanding rating by CQC


    A nationally renowned specialist trust has been rated outstanding following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission.

  • Suzanne tracey
    HSJ Local

    Deputy given trust chief role after original choice quit


    Suzanne Tracey announced as chief executive of Royal Devon and Exeter Foundation Trust with immediate effect News follows decision of previous appointee Julie Hartley-Jones not to take up the post Ms Tracey previously worked as trust’s chief financial officer, deputy chief executive and interim chief executive The Royal ...

  • fetal ultrasound pregnancy monitoring

    Exclusive: CCGs warn over 'insufficient' funding for fetal medicine


    London CCGs warn funding for fetal medicine services is “insufficient” Five groups say current arrangements could “impact on equitable provision” Comments follow HSJ investigation that revealed babies were “dying unnecessarily” due to flawed funding system Clinical commissioning groups in London have said funding for fetal medicine services is ...

  • clipboard_meeting_notes_writing

    Regulator to cut 400 posts


    CQC to cut 400 posts by 2019-20 after cumulative budget cuts of £32m by 2020 Inspection resources to be targeted on providers where “risk is greatest” Regulator is relying on new technology to be able to accurately track risk The Care Quality Commission is to cut 400 full-time ...

  • nurse

    Leak reveals plan for MCP rollout across south coast


    Primary care in central Sussex and east Surrey to be organised into 20 hubs £296.4m of savings predicted from moving elective care into the community Partner organisations hope “credible vision” will win vanguard funding Health leaders in central Sussex and east Surrey have an “ambitious programme” ...

  • Syringe

    HEE rows back on nursing associates giving patients drugs unsupervised


    Nursing associates will be trained to administer drugs “within the confines of local employer policies”, it has been confirmed as the final version of the curriculum for those in the new role was published yesterday – a change from a leaked version of the document that was heavily criticised.

  • tyne_river
    HSJ Local

    Commissioners to take over leading CSU


    Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and North Durham STP sets out the proposal to convert commissioning support unit into a community interest company After the transition the North of England Commissioning Support Unit will be jointly owned by its CCG customers The CCG owners will be the 11 commissioning groups ...

  • Whistle

    GP whistleblower guardian deadline extended


    Primary care providers will have until September next year to name their “freedom to speak up” guardians, NHS England has said.

  • News

    Exclusive: Tighter bailout controls to deal with NHS 'cashflow crisis' revealed


    Requests for short-term revenue support will be subject to “increased challenge and scrutiny” Trusts’ reliance on bailout support has grown in recent years as expenditure has increased faster than income Providers seeking support will need to detail if “suppliers are threatening to put trust’s account on stop” NHS ...

  • surgery

    Analysis: Half of hospital trusts miss reduced waiting targets


    Trusts missing largely lower “reset” targets for elective treatment times Performance means organisations could miss out on sustainability and transformation funding Total waiting list approaches 4 million More than half of England’s hospital trusts have missed their elective waiting time targets set by NHS Improvement.

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Major incident as patients wait in ambulances for up to two hours


    University Hospitals of Leicester Trust has declared an internal major incident after patients were left waiting in ambulances for up to two hours during five days of high pressure on emergency services.