Latest news – Page 2454

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    Wales' NHS plan unimpeded by members'cold feet


    Welsh Assembly officials say implementation of Wales'NHS plan will go ahead 'from now', despite Assembly members' refusal to ratify it last week. Debate on the plan was adjourned before the vote, after members raised a series of concerns, particularly over the lack of specific targets. Conservative William Graham moved an ...

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    Opposition MSPs claim 'watering down'of free care


    Scottish opposition MSPs have reacted angrily to what they see as an attempt to water down the Executive's commitment to providing free care for elderly people. The Executive tabled an amendment to a motion by the health and community care committee, changing a pledge to act upon the recommendations of ...

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    Chlamydia to be key part of sexual health strategy


    The government's long-delayed sexual health and HIV strategy will appear next month as a consultation paper. Michael Adler, professor of genito-urinary medicine at Royal Free and University College medical school, who has led the steering group drawing up the strategy, told HSJ that a roll-out of chlamydia screening - currently ...

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    Three patients behind 150 per cent rise in attacks


    Three patients were responsible for a 150 per cent increase in violent attacks on staff at a Teesside hospital trust. Staff at South Cleveland Hospital, Middlesbrough General, and North Riding Infirmary have suffered 79 physical assaults since April last year, compared to 31 attacks in the previous year. One patient ...

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    Nurses may monitor drink or drug-crime prisoners


    Nurses may be asked to work in police cells in a bid to improve the monitoring of prisoners arrested for drink or drugs offences. Police chiefs in Cheshire are considering the move as part of a plan to introduce centralised 'custody suites' staffed by qualified nurses, cutting the risk to ...

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    Monitor was slow to respond to the advances shown by the Impotence Association, recognising (though not in a judgemental way) that its newsletter, One in Ten, had landed on the wrong desk. Still, 'No-one wants to be Mr Droopy', as Uncle Graham used to say, so before tactfully passing the ...

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    Dear Mel. . .


    Your otherwise excellent summary of the career of Nye Bevan (8 February) was lacking in just one respect - his deep devotion to the cause of improving audiology services on the NHS. As you will know, it was dear old Ernie himself who said that, as minister, he felt that ...

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    Strong grounds for complaint


    I wrote to all 99 health authority chief executives in December, asking for a copy of their annual report to see what they are doing on patient and public involvement (PPI), and look at the content and consistency of complaints reporting.

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    Milburn gathers plenty of ammunition to 'shoot his Fox'


    'Well, well, well, surprise, surprise. ' Dr Liam Fox, the Tory health spokesman and George W Bush lookalike, spoke for the nation when he responded to Alan Milburn's announcement of 29 new hospital building projects in tones of not-so-gentle irony.

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    Name David Hinchliffe MP Job Chair, Commons health select committee Style Old Labour with added influence. Wakefield MP with mining ancestors going back to 1750s. Not afraid to put matters bluntly, 'as a Yorkshireman. . . 'Not afraid of much else either, as tobacco barons called before the select committee ...

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    One thing leads to another


    It is all systems go with the Leadership Centre for Health again, which aims to nurture a new generation of excellence. Lynn Eaton meets the woman setting it up and her deputy

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    Fair do's


    The dearth of training in equal opportunities for GPs could leave them open to complaint and must be addressed swiftly, argue James Gerrard and Jamie Bahrami, who carried out a survey of the issue

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    Coach outings


    The new Leadership Centre For Health will build on previous NHS initiatives to develop management careers, says Barbara Millar

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    Many happy returns


    Return-to-practice initiatives for nurses are proving highly successful, but they still have some way to go to understand those who take them. Thelma Agnew reports

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    Taking the rough with the smooth


    The return-to-practice course run by Oxford Brookes University helped Melanie Miller-Smith, 43, to restart her nursing career a year ago, after a 10-year break. Having spent nine years living abroad with her husband and three children, she was eager to get back to nursing when the family returned to the ...

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    The rebirth of a career


    Mother-of-12 Jeanette Thewlis, 49, has recently returned to midwifery after an absence of nearly 25 years. She left the profession to have her family, and it is her family - in particular, the expense of putting the older children through university - that has prompted her return to paid employment.

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    The bigger picture


    How much of an impact have NVQs had in the health service - and will they be superseded by the new individual learning accounts with their broader outlook? Thelma Agnew reports

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    Up to the job: the NVQ story


    The government set up the NVQ system in the late 1980s in a bid to 'upskill' the country's workforce and replace a chaotic range of occupational qualifications with a consistent and rigorously assessed set of standards. The standards on which NVQs are based are created by national training organisations, employer-led ...

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    Worth a second lucre


    Gaining in popularity by the year, MBAs are becoming ever more diverse and are meeting the demands for more flexible ways of learning. Barbara Millar reports

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    After the MBA: what are your prospects?


    The Association of MBAs recently published its fourth survey of the salary and career prospects of MBA graduates.