Latest news – Page 567

  • Jim Easton

    Former NHS boss to chair private providers’ network


    Jim Easton, managing director of private provider Care UK’s health care division, has become chair of the NHS Partners Network, which represents independent sector providers of NHS care

  • Barts

    Exclusive: Hundreds more hidden patients waiting 52 weeks for treatment


    HSJ uncovers nearly 400 more patients waiting more than a year for treatment Official data said 722 patients were waiting more than 52 weeks as of January Discovery follows revelation of 1,015 year-plus waiters at Barking, Havering and Redbridge At least 378 more patients than previously thought have ...

  • Claire Murdoch

    47 trust chiefs and chairs to be NHS Improvement advisers


    NHS Improvement has brought together two advisory panels composed of chairs and chief executives from NHS trusts.

  • Blood pressure

    NHS England accused of 'lots of talk but no action' on evolving primary care


    Chief executive of large GP federation says NHS England is doing “nothing” to develop “at scale” primary care David Pannell says there is “lots of talk but no action” on encouraging federations and networks through contract changes Voluntary multispecialty community provider contract for 2017 “not ambitious enough” The ...

  • Bw73 hsj congress

    Value in Healthcare Congress focuses on the NHS’s 'real world' challenges


    Download an exclusive case study on digital solutions to transforming care The attendance at the Value in Healthcare Congress would constitute a significant investment in the learning and development of NHS leaders.

  • Julian Povey
    HSJ Local

    Special measures CCG appoints first GP chair


    Shropshire CCG appoints first clinical chair Challenged commissioner also begins process to recruit substantive accountable officer Organisation was first CCG to be placed in special measures following financial problems WORKFORCE: Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group has appointed Julian Povey as its chair.

  • Yeovil District Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Vanguard trust gets £23m Department of Health loan


    FINANCE: A South West trust which is a prominent vanguard site has received a £23m loan from the Department of Health, HSJ has learned.

  • Man having tests on heart on hospital
    HSJ Local

    North East trusts set up reconfiguration alliance


    STRUCTURE: Two trusts in the North East have formed an alliance to press ahead with a reconfiguration of services.

  • HSJ Local

    London trust's A&E performance plummets to worst in England


    PERFORMANCE: A London hospital trust has become the worst performing in the country on accident and emergency performance.

  • News

    Mapped: 15 primary care ‘rapid test sites’ get new care models cash


    NHS England’s new care models team to provide pilots with £500,000 Primary Care Home model aims to spread multispecialty community provider type models across the country Fifteen “rapid test sites” to launch in shadow form in April NHS England’s new care models team has provided £500,000 to 15 ...

  • Researcher using microscope

    Outgoing network chair calls for AHSNs to be spared


    Dr Adrian Bull is stepping down as chair of the AHSN Network He told HSJ if AHSNs were scrapped they would have to be reinvented Accelerated access review is looking at AHSNs’ future and NHS innovation The departing chair of the body representing academic health science networks has ...

  • George osborne

    Budget 2016: Sugar tax and changes to NHS pensions


    Most of the £520m raised in the first year of the tax will be used to boost school sports NHS England says levy is a “major first step to what must be a comprehensive childhood obesity strategy” Employers will have to contribute an extra £2bn to public sector pensions ...

  • Hinchingbrooke Hospital

    Monitor 'pushing hard for Hinchingbrooke merger by April 2017'


    Regulator “pushing hard” for Peterborough and Stamford to acquire Hinchingbrooke Concerns raised about speed at which Monitor wants a deal done for the two financially challenged trusts Monitor’s timetable could lead to “rushed and acrimonious” merger, says senior source Local MP has opposed idea of merger Monitor is ...

  • Equality

    NHS told half of all board directors should be women


    The NHS has embraced a target to achieve gender balanced boards.

  • Manchester

    Devo Manc leaders seek private investment for NHS


    Greater Manchester looking at non-NHS sources of funding due to the constraints on capital funds at the DH and NHS England “Exploratory discussions” with institutional investors will gauge appetite for creating private investment fund LIFT and PFI type schemes likely to be considered Council leaders in Greater Manchester ...

  • Sugar lumps

    HSJ Live 16.03.16: What the budget means for health


    Budget 2016: Sugar tax to be introduced on drinks Budget 2016: Employers will have to contribute an extra £2bn to public sector pensions in 2019-20 Fines levied on banking sector will be used to pay for NHS pr0jects Several NHS leaders announce support for 50:50 by 2020 target. Find ...

  • Sir Howard Bernstein

    Revealed: Leaders named for eight major STP patches


    Work to plan the five-year transformation of NHS services in two of England’s biggest cities is to be led by local authority chief executives, NHS England revealed this afternoon. 

  • Aumbulance
    HSJ Local

    Chief of beleaguered ambulance trust takes 'leave of absence'


    PERFORMANCE: The chief executive of an ambulance trust has taken “leave of absence” and the chair has been replaced on the day a critical report into a controversial pilot project was released.

  • Houses of Parliament

    'No convincing plan' for NHS to save £22bn, says scathing report


    PAC accuses government of being too slow to address hospital deficits “Not yet a convincing plan” for closing the £22bn efficiency gap by 2020-21, report says “Unacceptable” for officials to blame excessive agency costs as source of trusts’ difficulties Data used by Carter review to assess hospital efficiency was ...

  • Neil Modha
    HSJ Local

    Join up scrutiny to avoid another UnitingCare, says CCG lead


    Join up scrutiny of CCGs and providers to get more “holistic” picture, says Cambridgeshire CCG lead Neil Modha’s comments follow publication of audit into how £725m flagship deal collapsed Dr Modha says CCG gave NHS England “all the information” about UnitingCare deal before it went live REGULATION: The ...