Latest news – Page 2463

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    New powers are a 'symptom of paranoia', says exNHS deputy


    A former deputy chief executive of the NHS has condemned sweeping new powers for the health secretary to remove and replace top health service managers as 'wholly unacceptable'.

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    Chief departs after confidential report


    A confidential inquiry into allegations relating to waiting-list figures at South Warwickshire General Hospitals trust has led to the resignation of chief executive Andrew Riley, despite the fact that problems found were 'not serious' and no disciplinary action was planned.

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    Councils'overspend blamed on rising cost of children's services


    Increased spending on children's services is the most significant single contributor towards a £205m overspend by councils, a survey has revealed.

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    A pretty little sum


    It is all very well for the government to set a 13-week target for outpatient appointments, says Rodney Jones. But the NHS cannot be complacent about the effect of randomness on waiting times

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    Routes to recovery


    Integrated Care Pathways A practical approach to implementation Edited by Sue Middleton and Adrian Roberts Butterworth-Heinemann 155 pages £16. 99 paperback

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    Revalidation: which camp are you in?


    Spotlight on General Practice By Sally Irvine and Hilary Haman Radcliffe Medical Press 222 pages £18. 95

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    Relieving a painful learning curve


    Pain Control An open learning programme for healthcare workers By Nan Stalker Radcliffe Medical Press 117 pages £17

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    Staff consulted before trust appoints new chief


    One of the four Birmingham trusts which had been without a leader has appointed a new chief executive following a process of consultation with staff. University Hospital Birmingham trust has appointed Mark Britnell, the trust's director of operations, who had been acting chief executive since the departure of Dr Jonathan ...

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    Monitor has spent a happy week perusing the very best of those magazines which try to educate people of a ladylike persuasion on matters of health and beauty. Of course, beauty comes from within, as Mrs Monitor constantly reminds, while poking fondly at Monitor's cuddly exterior. Nonetheless, in the current ...

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    Dear Mel. . .


    I have to give a presentation to a group of nurses next week and they have specifically asked for an explanation of the Belbin technique. Can you tell me what it is?

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    New inquiry to probe 'Labour PCT cronies'


    The commissioner for public appointments is to investigate primary care trust board appointments, following renewed allegations that Labour is filling boards with its cronies.

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    Organ retention - NI inquiry


    An investigation into the removal and retention of dead children's organs in Northern Ireland has been ordered by health minister Bairbre de Brun, following the revelation that over 350 organs had been kept by Belfast's Royal Victoria Hospital.

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    Days like this


    Private hospitals have complained to the Department of Health that health authority managers are failing to consider them for contracts to provide services to NHS patients under the internal market reforms.The Independent Healthcare Association says its members are facing unfair discrimination, and claims that HA managers are interpreting the DoH's ...

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    From pillar to post


    A troubled health authority told to radically rethink management and accountability issues is losing its chief. She will be a hard act to follow, says Alison Moore

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    In fine voice


    A new report is claiming success with its methodology of using mental health service users as interviewers as well as interviewees. Claire Laurent reports

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    Record breakers


    The revised IM&T strategy for the NHS promises a 'vibrant, networked' future. Haven't we heard that one before, wonders Lyn Whitfield

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    Ignore those baying for the blood of a scapegoat


    The errors at Bedford were not the responsibility of a single individual

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    Time to talk one-stop shop


    What happens at an organisation's front line can affect the entire way people perceive it. The problems are multiplied when a range of agencies are required to present a 'joined-up' face to consumers.

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    Name: Peter Homa Job: Director, Commission for Health Improvement Style: Gentle academic type, more like your hospital chaplain than snarling, biting Chris Woodhead, the abrasive former Ofsted chief, with whom he is most frequently compared and contrasted. Joined only by HSJ editor Peter Davies in maintaining a Dobbo-era beard, while ...

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    When a general election looms, the easy targets are almost unmissable


    The past few days have once again revealed an unattractive side of politics which would offend voters more if the failing wasn't widely shared by the electorate. It is that willingness to whip up public feeling against easy targets while keeping heads safely down where There is even short-term risk.