Latest news – Page 523

  • Board room
    HSJ Local

    Board upheaval at governance failure trust


    Two non-executive directors stand down from Gloucestershire Hospitals Foundation Trust board Trust said it needed to “strengthen its financial governance arrangements” weeks after revealing large unplanned deficit Peter Lachecki appointed as next chair Two non-executive directors are departing from Gloucestershire Hospitals Foundation Trust just weeks after it revealed ...

  • London

    Commissioning support units to merge


    Two commissioning support units are to merge next year, HSJ can reveal.

  • Calculator
    HSJ Local

    Special measures CCG must 'think the unthinkable' to avoid £31m deficit


    Shropshire CCG reports £12.2m deterioration from plan in first four months of the year Legacy debts and acute provider overspends are largest cost pressures CCG faces a year-end deficit of £31m if it fails to make sufficient savings Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group is facing a potential £31m deficit ...

  • Injection

    GPs not returning to work due to 'huge' insurance costs, charities warn


    Returning GPs use commercial insurers at “huge cost” following rejection from major mutual insurers NHS England asked to “streamline” retraining process as “excessive” delays cause “financial hardship” for returning GPs Induction and refresher scheme “too slow and bureaucratic ” says RCGP “Excessive” delays in retraining and “huge” indemnity ...

  • Treasury

    Exclusive: Treasury could tighten grip on NHS capital spending


    NHS trusts told to scale back capital spending plans Treasury could insist on signing off even small projects Difficulties with delivering transformation projects under discussion NHS trusts have been told to scale back their capital spending plans and warned that the Treasury could insist on signing off even ...

  • Financial spreadsheets

    Deep dive review launched as CCG finances worsen


    CCGs have overspent planned budgets by £160m in the five months to September Seventy-seven were overspent against plan, compared to 45 at the end of July Deep dive review by NHS England will “test the robustness” of the overall forecast National leaders have launched a “deep dive” review ...

  • Camden Town, north London
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Five CCGs consider joint chief across STP patch


    Five CCGs consider move to single joint chief officer CCGs say they are reviewing “a number of ways” to collaborate North Central London STP is led by Royal Free chief executive David Sloman Five clinical commissioning groups are considering a move to a single chief officer across their ...

  • Royal Berkshire hospital
    HSJ Local

    New chief executive for hospital trust


    A new chief executive for Royal Berkshire Foundation Trust has been appointed.

  • Colm Donaghy
    HSJ Local

    Trust chief executive to retire next year


    The chief executive of Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust, Colm Donaghy, has announced he will retire in March next year.

  • Stephen Childs
    HSJ Local

    CSU director named as CCG chief officer


    The managing director of the North of England Commissioning Support Unit has been appointed as chief executive for Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group, and will do both jobs.

  • Ealing Hospital NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    'Gap' in CCG assurance process for Care UK contract


    Verita report identifies “gap” in CCG assurance process for urgent care contract Care UK staffing model for contract “took no account of predictable peaks in demand” CCG failed to seek assurances that contract was not adversely affecting staffing levels and care at north London centre There was a ...

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Ambulance trust placed in special measures


    An ambulance trust is to be placed in special measures after inspectors rated in inadequate and identified concerns related to its leadership, culture and ability to ensure patient safety.

  • Technology jpg

    Landmark patient data probe sparks 'serious concerns'


    NHS accused of wrongly sharing hospital data of 1.2m patients Privacy group says NHS’s hospital data does not comply with anonymisation standards NHS Digital says it does comply with standards Researchers raise “serious concerns” about impact on life saving studies The UK’s data watchdog is set to make ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Simon Stevens: There's no new reform plan for the NHS


    Simon Stevens says there is “no new reform plan for the NHS” and the government wants it to “get on with” reshaping services NHS England chief executive says “minimum efficient scale of some acute services” has increased Applications to split into subdivisions could result in “modest adjustment” in STP ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Exclusive: NHS free to 'abandon payment by results'


    NHS England and NHS Improvement “entirely open” to health economies dropping payment by results, says Simon Stevens Follows planning guidance proposals for whole system control totals NHS England chief executive says alternative proposals must “stack up in the round” The NHS England chief executive has said he and ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Updated: Hunt acted lawfully over junior doctors' contract, court rules


    Junior doctors lose legal case to stop new contract Judge rules health secretary’s decision was “within the scope of his lawful powers” Jeremy Hunt criticised for “loose” language during contract dispute Jeremy Hunt acted lawfully in his decision to press ahead with the new junior doctors’ contract, a ...

  • Dame Julie Moore
    HSJ Local

    Julie Moore intervenes over future of inadequate hospital


    Dame Julie Moore criticises Worcestershire Acute Hospital’s plans for the Alexandra Hospital UHB chief executive says her trust could have provided an “exciting and innovative” proposal for the hospital UHB experiencing pressure from increase in patients from Worcester, Redditch and Bromsgrove One of the country’s most high profile ...

  • Clifton bridge Bristol
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Struggling CCGs weigh up merger


    Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire CCGs to appoint single accountable officer Correspondence between CCGs and NHS England reveals turnaround director will support the struggling groups NHS England director says “under-delivery” entrenched across the patch on a scale not seen elsewhere in the country Three clinical commissioning groups ...

  • Dame Julie Mellor

    Exclusive: New investigation reveals full extent of watchdog’s failures


    PHSO was warned twice about concerns over her deputy’s involvement in cover-up Dame Julie Mellor did not read tribunal judgement until HSJ exposed her deputy’s actions in February Investigation concludes the PHSO’s structure “does not represent current thinking about good corporate governance” NHS ombudsman Dame Julie Mellor was ...

  • Hospital and patient

    Revealed: Less than a third of trusts hitting revised A&E targets


    Less than a third of providers have hit “reset” targets for A&E for July NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey says primary care access and school holidays were factors Less than a third of trusts have achieved the new, lower accident and emergency targets for July, which they ...