Latest news – Page 578

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    Last ditch talks try to stop junior doctors' strike


    NHS Employers confirms talks have taken place with the British Medical Association to try to avert strike Junior doctors are due to walk out for 24 hours from 8am tomorrow but emergency care will be provided NHS England estimates almost 3,000 inpatient and daycase procedures will be cancelled ...

  • Computer

    £400m of transformation fund ‘ringfenced’ for tech boost


    NHS England director sets out details on where tech funding boost is coming from £400m of transformation funding “ringfenced” for technology projects Follows Jeremy Hunt announcing £1.8bn for paperless NHS goal No new money for the NHS from the Treasury At least £400m of NHS transformation funding has ...

  • Clock

    Former NHS chief calls for four hour mental health target


    Commission describes mental health system under pressure after “steady attrition” of funding in recent years Lord Crisp calls for new four hour waiting time target for acute adult patients and an end to long distance transfers Mental Health Network calls on NHS England to invest directly in frontline provision ...

  • Healthcare assistant

    Higher number of HCAs linked with increased mortality, says study


    Research shows trusts with a higher number of healthcare assistants relative to bed numbers had an increased risk of mortality Study also found an association between higher numbers of nurses and doctors to patients and a fall in mortality rates Authors warn NHS policymakers against regarding HCAs as interchangeable ...

  • Graph
    HSJ Local

    Sussex trust’s deficit forecast sinks


    FINANCE: East Sussex Healthcare Trust has increased its predicted deficit by a third after losses soared in the first nine months of the financial year.

  • Call centre

    Revealed: The costs of closing NHS Direct


    Dissolution of NHS Direct cost £89m, documents reveal Regulators say “lessons learned” for transactions planning The dissolution of NHS Direct over two years cost £89m, documents reveal.

  • Hand shake

    Exclusive: DH hired headhunters to find new regulator chief


    The Department of Health spent thousands on a headhunting firm to recruit the head of NHS Improvement, only a few months before trusts were warned against using the firms for their own executive posts, HSJ can reveal.

  • Robert Wachter

    Exclusive: Government tech review to shake-up clinical leadership


    US digital health expert outlines his preliminary thinking about his review exclusively to HSJ Professor Wachter is discussing a shakeup of the role of NHS chief clinical information officers He indicates there is a need for changes to financial and regulatory incentives The US digital health expert advising ...

  • Len Fenwick
    HSJ Local

    Newcastle FT to take over some North Cumbria services


    Newcastle FT will run some children’s services in north Cumbria Partnership set to be extended with cancer services considered a likely focus North Cumbria grappling with unsafe and unsustainable services, and senior leadership turnover North Cumbria University Hospitals in special measures and part of success regime Newcastle upon ...

  • Research
    HSJ Local

    Top hospital trust orders ban on consultant study leave


    Letter to consultants at Central Manchester University Hospitals Foundation Trust also says leave already booked will have to be cancelled Cost-saving move described as “unprecedented” by a British Medical Association representative, who said it could raise concerns over patient safety Trust may breach its £19m deficit plan for 2015-16 ...

  • Camden Town, north London
    HSJ Local

    Kent chief executive joins Camden trust


    APPOINTMENT: Angela McNab has been appointed as the new chief executive of Camden and Islington Foundation Trust and will take up the post in April.

  • inspection

    CQC’s first assessment of whole health economy released


    CQC finds quality of providers in north Lincolnshire “broadly in line” with national average but health outcomes worse “Financial sustainability” of Northern Lincolnshire and Goole FT and clinical recruitment identified as problems Report is CQC’s first “place based” assessment of care quality The Care Quality Commission has published ...

  • Kingsley Manning

    HSCIC chair steps down


    Kingsley Manning to step down in May He has been in post since May 2013 “Next stage” of the HSCIC’s development should be led by new chair, he says Kingsley Manning is to step down as chair of the Health and Social Care Information Centre, it has been ...

  • mental health depressed elderly woman wheelchair
    HSJ Local

    Learning disability patients in limbo after funding dispute


    Lancashire County Council has refused to meet the costs of patients being resettled in the community Council says NHS dowries “not enough” to fund care Some discharges already delayed by the dispute Care costs can be as much as £300,000 a year PATIENT EXPERIENCE: A funding dispute threatens ...

  • South Devon
    HSJ Local

    Financially challenged Devon makes devolution bid


    “Heart of the South West” bids for five year devolved budgets for health, care and public health Region includes Northern, Eastern and Western Devon CCG, which has the biggest CCG cumulative deficit in England Somerset CCG and South Devon and Torbay CCG also part of the bid DEVOLUTION: ...

  • Charity donation bucket

    Commissioners 'must do more with voluntary sector'


    Chair of government review of funding and links with voluntary, community and social enterprise says commissioners not doing enough to engage with sector Levers and incentives need to change, he says Call for use of wider mix of funding, including social prescribing, personal budgets and social investment Incentives ...

  • Innovation and technology

    'Flip' incentives to get NHS using tech, says US digital guru


    Finding ways to encourage digital adoption is one of “fundamental challenges” for Robert Wachter’s digital review American “meaningful use” programme has been “mostly successful but still flawed” US digital health expert Professor Robert Wachter has said finding ways to change the financial and regulatory incentives in the NHS ...

  • Robert Wachter

    Profile: Bob Wachter, the digital doctor and NHS devotee


    Jeremy Hunt asked Professor Wachter to review the NHS after reading his book, The Digital Doctor Wachter says doing review is “an amazing once in a lifetime opportunity” He also focuses on patient safety, quality and health policy issues Bob Wachter is professor and interim chair of the ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt says £1.8bn will be spent on 'paper free NHS'


    Hunt announces £1.8bn of funding earmarked to “create a paper free NHS” Appears to be an increase on £1bn over five years allocated in last year’s spending review The announcement involves no new money for health overall Details of the source of the funding and plans for spending it ...

  • Lord Carter

    Carter savings ‘won’t be enough’, experts warn


    The Carter report has illustrated how difficult it will be to extract further savings from the hospital sector, think tanks have warned.