Latest news – Page 2450

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    Passing the hat round


    Imperial College medical student Sam Keech, based at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, joined other students, doctors and managers in modelling at a fundraising event in aid of Macmilllan Cancer Relief. The event, at the university's new Sir Norman Foster-designed building, coincided with London Fashion Week.

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    Dr John Chisholm, chair of the British Medical Association's general practitioners'committee, has written an open letter to GPs reiterating that the profession is in crisis due to increased workload, poor morale and inadequate pay.

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    PFI site bed shortage for non-A&E patients


    Six patients at Carlisle's Cumberland Infirmary, the first private finance initiative-funded hospital, spent the night on trolleys last week after the trust found itself with no spare beds.

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    Trust goes on defensive over 'damning' report


    Stockport trust has defended itself against criticism from local MP Andrew Stunell following a Mental Health Act Commission report, which he described as 'damning, to say the least'.

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    Doctors still 'call the shots'despite Labour rhetoric on patient focus


    Despite rhetoric about developing a patient-focused and primary careled NHS, little has changed under New Labour from the typical patient's point of view, according to a report from the King's Fund.

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    Switched on


    Germ Lights, by design group Proof Multiples, features in an exhibition of biomedical images enhanced by contemporary artists. The free exhibition, entitled Growth and Form, runs until 4 May at the Two10 Gallery, The Wellcome Trust,210 Euston Road, London. For enquiries call 020-7611 7211.

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    SHORTCUTS: Tayside kept waiting in discussions on £8m deficit


    Tayside health board will have to wait until April to have further discussion on how to reduce a projected £8m deficit, after the financial information it had requested from trusts was not provided to its meeting last week. The board's £8m deficit is attributable to Tayside University Hospitals trust, which ...

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    SHORTCUTS: Pensioner claims human rights violation over move


    An 89-year-old woman is claiming her local council has violated the Human Rights Act by trying to transfer the old people's home she lives in to a private trust. Flossie Hands, who lives in Birmingham city council's Florence Hammond Elderly Home, has served a writ on the council, backed by ...

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    SHORTCUTS: Opponent of acute services shake-up to stand as MP


    Campaigners who opposed a major acute services shake-up in Kidderminster are to stand a candidate in the general election. Health Concern - the group that currently holds 18 of the 42 seats on Wyre Forest district council - is to stand Dr Richard Taylor against sitting Labour MP David Lock ...

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    SHORTCUTS: Mental health forum to shake up communication


    Views of mental health service users for the National User Forum will see meetings taking a back seat, the forum's first gathering decided. Professor Louis Appleby, national director for mental health, said: 'It ought to be possible to contribute to the forum in different ways, through correspondence and we are ...

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    SHORTCUTS: Grim figures on life expectancy for deprived Scots


    Life expectancy is 10 years lower in the most deprived areas of Scotland than in the more affluent areas of South-East England, according to the latest report from National Statistics. The report of life expectancy by local authority for 199597 showed that the highest male life expectancy in Glasgow City ...

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    SHORTCUTS: Nursing pack aims to benchmark care standards


    New standards of care that nurses and other staff are expected to provide for patients, to ensure such things as privacy, dignity and providing food of good nutritional value, have been announced by health minister John Denham. The Essence of Care pack sets out what staff need to do, best ...

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    Key trusts fail targets though others do well


    Trusts in some parts of England are failing to meet targets on the number of patients waiting more than 12 months for surgery, though the best performers are progressing at a much faster rate than that demanded by their regional offices.

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    Ex-manager gets £105k for 'nerves'


    A former manager in the Mersey Regional Ambulance Service who suffered two nervous breakdowns in the course of his job has been awarded £105,000 in damages.

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    Days like this


    HSJ 28February 1991 - NHS Executive shake-up. . . Caines gets Guy's key job. . . Fundholding rethink. . . Cash curb on GPs in hospitals. . . Emergencies clampdown

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    All aboard?


    HSJ rode the Clapham omnibus to find out what people thought of New Labour's track-record on the health service. It found many of them less than enthusiastic. Our man with the notepad and travelcard: Mark Gould

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    In for a quickie


    Will fast-track surgery centres change the way we think about the general hospital - or are they just politically expedient? Ann McGauran reports

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    Pound of flesh


    The huge cost of obesity to the health service is increasingly well known - but is the NHS partly at fault in failing to provide the level and type of services needed? Alison Moore reports

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    That'll teach them


    The amount of time and money dedicated to training staff can vary as much as five times between trusts. Claire Laurent looks at the many factors behind the variations

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    The same or worse - public and academe agree


    COMMENT: New Labour's NHS reform so far is mostly spin and cosmetic change