Latest news – Page 574

  • Don Berwick

    Berwick: Government ‘should apologise’ to junior doctors over dispute


    Don Berwick says government “should apologise” to junior doctors and impose three year “moratorium” on new contract “You cannot achieve excellence in combat with your future workforce,” says former government adviser Also says it may be “impossible” for NHS to deliver acceptable standard of care at current funding level ...

  • Workforce

    NHS staff survey: more staff working extra hours


    Follow HSJ Live for more analysis and reaction The percentage of NHS staff reporting that they are working extra hours has reached a five year high according to the NHS staff survey results published on Tuesday.

  • Douglas Richard

    Former DH finance chief joins consultancy


    The former director general for finance and the NHS at the Department of Health has joined a leading health policy communications consultancy.

  • Workforce

    Catch up: Best and worst performers in staff survey by region


    The BMA announces further action on the junior doctors’ contract, and analysis of the latest NHS staff survey results, including best and worst performing trusts by region

  • kate and rhiannon davies colour

    Exclusive: Baby death investigation uncovers systemic failings at trust


    New investigation exposes how vital documents never existed and policies were out of date Midwives routinely ignored policies and guidelines as part of the “culture” in midwifery led unit Trust to review historical incidents and deaths to ensure no wider problems A midwife who retrospectively altered the clinical ...

  • A&E sliding puzzle

    CCG leaders expect surge in A&E reconfiguration


    More than a third of commissioning group leaders responding to an HSJ survey expected the publication or implementation of plans to close or downgrade accident and emergency services in the next year. 

  • agreement, handshake,merger,merge,takeover

    CCGs confident in joint planning process despite major barriers


    Two thirds of CCG leaders responding to survey confident in agreeing joint sustainability and transformation plans However, they identify many national and locals barriers to agreeing STPs Nearly two thirds of clinical commissioning leaders are confident their health system can agree a strong sustainability and transformation plan, according ...

  • A&E

    CCG leads doubt delivery on finance and A&E for 2016-17


    Large majority of CCG leaders responding to survey have little confidence in delivering health system balance or A&E targets High confidence in delivering new mental health targets The large majority of local commissioner leaders responding to an HSJ survey have little confidence their health system will return to ...

  • Numbers

    CCG Barometer: Explore the data


    Explore the findings from HSJ’s latest CCG barometer, carried out with Capsticks, focusing on barriers to whole system plans and progress on controversial service reconfigurations.

  • Manchester
    HSJ Local

    Manchester GPs could start ‘shadow’ voluntary contracts from April


    GPs could begin adopting shadow MCP type contracts in April Discussions around shadow contracts at advanced stage, HSJ understands GP federation chair says their work is influencing national contract discussions STUCTURE: Primary care providers across Greater Manchester could start operating population based contracts in shadow form from as ...

  • Cars

    Private provider considers ‘pop up’ urgent care centres


    Out of hours and urgent care provider Vocare could set up temporary urgent care centres Services could be provided from portable cabins and articulated lorries Chief executive says it has changed from community benefit society to limited company to attract investment A company which provides out of hours ...

  • Alastair Mclellan - Innovators

    Has Jeremy Hunt been health secretary for too long?


    Jeremy Hunt must find a new sense of direction if his long-running reign is to continue

  • News

    NHS providers facing £2.8bn deficit for 2015-16


    Provider sector’s current trajectory would result in a full-year deficit of £2.8bn for 2015-16, but “additional opportunities” for savings still being implemented Regulators target a deficit of £1.8bn, to prevent the Department of Health from breaching its revenue spending limit for NHS has been told that any overspend this ...

  • Contract

    One per cent pay uplift in new GP contract


    GPs get 1 per cent pay rise as part of 2016-17 national contract Additional £220m of funding included in the agreement Practices will have to record data on availability of evening and weekend ‘routine’ appointments A deal announced today on the 2016-17 national GP contract includes a 1 ...

  • Whistle

    Exclusive: CCG whistleblower sacked days after raising conflicts of interest


    Manager at Barnet CCG dismissed after raising conflicts of interest Verita report says he should have been protected by the CCG’s whistleblowing policy and legislation Senior CCG staff said they were not aware he was making a whistleblowing complaint and contract was terminated because of sickness absence A ...

  • Richmond House

    Department of Health declares its top priorities


    Department of Health publishes “shared delivery plan” for the next four years Department to judge performance on metrics including reduction of emergency bed days NHS leaders warned against cutting national bodies “to the bone” The government has published the Department of Health’s priorities for the four remaining years ...

  • Bridge
  • Nursing home

    GPs may have been paid twice for care home work, whistleblower claimed


    Whistleblower claimed GPs could be paid twice for the same work in care homes Verita report found “no evidence” concerns were investigated after he was dismissed CCG had no idea what money was included in “retainer” payments from care homes GPs in Barnet may have been paid twice ...

  • London streets

    Conflict of interest confusion 'common' among CCGs


    Confusion in clinical commissioning groups about how involved GPs should be in designing services is “a common issue” nationwide, senior NHS England figures told investigators.

  • Waiting room

    NHS England stands by decision to approve CCG for co-commissioning


    NHS England London defends process that saw Barnet CCG given more primary care commissioning powers CCG was authorised to do this, along with others in north London, a month after Verita report into conflicts of interest was completed NHS England says it “monitor issues like this closely” to ensure ...