Latest news – Page 514

  • Mouse_computer_work
    HSJ Local

    Second trust to take on Epic as electronic patient record supplier


    University College Hospitals London Foundation Trust is set to be the second trust to pick Epic as its electronic patient record supplier.

  • Calculator

    Exclusive: Chair kept bankruptcy secret from trust


    Trust chair failed to tell colleagues and NHS Improvement he had been made bankrupt Museji Takolia left Wye Valley nearly three months after bankruptcy declared Departure not announced by trust or NHS Improvement Mr Takolia on “special leave” from role as chair of the Pensions Advisory Service An ...

  • Man using computer

    Exclusive: Computer attack could hit more hospitals, officials warn


    Trusts around the country are warned over spread, after most disruptive cyber attack on an NHS trust NHS Digital warns trusts of “potential threat to your organisation” Senior source warns trusts are at risk of “going down with same virus” National officials have issued a warning to ...

  • UK map

    Mapped: The NHS trusts merging, forming chains or building alliances


    Our map shows the spread of current and proposed major collaborations between whole acute trusts across England, including mergers, acquisitions, shared leadership and chains. 

  • Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

    One in three acute trusts set to merge, join chains or form alliances


    Around a third of acute and specialist trusts are involved in potential mergers/acquisitions, hospital chains, or other major collaborations, HSJ analysis has found.

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Trusts cancel merger plan, blaming 'operational challenges'


    Plan for both trusts to merge has been cancelled They will continue to operate as stand alone organisations Operational challenges cited as a key reason Nottingham University Hospitals Trust will no longer pursue a merger with Sherwood Forest Hospitals Foundation Trust, the trusts have announced.

  • Lord Carter2

    Major deal brings 'Amazon style' procurement to nearly 100 trusts


    New procurement platform could be a major step towards creating a single procurement catalogue across the NHS Exclusive partnership deal struck between NHS Shared Business Services, which serves 87 NHS trusts, and retail technology firm Virtualstock System already implemented by Guy’s and St Thomas’ FT, which was highlighted in ...

  • Stevens Simon

    NHS England sets out new tariff plans


    Devices and apps in six categories included in new effort to accelerate access to innovative treatments Products will be included in a new “innovation and technology tariff” from April NHS England says process will cut red tape and bring innovative products into the health system faster Move welcomed by ...

  • Man with clipbaord making notes

    Exclusive: CQC warned NHS Improvement over new trust rating system


    CQC’s consultation response to NHS Improvement single oversight framework said the regulators’ rating systems do not “align” NHSI’s financial metrics would not be “suitable” for CQC to use despite plans to work together to on financial measurements CQC also criticised the “narrow view” taken on how well led a ...

  • ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Company 'disappointed' to give up patient transport contract after seven months


    Coperforma, the company which is handing back its Sussex patient transport contract, has said it is “disappointed” but has not commented on a critical inspection report.

  • cyber security
    HSJ Local

    First successful major cyber attack on NHS causes widespread cancellation of operations


    Northern Lincolnshire and Goole FT confirms it has been hit by a cyber attack The attack is believed to be the first to have caused major service disruption Trust cancels routine operations, outpatient appointments and diagnostics for third day Trust confirms attack just hours after the chancellor announced £1.9bn ...

  • Gp practice online booking reception receptionist

    Revealed: Only 4 per cent of GP appointments booked online


    Digital uptake low despite NHS England efforts to drive online bookings NHS England said last year 97 per cent of GP practices have online booking systems Senior source tells HSJ “we need to stop kidding ourselves” about digital uptake NHS England says progress being made is “encouraging” HSJ ...

  • Handshake
    HSJ Local

    Foundation trusts reveal merger plan


    Two Derbyshire foundation trusts will seek to merge into single organisation Derbyshire Community Health Services will acquire Derbyshire Healthcare Change follows CQC criticism of Derbyshire Healthcare’s governance Two foundation trusts in the East Midlands have announced plans to merge and create a single organisation.

  • St George’s Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Major teaching trust placed in special measures


    St George’s University Hospitals Foundation Trust rated inadequate Inspectors find several buildings not fit for purpose Chair blames “very poor board and senior management decisions in the past” for many of the problems Discussions have taken place over “informal buddy relationship” to support the trust St George’s University ...

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Updated: Patient transport firm to relinquish contract after CQC concerns


    An independent patient transport provider is to hand back a £63m contract to the NHS, as it was revealed the Care Quality Commission has served six improvement notices on it.

  • Patricia wright
    HSJ Local

    New chief executive for community trust


    Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare Trust has appointed a new chief executive.

  • James Cook University hospital
    HSJ Local

    Latest STP published reveals hospital reconfiguration


    Council in the North East become fourth to publish STP Key plans include consolidating specialist services into two specialist hospitals Sets out £260m of efficiency savings Hartlepool Borough Council leader raises concerns about transparency of the process Consolidating specialist hospital services on to two sites and creating a ...

  • Data
    HSJ Local

    Updated: Computer virus forces trust to cancel operations for two days


    Struggling trust cancels appointments for two days following computer virus Northern Lincolnshire and Goole FT said it will turn away people arriving for planned operations, outpatient appointments and diagnostic procedures A&E open as normal but trust tells people to only come if it is an emergency A computer ...

  • basildon tower
    HSJ Local

    Trust declares first A&E 'critical incident' in several years


    Basildon takes ’very unusual step’ due to lack of beds for new admissions Trust forced to ’cancel significant amounts’ of elective work Move follows similar action taken at nearby Southend just weeks earlier Basildon hospital was forced to call its first internal critical incident in “years” and cancel ...

  • Injection

    Leak reveals nurse associates will be allowed to give patients drugs unsupervised


    Leaked document reveals plan for nursing associates to calculate and administer controlled drugs Internal HEE curriculum framework leaked ahead of Department of Health decision on regulation Expansion of role to include administering drugs is a “recipe for confusion”, says professor of nursing policy EXCLUSIVE: Nursing associates will be ...