Latest news – Page 2431

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    Sacked boss cleared of harassment sues trust


    A chief executive sacked after being cleared of sexual harassment at an employment tribunal is to sue his former trust.

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    Scottish Executive highlights large spending variations among trusts


    The gap between the financial performance of Scotland's acute trusts reached 23 per cent in the last financial year, according to a report by the Scottish Executive.

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    Hackney marriage


    Two health workers are out to unseat left-wing MP Diane Abbott. Mark Gould looks at the campaign issues

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    Tenants extra


    The need for affordable housing for key NHS workers has never been greater. Some trusts are trying to address the problem. Lynn Eaton reports

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    Hazard warning


    Risk matters in healthcare Communicating, explaining and managing risk By Kay Mohanna and Ruth Chambers Radcliffe Medical Press 114 pages £17. 95

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    Showing some spirit


    Hospital chaplaincy Modern, dependable? By Helen Orchard Sheffield Academic Press 166 pages £10

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    Looking behind the screens


    Keeping healthy 'down below' Sheila Hollins and Jackie Downer Gaskell 47 pages £10 Looking after my breasts By Sheila Hollins and Wendy Perez Gaskell 53 pages £10

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    Delayed LIFT-off


    The NHS plan has earmarked up to £1bn and set out ambitious targets for primary care premises. Yet a survey of GPs and managers gave it a vote of no-confidence. Ann Dix reports

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    On the record: four professionals speak out on the plan


    Managers and doctors surveyed thought the government's targets were unachievable. Four leading primary care players give their views.

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    Bluffer's guide to NHS LIFT


    Only one manager surveyed had heard of NHS LIFT.

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    The great divide


    New 'fast-track' ambulatory care centres that separate elective diagnosis and treatment from emergency work are part of the government's plans for spending private finance, alongside the building of new hospitals, writes Seamus Ward

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    On the crest of a new wave in West Bromwich and Sandwell


    Patients in West Bromwich and Sandwell could be among the first to benefit from the new wave of ambulatory care and diagnostic centres.

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    PEAT practice


    The 'traffic-light' inspections found problems not just with hospital cleanliness but issues such as parking and signage. Are they being tackled, asks Alison Moore

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    Separation angst


    Single-sex wards are not strictly part of the PEAT work - but are a continual source of complaints and concern, says the Patients Association. 'We have seen not just mixed-sex wards but patients in corridors waiting for Xrays with their bums hanging out, ' says assistant director Simon Williams, who ...

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    Shopping around for new models


    Improving the environment for 'customers' and making their experience of the organisation better are not issues confined to the NHS.

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    An inspector called - and how one hospital responded


    Not many estates and facilities directors will admit that their hospital fell into the 'bright red' category in the first round of PEAT inspections, but Bob Pepper, of Pembury Hospital in Kent, is that rare exception.

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    Homing instincts


    The housing czar is pulling out all the stops to provide more affordable rented accommodation for healthcare workers. But will it be enough, when people want to be home owners? Andrew Cole reports

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    Room with a view to staying. . .


    For senior staff nurse Karen Mullan the new accommodation at East Central House has come as a godsend. Karen, who works in haematology at University College Hospital London, was living in a nursing home but since she got engaged had been desperately searching for a larger home for herself and ...

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    A turn for the better


    A nurse rotation programme has already boosted recruitment in the hard-to-staff mental health sector. Patrick Coyne and Alan Beadsmoore do the rounds

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    Monitor was as shocked as anyone to hear that one of the royal family had revealed some opinions. Wasn't it enough that the Countess of Wessex had a modish hairstyle, a day job and a hunky husband to boot? But what's this? Our friends at The Guardian are among thousands ...