Latest news – Page 2442

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    Hutt blocks staff transfer to PFI


    Welsh health and social services minister Jane Hutt has blocked a controversial move to transfer clinical staff to the private sector in a private finance initiative deal.

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    Radical shake-up on learning disabilities


    Health secretary Alan Milburn hopes that the first white paper for 30 years on learning disabilities, launched this week, will begin a 'revolution in care', increasing opportunities for the estimated 1.4 million service users and their carers.

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    Hammersmith audit reveals six more breast-screening errors


    At least six errors have been uncovered during an investigation into the breast-screening unit at Hammersmith Hospital's trust, and chief executive John Cooper has sought advice from the Commission for Health Improvement.

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    Blair GP speech takes DoH by surprise


    The details of incentive schemes to be negotiated between primary care groups and trusts and GP surgeries, announced by prime minister Tony Blair this week, have not been properly worked out, and the high-profile announcement took civil servants unawares, according to HSJ sources.

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    national director


    Mr Blair announced the creation of a post of national director for primary care services, which will be filled by Dr David Colin-Thome, currently part-time director of primary care at London regional office.

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    Joint-working averts crisis


    This year's winter pressures were worse than last year but have been 'handled better' by the NHS, local councils and their partner organisations, according to a Department of Health report.

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    Labour under pressure to concede on care bill


    The government has been forced to make concessions as it struggles to push its Health and Social Care Bill through Parliament before calling a general election.

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    'Postcode lottery' of support as PALS take divergent routes


    Patients are facing a 'postcode lottery' of support as early patient advocacy and liaison services adopt widely differing approaches.

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    in brief


    The Royal College of Nursing has produced a guide to reducing bullying, which it says is affecting nurse morale and forcing some to leave their jobs.An RCN survey found that one in six nurses reported being bullied by staff over the past year.

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    Support from top in tight IT funding round


    Junior health minister Gisela Stuart has acknowledged that this year's tight NHS spending round may impact on IT spending - and urged frontline managers to inform the centre if they are losing out.

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    'Resign or be sacked' was 'choice' for chair


    Health secretary Alan Milburn was told of the departure of the former chair of Stoke Mandeville Hospital trust earlier this month before she had submitted her resignation over breaches of the 18-month waiting-list guarantee.

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    Hospital trusts warn of chaos as medical secretaries threaten strike


    Two hospital trusts are warning of chaos in coming weeks because of the threat of industrial action by medical secretaries over pay.

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    Panorama gives NHS plan a 'reality check'


    In what the BBC has called a 'reality check', this Sunday's Panorama puts the NHS plan under the spotlight after two months of filming at St Peter's Hospital in Chertsey.

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    Poor terms blamed for dental drift


    Poor terms and conditions are compromising standards and driving NHS dentists into the private sector, claims the British Dental Association, which has just launched a seven-point policy on NHS and private care.

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    Days like this


    Sack threatened over trust bid. . .'Sweeteners'for start-ups. . .HAs 'freezing'patient numbers. . .CHCs unhappy on role. . .Booked appointments

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    Carnall knowledge


    New South East region director Ruth Carnall is frank on coming to grips with 'serious performance issues', the size of her supposedly affluent and articulate patch, and the challenge of finding a clean pair of tights. So why do she and her London counterp

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    Why are finance directors so ashamed of their pasts?


    When John Bacon tries to shrug off almost three decades spent in finance, one begins to wonder what the dirty secret is.

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    Choice words


    The election manifestos of the medical and nursing lobbies reveal a determination to confront the 'unmentionable'. Mark Gould discovers their passions

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    Inhale and hearty


    Exercise, chilly lessons, bodybuilding, meals of suet and porridge - a new book recalls the heyday of the open-air school for sick children. Our woman with the frozen ink: Tash Shifrin

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    Primary concerns


    Delegates at the NHS Alliance spring conference didn't exactly grasp the GP retention incentives with both hands. Paul Stephenson reports