Latest news – Page 521

  • Stafford Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Stafford hospital children's emergency services to be reviewed


    Royal college to review children’s emergency service at Stafford hospital after safety fears led to suspension Trust has opened new minor injuries unit to treat children but those with severe illnesses will be transferred Report to be published next year after trust visit and analysis of data A ...

  • Bootham park hospital
    HSJ Local

    Shortlist for new hospital site revealed


    CCG announces three possible sites for new mental health hospital in York Possible locations include Bootham Park, Clifton Park and Haxby Road Shortlist announced as trust opens temporary ward for adult mental health patients Three sites have been shortlisted to be the location for a new mental health ...

  • Mother and baby

    NICE criticised for 'missed opportunity' with PTSD guidance


    NICE has rejected considering postpartum PTSD as a specific category in forthcoming review Birth Trauma Association and RCGP say this is a “missed opportunity” BTA says postpartum PTSD affects 10,000 new mothers a year Mothers who suffer post-traumatic stress disorder after giving birth will not be specifically considered ...

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    Exclusive: Regulator may publish lists of highest earning agency staff


    NHS Improvement describes workforce information that could be published in next quarterly report Provider sector is “falling short” of targets for agency spending New protocols for revising financial forecasts Trusts with “high pay bill growth” to be contacted this month Regulators have warned that NHS providers are “falling ...

  • Katrina Percy
    HSJ Local

    Katrina Percy resigns from Southern Health advisory role


    Katrina Percy resigns from Southern Health FT less than six weeks into strategic advisory role She will receive 12 months’ salary, with agreement from the trust, NHSI, the Department of Health and the Treasury NHSI says legal advice suggested there were “no legal grounds” to dismiss Ms Percy, and ...

  • Computer data

    Primary care fund could be reduced by £300m, say commissioners


    CCG board papers say estates and technology transformation fund will be reduced to around £400m NHS England says CCG’s figures are inaccurate Bids for premises funding required to go through STP process Source warns the fund could be reduced to “balance the books” Commissioners have raised concerns that ...

  • Contract 3x2

    Final interviews for top regulator job next month


    Adverts for new ombudsman posted in national press and online Dame Julie Mellor has appointed Amanda Campbell as new PHSO chief executive Final panel interviews for successor to take place at end of November The search to replace Dame Julie Mellor as the parliamentary and health service ombudsman ...

  • Leeds General Infirmary
    HSJ Local

    IT crash trust had tech problems in pathology service since March


    Automated pathology system suffered faults from March, letter reveals Problems led to 400 samples not being tested and a backlog of 2,000 tests at Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust says the issue was unrelated to major hardware fault last month IT problems at Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust’s blood sciences ...

  • X ray
    HSJ Local

    Trust's radiology information system crashes for nine days


    System crash meant patients had to attend clinics without their imaging report Board papers said the trust had “plans to give notice” on the contract Trust says patient care was “not compromised” by the system failure A trust has said it has no plans to pull out of ...

  • Sara Munro
    HSJ Local

    New trust chief vows to cut costly out of area treatments


    Leeds and York Partnership FT’s new chief executive hopes to save £1.5m by reducing out of area treatments Trust has sent 37 adult mental health patients out of area for treatment since April Sara Munro took up the post last month Hopes reducing out of area placements will save ...

  • Rob Whiteman

    London STP patch confirms chair


    Rob Whiteman, chief executive officer for the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy has been appointed as chair of the north east London sustainability and transformation plan footprint.

  • Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust
    HSJ Local

    A&E closures not ruled out in troubled STP patch


    “Differing views” over which back office services in Hereford and Worcestershire footprint should be protected Dermatology services in Worcestershire deemed financially unsustainable Emergency department closures not ruled out Potential for shared pathology and pharmacy services between acute trusts The new health system for Hereford and Worcestershire has requested ...

  • North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust

    Success regime region faces major services shake-up


    One of the success regimes to turnaround troubled health economies has proposed a major overhaul in the way healthcare is delivered across its patch, including significant changes to emergency, community and maternity services.

  • Man smoking
    HSJ Local

    'Outstanding' CCG to make smokers and obese patients wait six months for surgery


    Harrogate and Rural District CCG announces new measures to help it make £8.4m of savings Proposals include getting obese patients and smokers to lose weight or quit for six months before being considered for operations The CCG was one of 10 rated “outstanding” by NHS England in July ...

  • Microscope
    HSJ Local

    Trusts establish 'first of its kind' regional pathology venture


    Two trusts have formed an innovative digital pathology partnership designed to secure sustainable, high quality services for the whole of east and south Yorkshire.

  • Ambulance

    Ambulance trusts struggle with rise in most serious calls


    Ambulance service performance has slumped over the past year as trusts struggle to cope with an 18 per cent rise in the most serious cases.

  • operation
    HSJ Local

    Commissioners plan children's surgery shake-up


    Two district hospitals would stop providing hyper-acute stroke care and reduce access to paediatric surgery under a proposed shake up of services in Yorkshire.

  • European flag

    Hunt warned over rhetoric on foreign doctors


    NHS Improvement chair Ed Smith intervenes in Brexit debate He warns overseas staff must not be left feeling “demoralised and diminished” Letter follows Jeremy Hunt’s announcement to make NHS “self-sufficient” in doctors Patient safety could be put at risk if overseas staff are left feeling “demoralised and diminished” ...

  • Theresa May

    Theresa May: Conservatives are the 'party of the NHS'


    Theresa May says Conservatives are “the party of the NHS” and Labour have “abandoned the centre ground” Praises Jeremy Hunt as “passionate advocate” for patients and NHS staff in first conference speech as prime minister PM says Conservatives have backed the Five Year Forward View and given service more ...

  • Targets

    All trusts given new targets to achieve provider sector surplus


    Targets aim to bring provider sector into surplus next year Trusts in deficit have had their control totals ratcheted down, while surplus trusts must also improve their position. Extra funding focused on sustaining services rather than transformation or service enhancements See trusts’ indicative allocations from the STF Financial ...