Latest news – Page 515

  • Glen Burley
    HSJ Local

    Trusts make first moves towards hospital chain


    South Warwickshire directors and chair to be appointed to Wye Valley Trust Hospital chain under development, to be led by South Warwickshire. Trusts will retain separate boards initially No plans to consolidate clinical services Three board members from South Warwickshire Foundation Trust are being appointed to run Wye ...

  • News

    Exclusive: New capital funding regime for STPs


    NHS England considers allowing local areas to keep cash from land sales National leaders examining how much investment STPs require Simon Stevens says some STPs are “directional rather than the final word” NHS organisations that sell surplus land may be able to retain the capital receipts generated to ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Exclusive: Simon Stevens hits back at 'NHS first' criticism


    NHS England chief executive hits back at criticism of the STP process STPs were never designed to answer national questions on social care funding, says Simon Stevens Mr Stevens tells Birmingham council chief that STPs are able decide for themselves what share of funding social care receives NHS ...

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    'No evidence of harm' from delayed ambulance response policy


    South East Coast Ambulance extended response times for some “red two” calls in winter 2014-15 Latest review found no evidence of patient harm as a result of the policy Review was affected by poor data and plans to interview patients were dropped A review into an ambulance trust’s ...

  • Financial spreadsheets
    HSJ Local

    New plan for troubled trust assumes £37m financial improvement


    Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust plans to deliver £37m of financial improvements by March Most of the improvements to be delivered through additional revenue Regulators said trust’s pay bill growth was “excessive” An NHS trust in financial special measures is now planning to deliver £37m of financial improvements ...

  • ultrasound

    New CCG ratings: 75 per cent failing on maternity care


    NHS England finds 74.2 per cent of CCGs not meeting maternity standards Sevenfold variation in the likelihood of neonatal death Almost 20 per cent variation found across England in how women perceived patient choice and maternity experience Almost 75 per cent of clinical commissioning groups are failing to ...

  • Claire Murdoch

    More than half of CCGs 'need to improve mental health services'


    More than half of CCGs judged as needing to improve local mental health services New NHS England framework ranked 127 of the 209 CCGs as “needs improvement” or “greatest need for improvement” Ratings published at same time as new mental health dashboard, which shows how commissioners are performing against ...

  • boardroom night

    New pay cap for interim managers revealed


    NHS trusts will have to obtain formal approval from NHS Improvement to employ interim managers on rates of more than £750 a day, under new rules set out by regulators.

  • Bristol Children's Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Trust guilty of serious service failure over child's death


    New report exposes systemic failings in care of four year old boy at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Sean Turner was denied the best possible chance of survival because of failings by doctors and nurses in 2012 Ombudsman report contradicts findings by earlier NHS England commissioned review A ...

  • Wye Valley NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Minister criticises regulator for 'encouraging' local trust takeover


    Local MP claims Wye Valley Trust to be taken over by South Warwickshire FT Trade minister Jesse Norman criticises NHS Improvement for encouraging takeover without consultation Wye Valley chief executive and chair likely to be replaced New CQC inspection report likely to be published next week A government ...

  • HSJ Local

    Deficit forecast quadruples at financial special measures trust


    A leading teaching hospital is forecasting a £60m deficit this financial year – nearly four times its control total.

  • surgery

    Survey: Doctors worried over ability to provide safe care


    Royal college survey reveals concerns over workforce gaps, equipment shortages and poor management Royal College of Anaesthetists president says NHS is at a “tipping point” GMC also warns of a “state of unease” in medical profession after contract dispute Anaesthetists working in hospitals across the NHS have said ...

  • Surgery

    Private providers get chance to bid for up to £15bn of NHS contracts


    New EU rules means up to £15bn of specialised services contracts have been advertised for the first time Contracts will be awarded to incumbent providers unless expressions of interest are received Tight timetable and service groupings may work against private sector bidders Private providers have been given the ...

  • St George’s Hospital

    Third council publishes STP amid growing criticism of NHS England


    Sutton Council publishes south west London STP plan NHS England criticised for not allowing the publication of STPs STP outlines intention to cut number of acute sites in the patch from five to four A south London local authority has become the third council to release its full ...

  • Mark Rogers

    Top council chief criticises Stevens and Mackey for 'NHS first' bias


    Birmingham council chief and STP lead hits out at NHS England’s tendency to “sort the NHS out first” Mark Rogers complains about use of sustainability funds for acute deficits Calls for joined up national approach to STP and says engagement has been “flawed” Says better care fund “has not ...

  • doctor with computer

    Data confidentiality row intensifies ahead of crucial ruling


    Data from opt out patients included in two thirds of NHS Digital releases NHS Digital argues releases do not pose patient confidentiality risk and comply with ICO rules Lobby group says releases do not comply with rules and “go directly against what patients think is happening” to their data ...

  • Susan Robinson

    STP leads have 'duty to talk with the public'


    Healthwatch warns “sense of fear” among policymakers risks leaving public consultations until the “very end” of the STP process Chair warns public is at risk of “feeling betrayed” over lack of engagement Healthwatch has previously said the speed of the STP process “has been a challenge” Healthwatch England ...

  • Cambridge
    HSJ Local

    Addenbrooke's £140m IT contract hangs in balance


    Trust invites bids for £140m contract currently held by Hewlett Packard Enterprise HSJ understands costs are higher than trust originally forecast and are driving deficit Trust says it is “market testing” and supplier is fulfilling contract Cannot comment on finances as “it would impact on potential bids” Cambridge ...

  • Bill Kirkup
    HSJ Local

    Bill Kirkup to lead review into trust's care failings


    Dr Bill Kirkup is set to lead a review of care failings at Liverpool Community Health Trust, the MP who helped expose the scandal has said.

  • Child in hospital
    HSJ Local

    Children's mental health crisis centre aims to reduce A&E use


    West Yorkshire mental health trust to provide overnight beds for children and young people suffering a mental health crisis First service of its kind in the region but it is expected to be rolled out across the West Yorkshire STP area Trust says the facility will reduce the number ...