Latest news – Page 524

  • Leeds General Infirmary
    HSJ Local

    Hospital IT crash won't be resolved until end of the week


    Leeds and Bradford trusts cancel 132 operations IT system may not be fully restored until the end of this week Other hospitals in Yorkshire now providing pathology services to Bradford hospital and Leeds GPs Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust has said it has now successfully cleared a backlog of ...

  • Tsting swabs

    First set of standardised products for NHS providers announced


    NHS Improvement announces first tranche of standardised products to boost procurement volumes and cut prices Twelve products cover £100m of trust spending and could result in 25 per cent savings Regulator says it would prefer “coalition of the willing” to enforcing compliance through contracts Read the products list and ...

  • operation
    HSJ Local

    External review at top hospital over four maternal deaths


    External review into four maternal deaths at King’s College Hospital Internal reviews “did not establish a link between the [four] cases” In one case coroner rules says failure to give mother a blood transfusion “amounted to neglect” An external review is being carried out into four maternal deaths ...

  • inspection
    HSJ Local

    CQC closed unit after CQC warning notice


    Mental health and community services trust given requires improvement rating Child and adolescent unit rated inadequate Concerns over lack of action to tackle ligature points North East London Foundation Trust has been given a ’requires improvement’ rating by the Care Quality Commission after inspectors issued a warning notice ...

  • HSJ Local

    Updated: A&E concerns at North West trust


    The Care Quality Commission has raised safety concerns about the urgent and emergency services at a teaching trust in Merseyside.

  • David Behan

    CQC patient expert contract 'not performing'


    CQC board meeting reveals Remploy expert by experience contract “not performing” as expected Incumbent experts claim inspections allocated haphazardly as Remploy subcontracts its duties CQC met Remploy to discuss 11 areas where it expects improvement The Care Quality Commission has ongoing concerns over its patient experts contract with ...

  • Cleaner
    HSJ Local

    Hospital cleaning company faces loss of £200m contract over poor standards


    A privately provided cleaning contract worth £200m will be discussed by board members at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust this week amid “significant concerns” over standards, HSJ has learned.

  • Older woman in wheelchair

    CCG and advisers accuse each other over £750m contract collapse


    Review lays bare chaotic process which led to £750m contract collapse Cambridgeshire CCG and its advisers blame each other for failure on key issues Concerns raised about process and budget set by CCG to deliver deal NHS England says it will scrutinise big contracts more closely in future ...

  • New Cross Hospital
    HSJ Local

    City leaders push for accountable care model covering 250,000 people


    A Midlands hospital trust is seeking to establish an accountable care model in partnership with its local metropolitan borough council and clinical commissioning group.

  • mental health child
    HSJ Local

    Staffing and leadership monitored at private hospital in special measures


    NHS England is closely monitoring staff “capacity and capability” at Huntercombe Hospital in Stafford after damning CQC report One ward remains closed and two have capped capacity CQC has completed a follow-up inspection, which the hospital says found improvements The “capacity and capability” of staff at the Huntercombe ...

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    Junior doctors strike action called off


    Junior doctor strike action which was planned for the next three months has been suspended, the British Medical Association announced this evening. 

  • USBs

    NHS Digital grapples with 1.2 million patient data breaches


    NHS Digital still unable to respect data preferences of patients from 51 GP surgeries NHS Digital must contact 1.2 million patients before 19 October to tell them their confidential data may have been shared against their wishes More than a third of organisations that received unauthorised NHS data ...

  • Man looking through microscope
    HSJ Local

    IT failure leaves teaching hospital with 10,000 tests backlog


    Leeds and Bradford trusts cancelling non-urgent operations IT system may not be up and running until the end of next week Test results are being hand delivered but some are going to the wrong place with incorrect patient information One of the country’s largest teaching hospitals faces a ...

  • Lung xray

    NHS England targets 'long tail' of specialised provision


    Service reviews planned to cut “long tail” of providers doing small amounts of specialised work Prosthetics, spinal cord injury and paediatric burns services could be reconfigured in 2017-18 STPs must set out plans for collaborative commissioning with NHS England in cancer, mental health or learning disabilities NHS England ...

  • David Behan

    CQC told to change culture after data loss 'never event'


    Independent security review says July’s loss of 500 people’s data should be a “wake-up call” “Mismatch” between CQC policy and staff behaviour CQC considering second review next year to check on progress of organisational change An independent review has told the Care Quality Commission it needs a “culture ...

  • Bethlem Royal Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Coroner: Trust neglect contributed to patient's fatal self-harm


    Neglect by South London and Maudsley Foundation Trust contributed to the death of a 15 year old mental health patient, a coroner has ruled.

  • Healthcare assistant

    Survey: HCAs being used as 'nurses on the cheap'


    Almost 40 per cent of healthcare assistants say they have not received the training necessary to provide the care they are expected to deliver, according to a survey published today.

  • Blodd test
    HSJ Local

    GPs told to cancel blood tests after teaching trust's IT failure


    CCGs tell all GPs in Leeds to cancel routine blood tests after hardware fault at Leeds Teaching Hospital GPs expect to have to recall some patients for testing as samples become unviable Fault is also affecting Bradford Teaching Hospitals and caused “critical” internal incident at Leeds All routine ...

  • UK map

    Planning guidance: 'System control totals' to be issued for STPs


    All providers and clinical commissioning groups will be accountable for “overall system control total” Transformation funding and incentive payments will be tied to delivery of system financial target Targets aim to “reduce the incentives for individual organisations to optimise their own financial position at the expense of the wider ...

  • News

    Planning guidance: Funding to shore up NHS deficits will continue until 2019


    A further £3.6bn of “sustainability funding” will be used to plug NHS provider deficits over the next two financial years, according to NHS planning guidance published today.