Latest news – Page 2462

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    Divided they'll fall


    Health trade unions need to collaborate rather than compete for members. If they do not, says Andrew Cole, they will lose the ground they have gained under this government

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    RCN's bid for healthcare assistants


    The RCN's decision to open up its membership to healthcare assistants could see the biggest shake-up in the health trade-union movement in a decade. The controversial proposal was overwhelmingly carried by the annual general meeting in October. But it is strongly opposed by a minority.

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    Targeting the youth vote


    The old adage about catching them young applies just as much to trade unions as to banks. In fact, since the average age of health workers is rising, the battle for younger members is intensifying.

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    Trade union membership


    RCN: covers registered nurses and students and has just agreed to extend its membership to HCAs and nurse cadets. Membership is 330,000;91 per cent of members are women and 7. 7 per cent are from an ethnic minority. Almost 40 per cent of full members are aged 3544 with a ...

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    in person


    Jan Sobieraj has started as chief executive of Barnsley District Hospital trust after moving from his previous position of chief executive at South Lincolnshire Healthcare trust. He has replaced Sue James, who left to become director of the Trent Leadership Centre and head of development at Trent regional office.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks'notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ. Fax:020-7874 0254.

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    NI fundholding axe delayed


    GP fundholding will not be abolished in Northern Ireland until at least April 2002, after the Northern Ireland Assembly voted to accept an amendment to the Health and Personal Social Services Bill calling for a delay.

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    Conservatives and Lib Dems fail in attempt to thwart abolition of CHCs


    The government's plan to abolish community health councils came under renewed fire from MPs this week.

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    McLeish vows 'no backsliding'on free care


    Scottish first minister Henry McLeish has confirmed his intention to make personal care as well as nursing care free for people in nursing and residential homes, as recommended by the Royal Commission on Long-Term Care.

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    Alder Hey legacy will be law on consent


    Trusts which illegally retain organs may face criminal charges and fines following the report into Alder Hey Children's Hospital.

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    All change: suspensions and resignations


    Retired education adviser Angela Jones, formerly chair of Liverpool Cardiothoracic Centre trust, has been appointed as new chair of Alder Hey. She took up the post on Tuesday.

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    Worries over patients' rights overshadow Milburn pledges


    The government moved to position itself firmly on the side of patients this week, as a series of initiatives and ministerial speeches surrounded publication of the Alder Hey report.

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    Patients misled as poorly designed hospitals fail PEAT cleanliness tests


    Reports from patient environment action teams may be misleading the public into believing hospitals are dirty when in fact they are just old or have poor signposting, the NHS Confederation has warned.

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    Benchmarking exercise heralds 'big leap forward' for pay system


    Staff organisations have hailed a benchmarking exercise beginning this week as the 'first really concrete leap forward' in introducing a new pay system for the NHS.

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    In brief


    Only one in five trusts believe they will meet government 'zero tolerance'targets of reducing violence against staff by 20 per cent before April, while reports of violence against NHS employees have gone up by 22 per cent, according to a Health Service Report. Most trusts use CCTV and security guards ...

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    Breast-screening unit target of fourth inquiry


    A radiology department which has already been the subject of three separate inquiries into mismanagement is to be the subject of yet another inquiry, this time into its breast-screening unit.

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    RCN selection process was 'undemocratic'


    The Royal College of Nursing's decision to offer its general secretary post to US nursing leader and ex-Clinton aide Beverly Malone has fanned controversy about its 'undemocratic' selection process.

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    Doctors'organisations urge GMC to rethink reforms


    The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has joined the British Medical Association in urging the General Medical Council to rethink its reform plans. BMA chair Dr Ian Bogle said the GMC's proposals were 'bogged down in bureaucracy'. In a rival 11-point plan, the doctors'organisations are calling for GMC council membership ...

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    TB cases highest in 15 years, reveal PHLS figures


    The number of tuberculosis cases is at its highest for more than 15 years, figures from the Public Health Laboratory Service show. Provisional data for 2000 show TB notifications in England and Wales have risen by 10. 6 per cent, to 6,797 over the past year, the highest since 1983. ...

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    Union clinches £35. 6m payouts for injured members


    Unison has won £35. 6m in compensation payouts for members injured at work in 2000, with substantial sums going to healthcare staff. The figures include £100,000 awarded to former Cardiff Royal Infirmary staff nurse Diane Chambers, who was forced to give up her job after developing severe eczema from using ...