Latest news – Page 2468

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    Comedy of errors and misinformation


    Management in Health Care By Neil Wheeler and Diana Grice Stanley Thornes 209 pages £19

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    NHS claim record scrutinised


    The questions of whether legal aid funds suitable cases, and of how well the NHS performs in defending and settling claims, should become clearer when the National Audit Office publishes a long-awaited report.

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    Ruling will increase GMC workload


    The General Medical Council, already beset by a large increase in complaints, lost a judicial review just before Christmas which will mean an even bigger workload in future.

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    Aid boost for tribunal claimants


    Health boards in Scotland should brace themselves for more employment tribunal claims - and more successful ones.

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    In brief: House of Lords


    Last year the House of Lords held that parents cannot claim the costs of bringing up a healthy but 'unwanted' child, born as a result of medical negligence - for example, a botched sterilisation. But the court left open the question of what may be claimed when the child is ...

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    in person


    Dr Jim Smith has been appointed the new chief pharmaceutical officer at the Department of Health.He was previously regional pharmaceutical adviser to the NHS Executive Northern and Yorkshire region.

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    IT strategy speeds up roll-out


    The government's push towards making the NHS more like a 'corporate' body has been strengthened by the revised IT strategy for the health service issued on Monday.

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    Experts query hospital rankings data


    The launch of a consumer hospital guide ranking hospitals by death rates has sparked attacks on the quality of its data and the workload imposed on the NHS by private publishing company Dr Foster.

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    Local strategic partnerships put future of HAZs in doubt


    Health action zones could disappear with the government's announcement this week of new local strategic partnerships of public sector, private and community organisations.

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    Cleanliness inspection results may be swept under the carpet


    Results of individual hospital cleanliness inspections may not be made public until after the election.

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    In brief: Private healthcare


    Private healthcare is the most buoyant industry in the UK for employment, with public sector healthcare at number two in the 19 key sectors surveyed, according to Manpower's quarterly survey of employment prospects.

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    In brief: Medway Maritime Hospital


    Medway Maritime Hospital has apologised following the death of a woman with Down's Syndrome who had to wait nine hours on a trolley in the accident and emergency department before being admitted to a proper hospital bed. A spokeswoman said Brenda Marshall's family had asked for her to remain on ...

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    In brief: Lord Hunt


    Junior health minister Lord Hunt has written to all trusts reinforcing his message to the NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency conference that they must not shy away from making 'difficult decisions' about employing purchasing staff. He said that having a single purchasing centre covering several organisations could be more cost-effective ...

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    In brief: World Health Organisation


    The World Health Organisation has launched a year-long campaign to tackle the stigma of mental illness. 'Stop exclusion - dare to care' hopes to draw worldwide attention to the failure of governments to provide adequate means of treatment and address discrimination.

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    In brief: Unison


    Unison's retired general secretary, Rodney Bickerstaffe, has left a green legacy - he has helped lead a campaign to plant 16,000 trees in a bid to counter global warming.

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    In brief: Lord Hunt


    Junior health minister Lord Hunt has launched the government's strategy for the future of dentistry, giving a commitment that, from September, anyone wanting to see an NHS dentist can do so by phoning NHS Direct.

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    Trust stands by paediatrician in Climbie case


    A trust involved in the care of murdered eight-year-old Anna Climbie is standing by the paediatrician who diagnosed the child with scabies and sent her home to her abusers.

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    Chief had known 'for years' of bodies in the chapel


    Bedford Hospital chief executive Ken Williams had known for several years about the practice of using the chapel of rest as a temporary mortuary, which caused outrage when photographs of seven bodies wrapped in sheets on the floor were published in the press.

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    CHCs struggling to cope in countdown to abolition


    Patients may be left in the lurch as complaints services begin to fall apart ahead of the planned formal abolition of community health councils in 2002.