Latest news – Page 2455

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    Fine delivery


    The technicians will bring us all the information we want, but it will not be any good unless we know what to do with it. Lyn Whitfield reports

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    A working arrangement


    It has been a big year for human resources. Lynn Eaton examines what the NHS plan and the HR strategy mean for training

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    Evening out the odds


    With the help of a training and staff appraisal system, Nottingham City Hospital trust has overhauled the way its staffing in theatre is arranged. Traditionally, the nurses would only work for the surgeons and the operating department practitioners for the anaesthetists. Each had different responsibilities and was on different rates ...

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    Jobs for the girls


    Bradford health authority is working on new ways of developing staff on a multidisciplinary basis - and tackling recruitment problems at the same time. Jan Lee, assistant head teacher at Belle Vue School in Bradford, is on secondment to the HA two days a week. She has set up initiatives ...

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    Down to the nitty-gritty


    The government has given a clear commitment to improved training. The NHS plan, issued in July last year, says: 'The strength of the NHS lies in its staff, whose skills, expertise and dedication underpin all that it does.

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    CHC concessions signify first deviation from NHS plan


    The government has been forced to make substantial concessions over patient involvement and representation in the first significant departure from the NHS plan.

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    Successor to 'irreplaceable'Reeves is a former finance deputy director


    The NHS Executive has appointed Richard Douglas, one of its former deputy finance directors, to replace outgoing director Colin Reeves.

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    RCN reneges on staff pay award while in talks over improved deal for top job


    The Royal College of Nursing has been accused of being 'insensitive' to its staff, following its decision to cut an agreed pay award for its workforce while negotiating an improved pay package for a new general secretary from the US.

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    Bristol report 'withheld' until after election


    The Bristol inquiry has announced that its final report will not be completed until the end of March, when it will be sent to health secretary Alan Milburn.

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    Well, Monitor has learnt something new this week! And hacks and hackettes of the good ship HSJ are kicking themselves after their sister magazine beat them to the scoop of the century. In a revelation worthy of Woodward and Bernstein, Nursing Times uncovered the TRUTH about nurses and sex. Apparently, ...

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    Troubleshooters rally support for NHS Direct


    A new troubleshooting team will rally support for government plans to make NHS Direct the single point of access for all out-ofhours services.

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    £27m in GP clawback suspended


    The government has suspended this year's clawback of £27m in GP overpayments in return for improved patient services and a review of the complicated GP payments system.

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    Days like this


    Some trusts have revealed they plan to impose individual contracts on consultants.The Department of Health said all trust staff could increasingly expect to have performance targets written into their terms of service.Joint consultants'committee chair Paddy Ross defended national conditions of service, agreed in 1948, as they ensured equal distribution of ...

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    The price is right?


    With trust chiefs getting a 6 per cent pay rise, you'd think they'd be laughing.But a new pay and conditions survey suggests the truth is something more sober.Mark Gould reports

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    Highs and lows - what the survey reveals about pay


    While ambulance trusts came out as the lowest average payers, the biggest single pay rise last year went to Gron Roberts, chief executive of Essex Ambulance Service trust, who received a 21.8 per cent pay hike.

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    Directory inquiry


    Patients'views are now supposed to be central to the NHS.So why have they had no input into the health service's new guide? Claire Laurent reports

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    A job That is Taylor-made


    The new choice as deputy NHS chief executive has been welcomed by managers and unions.Ann McGauran finds out why

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    Slow the pace of reform - or find the money


    With only months before poll day, NHS problems are piling up for Labour

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    A fig-leaf to cover confusion


    Hinchliffe amendments could defuse embarrassing CHC abolition row

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    Four cheers for disruption


    Once upon a time it used to be thought that the NHS was unassailable. Even hard-line Conservative ministers came unstuck in their ill-advised attempts to persuade the public that better healthcare systems were available. But under New Labour, the NHS has never looked more frail and vulnerable.