Latest news – Page 2437

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    Conservative attacks choice of appointments chair


    The appointment of South East regional chair Sir William Wells as chair of the new NHS Appointments Commission has prompted fierce criticism from shadow health secretary Dr Liam Fox.Sir William will head a team of regional commissioners responsible for recruiting and appraising non-executives.Dr Fox described the appointment of Sir William ...

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    New medical schools target lower-income entrants


    Two new medical schools are to be set up, based at Brighton and Sussex Universities and Hull and York Universities. In all 1,033 additional medical school places are being created in England, with emphasis on recruiting students from middle and lower-income families.There will also be greater emphasis on interprofessional training ...

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    Pressure on Scotland to stay in line over elderly care


    Pressure is mounting for Scotland not to implement the findings of the Royal Commission on Long-Term Care for the Elderly, says the report's author, Sir Stewart Sutherland.Giving the Royal College of Nursing Scotland inaugural annual lecture, he warned that 'the pressure to reject full implementation is growing as those who ...

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    Qualification aims to raise social care standards


    A three-year degree-level social work qualification is to begin from 2003 as part of a bid to raise social care standards.

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    Umbrella cancer research institute launched


    The Department of Health has unveiled a new organisation to co-ordinate all the UK's cancer research.The National Cancer Research Institute will co-ordinate funding and information on research, including clinical trials and genetics. It will bring together government departments, the Medical Research Council, cancer research charities and the pharmaceutical industry.Health secretary ...

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    Think-tank calls for hefty bonuses to keep leaders


    The public sector must do much more to attract high-calibre leaders and consider paying hefty bonuses to the best-performing managers, according to the Cabinet Office's performance and innovation unit.

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    Unified NHS boards raring to get started in Scotland


    Unified NHS boards could be up and running in parts of Scotland by the summer, well before the October date they were due to become formal entities, according to a newly appointed board chair.

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    Confederations take charge of developing future workforce


    Twenty-four new bodies become operational this week which will, for the first time, oversee the workforce and training issues of NHS staff.

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    Review call over critical care beds in Wales


    There are significant variations in performance and facilities between trusts throughout Wales and a particular need to review critical care bed capacity as well as district nursing and diabetes services, according to the Audit Commission.

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    Farmers turn to NHS helpline


    A helpline offering advice to farmers and those affected by the foot and mouth outbreak across Wales has seen an increase in calls from people who are suicidal.

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    Days like this HSJ


    Joint purchasing pilots. . . new staff grades plan. . . health unions closer to merger. . .hospitals face autumn rein-in. . . £16m services to contract out

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    Pride over prejudice


    Rooting out age discrimination is the latest NHS priority, and Ian Philp is charged with spearheading the drive.He talked to Carol Harris about life after the national service framework

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    It is the final countdown


    Did the annual embarrassment of casualty watch encourage ministers to abolish CHCs? We may never know, but Tash Shifrin assesses their last snapshot survey of A&E waiting times

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    Window dressing


    Can you pack 60 or more rambling proposals into eight neat themes? Ann McGauran heard Professor David Hunter do just that at the UK Public Health Association conference - but not all present were convinced

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    A very private punch-up


    Anger with Labour over the private finance initiative dominated debate at Unison's healthcare service group conference.Lyn Whitfield reports

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    Stepping off a springboard


    A mixture of excitement and apprehension was evident at the National Association of Primary Care conference, as around 130 new primary care trusts prepare to go live.Lynn Eaton reports

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    Key moderniser must cry freedom for public sector


    Head of Modernisation Agency plans to give leaders a chance to shine

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    Backing up courage with cash


    Radical ideas are the future - but they must be matched with resources

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    No more piggy-in-the-middle
