Latest news – Page 2417

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    Teenage pregnancies 21 June, London 'Tackling teenage pregnancy' is a one-day Nexus conference supported by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service with input from the Family Planning Association. It will examine strategies to combat unwanted pregnancies among teenagers.

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    Is that a swingometer in Monitor's pocket or is he just pleased to see you? The excitement of last Thursday's election led to all sorts of surges at Monitor Towers - and the kind of swings seen that night didn't need sophisticated technology to detect them! Oh yes, it may ...

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    Dear Mel. . .


    Just before the election the Kings Fund claimed that the government had been misleading the electorate in its claim to have saved £1bn in bureaucracy by getting rid of GP fundholding. Is this true?

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    Leading health figures rear political heads


    The decision of two leading health service figures to speak at a Labour Party news conference, two days before the election has been criticised as conflicting with NHS Executive guidance on remaining impartial during the election.

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    Waiting-list figures dim hope of agenda move


    Waiting-list figures published before the election showed that Scotland had fallen significantly below the 84,000 that Labour inherited in 1997, but the 81,968 people waiting for treatment at the end of March fell far short of the party's 1997 pledge to reduce lists to 75,000.

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    Sighs of relief as waiting times replace numbers as target priority


    Health service managers may be able to celebrate this week as Labour's long-discredited waiting-list target looks set to bite the dust.

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    Managers defend 'excessive' rises


    Health service managers in Northern Ireland have vigorously defended themselves following a report from the public accounts committee attacking their 'excessive' pay rises, benefits and redundancy payments.

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    The British Medical Association is warning of a recruitment crisis among medical academics, with 79 medical professorial posts,145 senior lecturer and 177 lecturer jobs vacant.Academics face 'irreconcilable demands'to treat patients, conduct research and teach, the organisation says, and the shortage of staff casts doubt on whether the expansion in doctor ...

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    GP ballot fails to win ground on national negotiating rights


    The British Medical Association is still set to face major problems in negotiating a new contract for GPs despite last week's ballot result confirming that a majority would be prepared to resign from the NHS if a contract is not in place by next April.

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    Consultants rule against 'empty threats' as contract talks hot up


    Negotiations for a new consultant contract will not be helped by threats of industrial action, according to the British Medical Association's central consultants' and specialists' committee chair Dr Peter Hawker, who predicted the contract would be in place by the autumn.

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    Medical data consent could cost NHS £400m


    The NHS could face a £400m bill if it seeks 'express consent' from patients for all uses of their medical data, experts have warned.

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    Career chance spurs boom in student nurses


    Improved career opportunities for nurses could be behind the boom in the number of students applying for undergraduate nursing courses.

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    Short cuts


    Highest number of new HIV cases since 1985 There were 3,425 new cases of HIV last year according to the Public Health Laboratory Service - a rise of 14 per cent compared with 1999 and the highest number of newly diagnosed cases in one year since testing became widely available ...

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    Cancer screening surge follows soap


    Anecdotal reports from cervical screening centres around the UK suggest a dramatic surge in uptake of screening following a Coronation Street storyline in which character Alma Halliwell is diagnosed with terminal cancer, having missed a smear test.

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    Organ retention fallout may run into millions as workload soars


    Trusts are facing escalating bills and huge workforce pressures as they try to deal with the fallout from the organ retention scandal.

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    Climbie inquiry to focus on partnership-working


    One of the most comprehensive and wide-ranging investigations ever into health and social services failures began last week with the opening of the public inquiry into the death of eight-year-old Victoria Climbie in February last year.

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    Big guns in battle for care homes cash


    Independent care home owners in Scotland have enlisted heavyweight help to convince local authorities that they are not being paid enough.

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    Public health risk of foot and mouth is monitored


    A multi-agency group is being established to monitor potential risks to public health from the foot and mouth disease outbreak.

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    Days like this


    Poverty link ignored. . .Local government 'take-over'. . .Staff uphold standards. . .Improving communications. . .Labour cash boost slammed

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    Second helpings

