Latest news – Page 598

  • Whistle

    Exclusive: Monitor to reveal national whistleblowing policy


    NHS organisations in England required to adopt national whistleblower policy Regulators believe policy will tackle variable standards Move follows recommendation of Sir Robert Francis QC’s report Monitor will publish plans today for a national whistleblowing policy that each NHS organisation in England will be required to adopt, HSJ ...

  • Train

    Exclusive: Hospital inspections exceeded hotel and travel budget by four times


    CQC hospital inspection directorate spent £4.4m on “travel and subsistence” in 2014-15 against budget of £1.1m CQC says overspending occurred because budget was based on previous, lighter touch inspection regime Figures obtained by HSJ show up to £80,000 spent on accommodation during single inspection The Care ...

  • Somerset
    HSJ Local

    Mental health trust medical director leaves for chief executive role


    WORKFORCE: The medical director of a London mental health trust is leaving to take up a chief executive post in the West Country.

  • Parliament, policy, politician, government

    MPs consider powers to transfer NHS functions in 'radical' devolution bill


    Devolution bill would allow NHS functions, assets and funding to be transferred to local government Experts warn of increasing variation in NHS offer across the country Devolved areas would remain accountable to regulators Health secretary would continue to have responsibility for NHS services MPs will next week consider ...

  • Bruce Keogh

    Exclusive: NHS England considering cuts to national clinical directors


    NHS England is considering cutting the number of national clinical directors, HSJ can reveal.

  • Waiting room

    Exclusive: Former BMA negotiator calls for ‘civil disobedience’ against CQC fees


    Former BMA GP committee negotiator, who is still a member, calls for “revolt” if the CQC hikes fees Peter Holden proposes paying regulator “this year’s fees plus 1 per cent” The CQC is consulting on a sevenfold increase in GP fees A former British Medical Association negotiator has ...

  • City Hall London

    London organisations set out devolution bids


    Bids include north east London, north central London and Hackney Areas will request control of NHS estate decisions, payment mechanisms and affordable housing for key workers Concerns have been raised at the “pace of discussions” London devolution bids include a partnership in the north east of ...

  • Ros Roughton

    NHS England tells GPs delayed premises projects will get full funding


    NHS England has told GP leaders that building projects using money from the first tranche of a £1bn primary care infrastructure fund will be fully funded even if they are not completed by March.

  • UK map
    HSJ Local

    18 week waits, September 2015: explore the maps


    NHS waiting lists around England, updated for September 2015

  • Cleaning
    HSJ Local

    Kingston Hospital to test market on part of PFI deal


    Kingston Hospital Foundation Trust is likely to put its cleaning, catering and porter services out to tender.

  • Mother and baby

    New patient safety body to focus on maternity care


    New investigation body will focus on maternity incidents from April next year Government to invest £4m in new technology, education and training Transparency data to include comparable trust performance on maternity outcomes The new Independent Patient Safety Investigations Service has been asked by the health secretary to focus ...

  • Strike

    Junior doctors threaten to withdraw emergency cover during strike action


    BMA council suggests three possible days for industrial action Two days will involve a full walkout including urgent and emergency care Mark Porter says ministers must remove threat to impose a deal Junior doctors could carry out three days of strike action next month including two days without ...

  • Street light maintenance

    Trusts ‘make do and mend’ as capital investment squeeze hits estates repairs


    “High risk” maintenance problems up 30pc year on year, as capital investments falls Estates director warns “make do and mend” approach to maintenance will impact safety Imperial College Healthcare would have to spend £39m to deal with high risk backlog NHS providers face costs of more than £450m ...

  • East Sussex Hospital Trust
    HSJ Local

    East Sussex maternity unit to switch to Kent trust’s control


    Concerns over low birth rate and diverts at the Crowborough Birthing Centre No date agreed for when Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells will take over the service STRUCTURE: Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust will take over a maternity unit previously run by East Sussex Healthcare Trust.

  • Budget cuts

    Midlands and East CCGs told to plan for admin budget cuts


    NHS England regional team advises CCGs to plan for 5 per cent “year on year” cuts to running cost budgets Midlands and East commissioners also asked to continue planning to keep a 1 per cent surplus NHS England has told clinical commissioning groups in the Midlands and East ...

  • Old man in bed, doctor using stehoscope

    Delayed transfers of care at highest ever September level


    There were 147,738 delayed transfers, the highest September level since 2010 A&Es had their worst September performance in five years as admissions were at highest level Increase in elective patients waiting over a year to start treatment but the target was still met Delayed transfers of care were ...

  • Chris Ham

    Exclusive: CCGs should be 'brought together', says King’s Fund


    King’s Fund says commissioning must be done across bigger areas This would enable provider-led “systems of care” NHS England expected to require joint planning across health economies NHS commissioning must be carried out on footprints bigger than current clinical commissioning groups, the King’s Fund has recommended.

  • News

    Exclusive: Consultant contract negotiations nearing conclusion


    NHS Employers aiming to make final offer in December Contract variation will affect all consultants working in England Changes come as junior doctors ballot for industrial action Negotiations to change medical consultant contracts could be completed as early as next month, HSJ has learned.

  • Data

    Exclusive: Existing NHS indicators deemed inadequate for vanguards


    First version of vanguard dashboard contains just two metrics Many existing data returns are not suitable for measuring integrated care New measures will be developed over the coming months National leaders have judged many current datasets to be inadequate in their current form to judge the success of ...

  • Richmond House

    Trusts urged to defer capital spending in exchange for revenue cash


    Providers asked to repay public dividend capital to the DH, in return for revenue support Monitor and the TDA have been phoning providers on behalf of the department Believed to be first time systematic capital to revenue transfers have potentially happened at local level Further details have emerged ...