Latest news – Page 531

  • View of the main entrance of Salisbury District Hospital from the south west
    HSJ Local

    Trust approves £300k increase in nurse spending following inspection


    A trust in Wiltshire, which was told to improve staffing levels earlier this year, has earmarked nearly £300,000 for additional nursing staff.

  • Bruce_Keogh

    Patients redirected as CQC uncovers safety concerns at abortion provider


    CQC inspection of Marie Stopes International uncovers “serious concerns” About 250 women a week will be diverted to other providers after range of termination of pregnancy services suspended NHS England has launched confidential helpline for those with concerns and questions About 250 women a week will be redirected ...

  • Oxford

    CCG plans major procurement after providers fail to integrate services


    CCG plans major procurement after providers fail to agree on how to integrate care Community provider moves towards setting up MCP with GP federations CCG has £17m shortfall in the year to date Community trust says acute provider wanted to “take operational control of all services” Commissioners in ...

  • Salford Royal Foundation Trust

    Four trusts given power to lead hospital chains


    NHS Improvement grants four high performing trusts the power to lead groups or chains of hospitals The foundation group leaders will be able to head up buddying, partnerships and federations of hospitals or begin mergers and acquisitions The accreditation aims to give the four trusts the power to bring ...

  • Colchester Hospital

    CQC launches inquiry into trusts failing to improve


    Only six out out of 21 trusts re-inspected by the CQC in 2015-16 showed overall improvement Review commissioned to discover “underlying reasons” why trusts are struggling to improve Colchester chief executive calls for single “oversight committees” to become more common The Care Quality Commission has set up an ...

  • fetal ultrasound pregnancy monitoring

    New £5m pot for perinatal mental health services


    NHS England announces £5m perinatal community services development fund STPs, commissioners and providers can bid for money to expand services for women with mental health problems during or after pregnancy Fund is part of £365m plan to expand perinatal support to an extra 30,000 women a year by 2020-21 ...

  • Claire Murdoch

    Talks under way for more mental health care model pilots


    Talks are already under way to create more pilot sites to take on new commissioning powers and develop models of care for tertiary mental health services, HSJ can reveal.

  • Bath
    HSJ Local

    Virgin Care preferred bidder for £69m community services contract


    Virgin Care selected as preferred bidder for £69m community services contract in Bath and north east Somerset Firm beat Sirona Care and Health consortium, which included two trusts Commissioners say contract will include clause requiring any surplus to be “reinvested into services in Bath and north east Somerset” ...

  • News

    NHS England will step in if mental health cash does not reach front line


    National mental health director says NHS England will intervene if areas fail to invest new funding properly Claire Murdoch says transparency is key to implementing £3.97bn plan for the sector and making sure cash reaches services NHS England to publish a new dashboard in September, including how much CCGs ...

  • Sugar lumps

    Senior public health figures pan childhood obesity plan


    The government’s childhood obesity plan has been branded a disappointing missed opportunity by senior public health figures after it failed to take action on marketing and advertising of junk food and paid little attention to the role of councils. 

  • Dave Hodgson, Mayor of Bedford
    HSJ Local

    Mayor calls for new approach to Bedford reconfiguration


    COMMISSIONING: A “flawed” review of health services should be rejected in full rather than become part of sustainability and transformation plan for health and social care integration, according to the elected mayor of Bedford Borough Council.

  • Birmingham

    Exclusive: Birmingham CCGs plan to merge by April 2018


    Three Birmingham CCGs to merge by April 2018 CCGs will form a “joint commissioning board” from October The board will appoint a single “transitional chair” Three Birmingham clinical commissioning groups are planning to merge in April 2018, HSJ understands.

  • Gillian Fairfield
    HSJ Local

    South Coast trust in special measures after serious leadership failings


    QUALITY: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust is to be placed in special measures after the Care Quality Commission rated it inadequate.

  • Hospital Clock
    HSJ Local

    Lincolnshire trust confirms night time A&E closure


    ACUTE CARE: United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust has confirmed it will go ahead with plans to close the accident and emergency department at Grantham and District Hospital at night.

  • Syringe
    HSJ Local

    'Confusion' over new policies led to trust's inadequate safety rating


    Introduction of new policies “had not got the pace behind it should have” at Humber Foundation Trust, says nursing director Trust said policies had not filtered down to staff when CQC inspectors visited Inspectors rate trust as requires improvement overall and inadequate for safety QUALITY: Failure to filter ...

  • Data

    Performance data 'fundamental' to vanguards and STPs could be delayed


    Community service leaders say performance metrics for the sector are “absolutely essential” to vanguards and STPs Independent committee suggested community service activity data will not be published next year and could be delayed beyond 2019 NHS Digital denies delay and said community services data will “flow nationally” from next ...

  • coins toppling

    DH warned about 'fragmentation' of NHS procurement system


    Concerns raised that planned shake up by the Department of Health could result in “fragmentation” of NHS procurement system DH intends to split procurement into 11 “category towers” when NHS Supply Chain contract ends in October 2018 Health Care Supply Association warns “the whole supply chain is being put ...

  • GP doctor

    New GP funding formula pushed back


    NHS England has confirmed that a new GP funding formula will not be sought before 1 April 2018 despite expectations that it would inform the 2017-18 GP contract

  • Mother and baby
    HSJ Local

    Doctor shortage may see maternity unit downgraded


    WORKFORCE: A shortage of doctors may lead to an Oxfordshire maternity unit being downgraded next month.

  • Child in hospital

    Failure to 'radically redesign' paediatric services fuels six year high vacancy rate


    Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health criticises NHS’s failure to reorganise services Vacancy rates for junior doctors in paediatrics have reached a six year high, according to workforce census RCPCH calls for increases in training posts including nurses and training for GPs Failure to reconfigure NHS paediatric ...