Latest news – Page 2435

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    No monopoly on best practice in patient care



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    Hammersmith trust PACS first punch



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    First past the post


    The NHS is certain to be a focus of the general election. But it was not always so. Rudolf Klein charts the progress of health at the hustings

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    Cutting it fine


    By introducing therapy assistants for patients in need of rehabilitation, one trust has succeeded in dramatically reducing length of stay. Val Steele, Rowena Wright and colleagues report

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    Changing the scrip


    A team of pharmaceutical advisers persevered in the face of GP resistance to increase generic prescribing and foster a support network of other health professionals. Linda Dodds reports

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    Thinking out of the box


    At the heart of the NHS, say Chris Foote and Paul Plsek, is a culture of charity and only when there is a genuine partnership between patients and professionals can the NHS plan succeed

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    NHS must pay £10m over defective blood


    The NHS faces a £10m bill for compensation and costs after a ruling by a High Court judge that the National Blood Authority and Velindre trust in Cardiff were liable for supplying defective blood to 114 people who became infected with hepatitis C.

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    in brief


    The Legal Services Commission has made much of the recent change under which only specialist solicitors may now take clinical negligence cases on legal aid. But recent figures from the commission seem to show that the specialists have got worse, not better. In 1996-97, members of specialist panels had a ...

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    X-ray copies to be included in £50 medical records fee


    The ruling in the hepatitis C litigation comes hard on the heels of a less momentous judgement but one which will also prove expensive for the NHS.

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    Human rights ruling challenges Mental Health Act on detention


    Six months after the Human Rights Act came into force, its effects are starting to be felt in the healthcare field.

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    Going at the seam


    Inter-professional Practice in Health and Social Care Challenging the shared learning agenda By Carolyn Miller, Marnie Freeman and Nick Ross Arnold 248 pages £18. 99

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    Quest beyond the clinical boundaries


    Research in Health Care Concepts, designs and methods By Julius Sim and Chris Wright Stanley Thornes 320 pages £25

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    New version of a trusted friend


    The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures Fifth edition Edited by Jane Mallet and Lisa Dougherty Blackwell Science 752 pages £59. 50

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    in person


    Kate Lampard has taken over the post of chair of Invicta Community Care trust from Brian Oatley, who retired on 1 April. She has been a nonexecutive director on West Kent health authority for the past three years.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks'notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ. Fax:020-7874 0254.

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    'Dirty' hospitals on defensive as DoH shines spotlight on 41


    The Department of Health has named 41 'dirty' hospitals which will receive fortnightly monitoring visits from regional offices, and flagged up 10 as 'in need of special measures'.

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    Family doctors give lukewarm response to 'work to rule' call


    A campaign by the British Medical Association urging GPs to 'work to rule' and ditch extra paperwork caused by the introduction of the national service frameworks appears to have met a lukewarm response from doctors on the ground.

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    Call to update pay and role of non-executive directors


    Pay for non-executive directors and chairs should be increased from the £5,000 a year set in 1990 to its equivalent value of almost £7,000, according to a report from the NHS Confederation.

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    Suspicious fire closes A&E department


    London's University College Hospital was forced to close its accident and emergency department after fire broke out in the early hours of Thursday morning.

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    Managers and unions expecting 'great things'of NHS HR director


    NHS Confederation's human resources policy director Andrew Foster has been appointed as the health service's HR director.