Latest news – Page 2419

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    Dear Mel. . .


    I have just heard Mr Blair talking about something called the University of the NHS.

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    Beleaguered boss quits ambulance trust


    David Todhunter, chief executive of Mersey Regional Ambulance trust, has resigned from his post, weeks after being sharply criticised in a report into the handling of an emergency helicopter transfer of patient Julie Donaldson in May 1999.

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    Lack of cash threatens mental health services


    The delivery of improved mental health services in some of the poorest parts of London is being delayed because of lack of cash.

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    Media chief quits over 'total' ministerial control


    Department of Health communications director Helen McCallum has left her high-profile Whilehall job because of the 'frightening level of ministerial control' thwarting her ideals.

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    Funding is sticking point as private sector pushes for 'concordat 2'


    Negotiations for a second concordat between the private sector and the NHS covering long-term care are underway, with funding mechanisms one of the core issues to be resolved.

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    Early discharge from intensive care heightens risks


    The deaths of 39 per cent of patients moved out of intensive care to other wards could be prevented if they remained in the unit for two more days, according to research conducted in 20 UK intensitve treatment units. Researchers from St George's and St Thomas' Hospitals in London, writing ...

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    GP wins redundancy claim after hospital closure


    A GP who was employed by a trust to provide cover at a hospital elderly care ward has won an employment tribunal claim for redundancy payments after the sessions were ended due to the ward's closure. Dr John Campbell, who practises in Ashington, Northumberland, had been employed as a hospital ...

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    Social services cash crisis will add to acute bed woes


    The Registered Nursing Homes Association has written to the candidates of all the major political parties warning that shortfalls in social services finances will mean that many elderly people 'will get stuck in acute hospital beds for weeks on end because there are no nursing home places available to which ...

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    GP gets four years in prison for defrauding NHS


    A doctor convicted of defrauding the NHS of up to £4m has been sentenced to four years in prison. Dr Dimitri Padelis had charged trusts across England for services supposedly provided by his locum agency, Allcare. He submitted inflated and duplicate invoices to at least 77 trusts over several years, ...

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    Royal Free appeals against 'huts for nurses' ruling


    The Royal Free Hospital trust has lodged an appeal against a ruling by Camden council that it cannot install temporary accommodation for overseas nurses in the grounds of the trust. Local residents in Hampstead, north London, objected to the hospital's plans to install prefabricated huts on disused tennis courts to ...

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    Appeal to candidates for HIV/AIDS debate


    The UK HIV Policy Forum, a UK umbrella group of 20 HIV organisations, has challenged the main political parties to address the growing urgency of the AIDS problem. In its manifesto, the organisation calls for guaranteed investment in HIV prevention and protection from discrimination for people with HIV/AIDS. Jonathan Grimshaw, ...

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    Tool shortages cause ENT wait-time breach


    Patients around the country - many of them children - are having to wait more than the government's agreed time limit of 18 months for surgery, following difficulties buying disposable equipment for tonsillectomies.

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    Scottish Parliament signals reluctance to meddle in decision-making at local level


    The Scottish Parliament has sent a clear message to trusts and health boards that it will not meddle in local decision-making - provided the consultation process is proper.

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    Team-work undermined by fund plans, say finance chiefs


    The announcement that the £105m modernisation fund for acute trusts is to be locally controlled by medical and nursing directors has been attacked by finance directors as another central directive undermining managerial team-working.

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    Access systems fail on patient 'types'


    Health service managers are failing to take account of how different people react to new ways of accessing health services, such as the Internet or NHS Direct, according to research from the Institute for Public Policy Research.

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    GMC votes for testing of doctors


    The General Medical Council has agreed to ask the government to introduce legislation to ensure that all doctors will have to demonstrate their fitness to practice every five years.

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    Days like this - HSJ 30 May 1991


    Private healthcare set for boom. . . Managers believe reforms will not solve underfunding. . . Waiting list warning. . . Bed closures restrict training. . . Naming and shaming over hours

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    On the ethics border


    NHS managers are about to acquire new responsibilities for policing medical research. How will they cope with yet another 'governance', wonders Toni Turner

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    Polls apart


    Heckling was banned at the RCN's annual congress, whatever the provocation. Tash Shifrin heard the politicians vie for the profession's votes

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    In the eye of the storm


    How do chief executives cope when their hospital is suddenly thrust into the limelight during the run-up to the election? With calmness and consummate professionalism - apparently.