Latest news – Page 2396

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    Open and shut case


    news focus

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    On a hiding to nothing?


    Hammersmith Hospitals trust is preaching an open culture.So why hasn't it released the results of its breast-screening audit, asks Paul Stephenson Concerns about the choice of Hammersmith Hospitals trust medical director Professor Rory Shaw to chair the National Patient Safety Agency have once again thrown the trust into the spotlight.

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    Design for life


    Healthy living centres may be a throwback to the 1960s, but Carol Harris believes they are filling a gap between medical need and community spirit Achiropody clinic for homeless people in London, an exercise programme in the Lake District and a drug education project in Belfast sound like typical community ...

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    A very big cheese


    Sir Donald Wilson, who died this month, inspired fear and respect in equal measure. Paul Smith charts the career of an ‘NHS hero’, renowned for his passion, his flamboyance - and his dairy farm Aspirations to a New Labour no-blame ‘modern and dependable’NHS were unlikely to appeal to Sir Donald ...

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    Vision from afar


    open space

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    Best foot forward



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    Prejudiced against change



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    Tipping the scales the right way



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    MS victim wins HA funds to die at home


    A health authority has agreed to fund home care for a terminally ill man who didn't want to die in hospital.

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    Ordinary skill is enough for courts


    The Bolam test for medical negligence, laid down in a case heard in 1957, is still alive and well.

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    Retrial for hernia hearing as case costs pile up


    The Court of Appeal has overturned a ruling that a surgeon was negligent and has ordered a retrial because the judge gave no reasons for her finding.

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    Unfavourable reference ruled negligent


    Job references for former employees who leave under a cloud need to be handled with care, as a recent case shows.

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    in person


    John Watkinson, chief executive of Sherwood Forest Hospitals trust, has been appointed to a new post at the Audit Commission where he will work on issues connected with the NHS plan.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks'notice of your event.Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ.Fax:020-7874 0254.

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    News in Brief


    The government's reliance on the private sector in the NHS will be undermined by the service's 'dreadful' business reputation, according to healthcare consultant Newchurch.It claims the NHS is seen by the private sector as costly and time-consuming in its procedures and 'notoriously fickle' in its attitude.'There is no great queue ...

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    'Scapegoat'claim after Tayside vote


    The chair of Scotland's most troubled health body, NHS Tayside, has denied he was put under pressure to act over individuals named in a damning report on the area's health services.

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    Lack of staff blocks joint working


    Meeting the objectives of joint working between the NHS and social services set out in the NHS plan is being hampered by the slow progress of service delivery and by recruitment problems, according to the chief inspector of social services.

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    Bedford bodies in chapel photo was set up say security probe


    The chief executive forced to step down over the 'bodies in the chapel' furore at Bedford Hospital trust has said his version of events has been vindicated by publication of a summary of a security report into the incident.

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    NHS 'could buy other hospitals'


    The Department of Health says it will consider repeating the 'renationalisation' that saw the NHS buy the private Heart Hospital in London, now under the control of University College London Hospitals trust.

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    Short cuts


    Body proposed to regulate healthcare professionals Modernising Regulation in the Health Professions.DoH. www. doh. gov. uk/modernisingregulation The government has proposed a body to regulate all healthcare professionals, by overseeing the work of the existing regulatory bodies.The work of the Council for the Regulation of Health Care Professionals has been outlined ...