Latest news – Page 513

  • mental health parity

    Revealed: The CCGs cutting mental health budgets


    New data shows more than a fifth of commissioners are not raising mental health funding as much as directed by NHS leaders 46 of the 209 CCGs have failed to achieve the “parity of esteem” mental health budget increase Eight CCGs have cut planned mental health spending over the ...

  • Sir Mike Richards

    Exclusive: Quality and financial regulation could be joined, says Mike Richards


    Professor Sir Mike Richards says in future there might not be separate regulation of quality and finance Chief inspector of hospitals says rating trusts for use of resources is the “most challenging” issue for the CQC in the year ahead NHS Improvement director Kathy McLean says struggling trusts will ...

  • Jigsaw puzzle

    NHS England sets new rules for CCG mergers


    Clinical commissioning group mergers must create footprints that help deliver sustainability and transformation plans, and which are “future proofed” for the emergence of accountable care providers, under new NHS England guidance.

  • Ealing Hospital NHS Trust

    Exclusive: STP to press on with controversial London hospital changes


    Late draft of North West London STP backs pressing on with reduction in acute sites Submission details £623m backlog in maintenance costs Proportion of spend on mental health will remain the same A late draft of North West London’s sustainability and transformation plan, seen by HSJ, says the ...

  • Workforce
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Trusts to create regional shared staff bank


    Three trusts in the Midlands are working on plans to create a shared staff bank, HSJ can reveal.

  • Bank balance

    STP needs £755m of capital funding to succeed, says leaked document


    HSJ has obtained a version of Cheshire and Mersey STP submission to NHS England The document highlights strategic risks involved in the plans around a lack of contingency funding and management capacity £755m of capital funding required to deliver the plans More than £750m of capital funding is ...

  • Ian Cumming

    Not HEE's role to fill junior doctor rota gaps, says chief executive


    Ian Cumming says Health Education England is responsible for supplying future consultant workforce The drive to provide 24/7 care has created gaps in rotas that should be filled by non-training staff NHS trusts and universities will need to fund expansion of nurse training posts in 2018 Providing enough ...

  • Stethoscope
  • Brighton
    HSJ Local

    Leadership shake-up at 'inadequate' CCG


    Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group has appointed a new chair and new chief accountable officer.

  • Jackie_Daniel
    HSJ Local

    New investigation helps scandal hit trust to learn lessons


    New investigation reveals failures in care after Joshua Titcombe’s death eight years ago Trust facilitated “emotional” but “healing” meeting between father and midwife Process could be adopted by other trusts dealing with cases of poor care A full investigation into the death of a baby that led to ...

  • Keyboard

    Hacked trust faces criticism over handling of worst cyber attack on NHS


    Northern Lincolnshire criticised for not using NHS Digital’s cyber security expert team Central team yet to arrive on site as trust opts for private firm to support them manage virus News follows significant concerns being raised that virus could spread The hospital trust at the centre of the ...

  • Social care minister David Mowat

    Minister insists STPs will 'not go ahead' without council approval


    Social care minister David Mowat has said sustainability and transformation plans would not be signed off by government if they fail to address council’s social care needs.

  • Bedford hospital

    Midlands STP plans 'unified leadership' for three hospitals


    Bedford, Milton Keynes and Luton and Dunstable hospitals will have “unified leadership, management and operations” under a “joint governing vehicle” A&E configuration decision in next two months Accountable care system planned The STP for Luton, Bedford and Milton Keynes reveals plans for “unified leadership, management and operations across ...

  • Wye Valley NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    'Hospital chain' trust leaves special measures


    Wye Valley recommended to leave special measures Trust rated requires improvement overall, with end of life care and critical care singled out for praise Trust told to improve performance against key waiting time targets A small acute trust with longstanding financial and performance problems is to come out ...

  • board room
    HSJ Local

    Regulator imposes new chair at Southern Health


    Alan Yates appointed as interim chair at Southern Health following Tim Smart’s resignation NHS Improvement “required” the troubled trust to appoint Mr Yates to the position Mr Yates will lead a review of the trust’s services The new interim chair appointed by regulators at Southern Health Foundation Trust ...

  • Macclesfield district general hospital

    Leaked STP document reveals A&E downgrade plans


    HSJ has seen a version of the region’s STP submission to NHS England Range of projects aim to close a financial gap of around £900m by 2021. Submission refers to the downgrade of the emergency department at Macclesfield and a “major service review” at Southport and Ormskirk Hospital Trust ...

  • Town hall sign

    Seven councils reject STP submissions


    Hammersmith and Fulham, and Ealing councils reject north west London STP Both local authorities say they oppose the downgrade of Charing Cross Hospital assumed in the plan Leaders of the five west Yorkshire councils say they have not been given proper scrutiny of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate plan ...

  • pills
    HSJ Local

    Neglect by trust contributed to patient death, report finds


    Neglect by mental health trust contributed to death of patient while she was waiting for admission to inpatient bed Coroner said she was “unlikely” to have died had she been admitted Healthcare assistant was allowed to administer controlled drug unsupervised Chief executive and coroner highlight national issue of lack ...

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Royal college drops threat of legal action against trust


    Royal College of Midwives has agreed not to take any action against University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay RCM had criticised the trust for revealing details of unusual exit deal for senior midwife Statement says revealing the deal was a “unique situation” and union and employer responsibilities “do not always ...

  • Homerton University Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust's patient death investigations highlight communication failings


    An east London trust has discovered cases of inadequate handovers and ineffective communication between wards during its investigations into two patient deaths.