Latest news – Page 2433

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    CHI-type body proposed for NI services


    An independent body to monitor the delivery of health and social services in Northern Ireland, comparable to the Commission for Health Improvement in England, has been proposed by health minister Bairbre de Brun.

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    Cell structure


    Following the killing of a prisoner by a cell-mate with schizophrenia, the criminal justice system in Essex has focused on offenders and defenders with mental health problems. Cathy Cooper looks at the new approach and its impact

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    How the teams work


    If police, magistrates and probation services feel a person has a mental disorder they call in a team from South Essex Mental Health and Community Care trust.

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    Independence way


    Intermediate care has been redefined and given a new emphasis - as well as new money. But the model being introduced has had little evaluation and may produce no added benefits to patients, says Claire Laurent

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    The Sheffield story


    Four rehabilitation resource centres in Sheffield, one for each primary care group area, will eventually offer different aspects of rehabilitation to older people. Resource centre project manager Gill Greenwood says: 'We are developing different things at different times. 'Eventually each will offer a rehabilitation wing, a hospital discharge wing, a ...

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    The bottom line


    There is no doubt that intermediate care is not a cheap option and there is some doubt about its effectiveness over other forms of care. A study by Andrea Steiner, senior lecturer in gerontology and health policy at Southampton University, found that intermediate care did not necessarily solve the problem ...

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    Home, but not alone


    Prompt discharge of patients is vital when beds are scarce, but some patients may need continued care to help them adjust. Diane Evans describes a voluntary scheme to help frail patients who live alone

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    Some things wicked


    The NHS plan promised a change in the quality of leadership. Carole Doherty reflects on the practicalities of achieving that ambition

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    Winter pressures


    Over the winter there was only one story to be written about the NHS - why is not there a winter crisis? The latest report from the winter and emergency services team (WEST) confirms part of the answer - no influenza.

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    in person


    Elaine Inglesby has been appointed director of nursing and midwifery for Stockport trust. Ms Inglesby was formerly director of nursing and hospital services at the Walton Centre for neurology and neurosurgery trust. She replaces Tony Halsall.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks'notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ. Fax:020-7874 0254.

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    National database to log NHS errors


    The Department of Health has announced the creation of an independent body to run a national database logging all 'failures, mistakes, errors and near misses' in the delivery of NHS healthcare.

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    Leadership centre may buck men-only trend


    The Leadership Centre for Health looks set to be headed by a woman director, bucking the men-only trend of top NHS appointments.

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    Troubled finance round triggers joint search for fairer process


    Department of Health officials are planning to attend a joint meeting of the Healthcare Financial Management Association and NHS Confederation in June to discuss how to improve the process of agreeing service and financial frameworks across the NHS.

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    Senior managers'pay


    Pay rises for senior managers, including performance-related pay, must not exceed 3. 7 per cent of the pay bill for this group in any organisation this year, NHS chief executive Nigel Crisp announced last week.

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    Outsiders to shake up complacent DoH


    The Department of Health could be in line for the most far-reaching shake-up of its existence, with outside organisations invited to feed into its internal review.

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    CHI launches investigation into London breastscreening unit


    The Commission for Health Improvement is to undertake its first investigation requested by somebody other than the health secretary in England or Wales, into the breast-screening service at Hammersmith Hospitals trust.

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    Coming clean


    The number of 'red'dirty hospitals has fallen after being named and shamed, but those in trouble still get the headlines, writes Laura Donnelly

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    Down but not out


    Outpatient clinics are out-of-date and much of their function could occur in primary care, says the NHS Confederation. But will not some clinics always be needed? Mark Gould examines the arguments

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    Praise indeed! Monitor literally didn't know what do when he received an item of fan mail this week! Back from the framers, and since 'spreading good practice' is far more fashionable than boasting ever was, time to share the letter: 'Dear Monitor, I always read your column and sometimes actually ...