Latest news – Page 561

  • Staff in hospital
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Trust forced to downgrade A&E after locum doctor crisis


    Acute trust forced to take action after collapse of middle grade A&E rotas following locum caps Lancashire Teaching Hospitals has just eight doctors to staff 14 posts across two sites Chief executive says failure of trusts to act collectively on locum caps meant doctors left to work at higher ...

  • Salford Royal Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Manchester vanguards will not access national fund


    The new care model vanguards being developed in Greater Manchester will need to be funded from the region’s already allocated transformation fund, not the national pot.

  • primary care

    GP roadmap may herald move to 'self-assessment', say sources


    GP roadmap could introduce more self-assessment for practices, as previously floated by CQC Sources tell HSJ “light touch” approach is being seriously considered The roadmap is due out next week GPs could face fewer inspections in future under a proposal being considered for the sector’s support package to ...

  • Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust
    HSJ Local

    Trust silent over status of operations director


    A troubled acute trust in Greater Manchester has refused to comment on the apparent departure of its director of operations.

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Private firm may have been only bidder for £12m a year contract


    COMMISSIONING: The company in charge of patient transport services in Sussex may have been the only bidder for the £12m a year contract, HSJ has learned.

  • Innovation and technology

    Exclusive: Official index reveals tech leaders and laggards


    New assessment gives clearest picture yet of NHS’s digital maturity, experts tell HSJ HSJ analysis shows overall scores for all trusts on digital index NHS England warns against using data as a league table A new NHS England assessment of “digital maturity” across the NHS lays bare significant ...

  • Durham
    HSJ Local

    North East CCGs could take over CSU


    STRUCTURE: Plans are being drawn up to turn the North East’s commissioning support unit into a company owned by its customer CCGs.

  • Beverley Bryant

    NHS England clarifies tech funding position


    £500m of the £1.8bn earmarked for making NHS paperless by 2020 will go on existing contracts set up under the National Programme for IT NHS England director confirms amount of new, unallocated money is £1.3bn Beverley Bryant also reveals £119m of funding for tech projects will be available this ...

  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, University Hospitals Birmingham FT

    Revealed: First digital maturity index scores in full


    This is a full list of trusts’ scores on the new digital maturity index, based on HSJ analysis of NHS England data.

  • York
    HSJ Local

    Three NHS executives hired to transform struggling CCG


    PERFORMANCE: Three senior NHS executives have been drafted in to support the development of recovery plans at an under pressure CCG after it was put into turnaround.

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Midlands ambulance trusts could share chief executive


    East Midlands Ambulance Service in talks which could see West Midlands chief executive “working with” them EMAS rules out merger as a way to solve performance problems WORKFORCE: East Midlands Ambulance Service Trust has been in discussions with NHS Improvement to “strengthen” its leadership arrangements since the struggling ...

  • Eurostar
    HSJ Local

    Kent CCG looks to Calais staff to reduce waiting times


    WORKFORCE: A Kent clinical commissioning group is considering bringing in clinicians from Calais to help reduce waiting times and increase choice locally.

  • Pensions
    HSJ Local

    Trust drops controversial pension opt-out scheme


    A mental health trust has halted a controversial recruitment scheme, in which nursing staff were offered the chance to sacrifice pension contributions in return for better pay.

  • Empty purse

    'No spare money' to break contracts impasse, commissioners warn


    NHS Clinical Commissioners warns there is “no spare money” to close down 2016-17 contracting impasse CCGs’ representative doubtful that all groups will be able to make “reasonable” offers by deadline Intervention comes after NHS Improvement warned that “very few” contracts were signed by 31 March, and some commissioners had ...

  • EU flags

    New EU rules could threaten vanguards


    New EU procurement rules take effect on 18 April Commissioners that do not advertise all contract opportunities will be open to legal challenge Doubts raised over the future of “most capable provider” Vanguards appeal for clarity over obligation to tender Vanguards have appealed to national leaders for clarity ...

  • pharma

    Exclusive: Rise in drug imports reduces pharma industry money to NHS


    Treasury forced to inject £205m into DH last year after overestimate of PPRS payment Weakening pound because of Brexit uncertainty could increase money going to NHS Pharmaceutical industry claims rebate was also lower because NHS is benefiting from direct discounts An increase in drug imports from Europe was ...

  • Heart

    'Heart services risk being destabilised' by national procurement scheme


    Leading heart consultant warns some specialist services could be “destabilised” by plans for national procurement Changes could have “major impact… on our ability to treat patients” NHS England says some hospitals are being “taken for a ride” by manufacturers A leading heart consultant has warned that some specialist ...

  • Liverpool seafront
    HSJ Local

    Former nursing director suspended by NMC


    WORKFORCE: A former nursing director has been suspended by the Nursing and Midwifery Council after a report exposed serious failings at Liverpool Community Health Trust.

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    MP and union demand improvement from private transport service


    Less than a week after new providers took over patient transport services in Sussex an MP is warning she will raise issues with ministers if they are not resolved quickly, while union members have also been balloted over strike action.

  • Alastair McLellan

    This needless battle over NHS finances endangers its future


    The bruising contracting round shows the NHS needs a more credible financial trajectory