Latest news – Page 2357

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    Let's twist again


    news focus: The independent-minded Scottish health minister will be thrust into the firing line as he implements a tough agenda. But Malcolm Chisholm's appointment is a popular, if surprising, move, says Jennifer Trueland

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    One becomes two: new faces


    Published: 06/12/2001, Volume III, No. 5784 Page 15

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    Ministers 'threaten' GP talks


    Published: 06/12/2001, Volume III, No. 5784 Page 10

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    Senior academics on move as universities face uncertainty


    Published: 06/12/2001, Volume III, No. 5784 Page 10

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    Days like this


    Better nurse management needed - DoH writes off capital charge discrepancies -no payout for non-haemophiliacs -AMA funding fury - Row over PM's role in Papworth decision

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    Abuse of the system



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    Breath of fresh air



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    also out



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    Living with Cancer



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    Private contractors urge managers to join them to learn more about PFI


    Public service managers involved in private finance initiative schemes should be seconded to the private sector to learn more about the workings of commercial organisations, according to a National Audit Office survey.

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    No-star trust chair quits as workload pressures mount


    The chair of a no-star trust has resigned half way through the three-month probation period it had been given to sort its problems out, with workload pressures likely to have influenced her decision to go.

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    Brown's £1bn 'will not yield quick returns'


    The NHS budget is set to rise significantly over the next few years after the Treasury review of longterm trends in healthcare, chaired by former National Westminster Bank group chief executive Derek Wanless, showed that major increases in funding were needed to keep pace with an ageing population and advances ...

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    Hospital choice widens in bid to cut waiting time


    The government is expected to announce by Christmas that patients who have been waiting the longest for operations will be able to get treatment outside their own area, in a further effort to ensure the 15-month waitingtime target is met by next March.

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    The final report of Scotland's inquiry into organ retention has recommended a total overhaul of the 1961 Human Tissue Act covering post-mortem and organ retention, which it says is 'vague and uncertain'.The review says all post-mortems should be authorised by relatives, with penalties for breaches.Draft standards on post-mortem and organ ...

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    Audit Commission and NICE invest to boost profile


    The Audit Commission and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence are investing significant resources in communications in an attempt to boost their profiles.

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    De Brun reveals huge spending disparities between Northern Ireland's community trusts


    Expenditure per head of population varies by more than £200 between Northern Ireland's community trusts, health minister Bairbre de Brun revealed last week.

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    PFI cleared of blame for bed shortages


    Delayed discharges and not the private finance initiative lie behind bed shortages at Cumbria's flagship hospital, the Cumberland Infirmary, according to a report.

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    Regions and SHAs jockey for position


    Last-minute wrangling at the Department of Health over the shape of regional offices this week looked set to hold up a crucial document outlining NHS bodies' new roles and responsibilities under the Shifting the Balance of Power in the NHS reorganisation.

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    HA yields to pressure to save elder-care hospital


    West Surrey health authority has decided to keep open the 75-year-old Milford Hospital after local consultation and a vigorous campaign from the Liberal Democrats.

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    GPs gain graduate ENT diploma in outpatient skills


    The first 18 GP ear nose and throat specialists have graduated with a diploma from Middlesex University, validated by the Royal College of General Practitioners.The year-long distance-learning course was designed to improve diagnostic skills and allow GPs to carry out procedures otherwise done in an outpatient department.Ram Dhillon, consultant ENT ...