Latest news – Page 2440

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    Nurse care on trial returns verdict of 'not proven'


    Although randomised controlled trials are the rule for new drugs, they are less in evidence when novel procedures are being introduced - and a positive rarity when testing major organisational change.

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    Office conflict takes its strain


    The NHS suffers a double dose of the problems associated with long hours spent at the ubiquitous computer terminal.

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    Genome giant spells out vision of brave new world


    The annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science was dominated this year by matters genetic - no surprise, given that it came so soon after the publication of the draft sequence of the human genome.

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    On the shelf


    Hospital mortuaries are not subject to mandatory inspection and have been under-resourced for years.Now specialists warn that Bedford Hospital's 'bodies on the chapel floor'scandal could easily happen elsewhere. Barbara Millar reports

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    Dead-end job: is pay the real scandal?


    After 10 years in the responsible job of a senior anatomical pathology technician,39-year-old Danny Corry is on a salary of just £13,500 a year.Fully qualified, with a diploma in anatomical pathology technology from the prestigious Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene, Mr Corry works from 8am until 4.30pm five ...

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    'Colleagues just do not want to know'


    Andrew Moultrie took a temporary job in the mortuary at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee - over 14 years ago.Now senior mortuary technical officer, at the top of scale MTO 2, he is on £16,500 and unlikely to progress further.'The only way I could get a regrading would be if we suddenly ...

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    Moving the goalposts


    A surgical directorate's approach to setting comprehensive targets for consultants has increased the number of patients treated and boosted confidence, say Kath Craig and Bill Thomas

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    Share alike


    A rehabilitation unit for older people has flourished under the cross-fertilisation of ideas since responsibility for managing it was put in the hands of people from different professional backgrounds. Beth Powney and colleagues report

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    Chewing it over


    A tool kit for the NHS plan By Roy Lilley Radcliffe Medical Press 203 pages £30

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    There is Methodism in their gladness


    A choice well made Mutuality as a governing principle in residential care By Leonie Kellaher Centre for Policy on Aging 112 pages £15

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    Losing the way with backseat drivers


    Saving money on medicines The drugs budget handbook By Penny Blanch Radcliffe Medical Press 271 pages £19.95

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    in person


    David Snowdon has been appointed director of nursing and operations at Southern Derbyshire Community and Mental Health trust.He was formerly director of mental health services with Leicestershire and Rutland Healthcare trust.He takes up his post on 1 April.

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    Clinical governance 5 April, London The Health Quality Service with the support of the National Council for Hospice and Specialist Palliative Care Services is holding a conference on 'Developing effective clinical governance practice in the hospice movement: influencing the government's thinking', looking at current best practice in hospice clinical governance ...

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    Age discrimination pledge may reignite debate on rationing


    The government's pledge to end age discrimination in NHS services will reignite the debate on rationing and could even prompt a 'backlash' as younger patients lose ground to elderly people, it has been claimed.

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    A&E wait times 'can't be blamed on winter'


    Waiting times in accident and emergency departments across the UK show 'significant pockets of very, very long waits' that cannot be blamed on winter pressures, according to figures from a snapshot survey.

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    Public health still languishing in the 'ghetto'


    Public health risks falling behind fix-and-mend medical services in the race for resources, despite government talk about dragging it 'from the ghetto', according to a report from the Commons health select committee.

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    in brief


    Scotland's Clinical Standards Board has developed its first set of clinical standards covering bowel, lung and ovarian cancer, coronary heart disease and schizophrenia, as well as generic standards.Visits will be carried out to review trusts'performance.

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    Private firms could run as well as finance primary care centres


    Private companies providing finance to develop primary care premises may play a key role in the managing of the centres in what could amount to a national franchise for primary care.

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    HR directors overwhelmed by flow of 'daily' initiatives


    Directors of human resources are working an average 10-12 hourday, an NHS survey has revealed.