Latest news – Page 525

  • Manchester central new website

    Planning guidance: CCGs supported to merge leadership and governance


    CCGs will be supported to share management and work on bigger geographies to build “capability and capacity” “Effective” commissioner function will be needed for new care models, says planning guidance NHS England has said it will work with clinical commissioning groups to help them integrate and work across ...

  • Dave West

    Analysis: NHS told to stick together or hang separately


    Two themes characterise today’s pithy new planning guidance, writes Dave West.

  • Jim Mackey

    Planning guidance: Stevens and Mackey will intervene over contract disputes


    Providers and commissioners that cannot resolve contract disputes by the end of the year face “intervention” by the NHS England and NHS Improvement chief executives and may see funding withheld.

  • Stethoscope

    Planning guidance: GP services must expand into weekends under NHS England plans


    GP opening hours should increase during evenings and weekends as standard CCGs to be given £258m to pay for increased access CCGs must also increase amount of GP consultation time Commissioners also told to allocate £3 per head for practice transformation Standard GP opening hours should be ...

  • Medical_bag

    Catch-up: What you need to know about the new planning guidance


    The must read stories from the HSJ’s comprehensive coverage of the two-year planning guidance

  • News

    Extra mental health cash 'must not be used to bail out other services'


    New funding for transforming mental health services must not be used to balance the books in other services or plug deficits and savings need to be reinvested back into the sector, NHS England has said.

  • Keith_McNeil

    Keith McNeil to lead new board to drive digital delivery


    Digital delivery board will be led by Keith McNeil and Will Smart New board will replace Department of Health led board responsible for A new digital delivery board bringing together NHS England, NHS Digital and the Department of Health has been established to drive the implementation ...

  • Emergency department

    Trusts allowed to miss 2016-17 targets in 'rare' cases


    Planning guidance says trusts will be allowed to miss targets if due to “exceptional” reasons But they will need to be back on track by 2017-18 Permission will only be granted in “exceptional circumstances” Trusts will be allowed to miss performance targets this year if it was a ...

  • CT scanner

    'Block payment' plan for outpatients scaled back


    Plans to reduce inappropriate outpatient follow-ups by introducing a block payment system from 2017-18 have been scaled back by NHS England.

  • Calculator
    HSJ Local

    Large teaching trust ended year with £118m deficit


    FINANCE: King’s College Hospitals Foundation Trust ended the 2015-16 financial year with an underlying deficit of £118m.

  • Lewisham hospital
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Frontrunners for elective centres revealed


    Commissioners have revealed the frontrunners to host elective centres in south east London.

  • Nursing home

    Nursing home bed numbers fall for first time in five years


    CQC figures show nursing home bed capacity dropped by 400 after small annual increases since 2013 More care homes closed their nursing units in first half of 2016 than in all of 2015 People delayed from leaving hospital due to lack of nursing home availability up by 60 per ...

  • Lungx x-ray
    HSJ Local

    Trust's mortality concerns persist despite multiple improvement drives


    East and North Hertfordshire Trust had outlier SHMI rates in five out of the eight reporting periods since 2014 “Large difference” between HSMR and SHMI rates due to palliative care coding Latest quality account report raised concerns over information governance, lower rate of incident reporting and never events ...

  • 586_Andrew_Lansley.jpg

    Lansley: NHS should get £5bn Brexit bonus by 2019


    Lansley calls for NHS windfall post Brexit during keynote address Former health sectary attacks ‘nakedly political’ BMA over ‘unethical’ strike action He robustly defends his reforms stating much of criticism is ‘demonstrably false’ NHS spending should be set at a minimum of 7 per cent of GDP The ...

  • Researcher using microscope
    HSJ Local

    IT crash causes 'critical incident' at major teaching hospital


    Operations and appointments have been cancelled after a “critical” fault with Leeds Teaching Hospitals’ pathology IT system Test results are having to be hand delivered to clinical teams with significant impact on patient flow Fault is also affecting Bradford Teaching Hospitals and local GPs who use the trust’s pathology ...

  • boardroom

    NHS managers face crackdown on conflicts of interest


    NHS England consultation document suggests number of areas where declarations of interest should be made Senior managers face declaring shareholdings, paid positions, family relationships and political memberships Doctors could have to declare private practice earnings but other staff are not included NHS executives earning money from consultancy, advisory ...

  • Operation

    NHS needs 3.5 per cent annual funding increase, economists predict


    OBR projections suggest UK health services would require a greater proportion of GDP spent on public healthcare Projections assume policy remains unchanged but take account of rising costs and population changes Projection would require an additional £40bn by 2030 to be found through extra taxation or shifting spending from ...

  • Beverley Bryant

    Not prioritising cash for tech laggards is 'right'


    Beverley Bryant backs plans to switch funding priorities and push back digital deadline to 2023 Leading trusts will bring others with them, Ms Bryant says NHS Digital director sets out priorities including plans to parachute 100 “business change” staff to NHS organisations Pledges to make NHS Digital “relevant” and ...

  • GP Waiting room

    Spending on general practice rose 5 per cent last year


    Spending on general practice in England increased by 4.7 per cent in 2015-16, but its proportion of overall NHS spending grew by only a small amount, according to statistics released today. 

  • Perinatal mental health

    Exclusive: Providers to compete to run new maternity mental health units


    Providers urged to express interest in running three new mother and baby units to provide inpatient care to women with serious mental health problems New units will be funded with some of the £365m pledged to perinatal mental health care in July The units will be based in East ...