Latest news – Page 2457

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    Mother loses earnings claim


    Good news for NHS coffers in the latest judgement on what damages parents who have an unwanted child as a result of medical negligence can claim.

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    Bill brings concern over patient confidentiality


    Tacked on at the end of the Health and Social Care Bill, now going through Parliament, is a clause which gives the health secretary far-reaching powers to make regulations controlling and prescribing who should be given access to patient information.

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    in brief


    A new government Equality Direct Service will advise employers on issues such as equal pay and equality for disabled workers.

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    in person


    Phil Taylor has been appointed regional director of finance for Trent region, having been acting director since last April.He was previously acting chief executive of Northern General Hospital trust, where he had also been finance director and deputy chief executive.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks'notice of your event.Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ.Fax:020-7874 0254.

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    In brief


    An extra £140m has been allocated to help tackle 'the postcode lottery of care' in the coming financial year bringing the average increase in health authority allocations to 8.9 per cent, according to health secretary Alan Milburn.The NHS research and development budget will rise by 6.6 per cent to £479m.

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    Obesity epidemic kills 30,000 each year as costs top £485m


    An obesity epidemic is costing the NHS in England at least £480m a year, with costs to the wider economy probably in excess of £2bn, the National Audit Office has revealed.

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    Third of intermediate care funds siphoned off into 'other priorities'


    Concerns about whether the promised funding of intermediate care, outlined in the NHS plan, will be realised have been heightened by figures showing that around a third of this year’s allocation has been spent elsewhere.

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    Most trusts lagging in racial equality plans


    Only 5 per cent of trusts in London and southern England have fully implemented racial equality action programmes, despite a legal obligation to do so being only months away, a Commission for Racial Equality survey has revealed.

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    Stripper treat leads to nurse suspension


    A nurse manager at a Cumbrian hospital has been suspended after a male stripper performed on a ward full of elderly patients.

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    Director sues trust for negligence during birth


    The clinical director of the accident and emergency unit at Southend Healthcare trust is suing the trust for negligence after he intervened to resuscitate his new-born daughter.Dr Gerard Lane, now working in Belfast, is taking action on behalf of his daughter Heather who was born in September 1998 and is ...

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    Trust apologises over defence-agency skin sales


    Salisbury Health Care trust has apologised for not making it clear to plastic surgery patients that their surplus skin would be sold for chemical weapons research.The trust sold skin removed during breast and abdominal surgery to the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency at Porton Down for £17,000 a year.The trust ...

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    Working group to tackle maternity services crisis


    A new working group made up of representatives of health authorities and senior figures from the royal colleges of midwives, paediatricians, and obstetricians and gynaecologists is set to tackle the ongoing crisis in NHS maternity services.Leaked details of previous joint royal college reports, which have remained unpublished, have called for ...

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    Review reveals failings in psychiatric hospitals


    A Social Services Inspectorate review of the effectiveness of services for people who are detained in psychiatric hospitals reveals a catalogue of shortcomings, including a severe shortage of black and Asian social workers.The survey of 10 local authorities across England reveals that management oversight varied considerably from authority to authority, ...

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    Work hurdles for those with mental health problems


    People with mental health problems face significant hurdles in trying to return to employment, a survey by UK forum Focus on Mental Health has revealed.The report, led by charity the Mental Health Foundation, found that just 15 per cent of respondents were employed.Of that small group,57 per cent regard their ...

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    HAs left in dark as DoH neglects merger criteria


    Health authorities struggling to adapt as primary care trusts take over their functions are working in the dark, in the absence of Department of Health guidance on criteria for mergers.

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    Patients' groups angered by exclusion


    Two major patients' organisations have expressed anger after they were left out of a Department of Health advisory group drawing up new guidance on getting patients' consent to treatment.

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    Confed and LGA re-ignite row over care trust representation


    Conflict between the NHS Confederation and the Local Government Association over how care trusts will be run reignited this week, when MPs discussed the new bodies.

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    Mutual benefits


    Providing advice on benefit entitlements and debt in a primary care setting can help people who might not otherwise have sought advice. Richard Bundy reports

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    Monitor has been watching the appointment of our new top nurse - a lady and an American! - with excitement. Those RCN members not mutinously muttering 'who she?' about their new American general secretary Beverly Malone seem keen to offer themselves as her new best friend. The RCN's website discussion ...