Latest news – Page 2469

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    Staffing crisis gives MSF second thoughts on public-private partnership for lab services


    A decision on a public-private partnership for laboratory services in all trusts should be postponed for 'a couple of years' until staffing has stabilised, according to health union MSF.

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    Food team digests local preferences


    Plans for all hospitals to serve hot evening meals after 5.30pm have been watered down to reflect regional differences.

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    LGA steps up campaign for an equal voice on care trust boards


    The Local Government Association is calling for membership of care trust boards to be based on a principle of equal representation for health and local government.

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    HAs in deprived areas will lose extra millions in funding revamp


    Health authorities in some of the most deprived areas in the country have expressed serious concerns that a new method of allocating inequalities payments has deprived them of millions of pounds of extra funding.

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    Rampton nurses may strike over new shift patterns


    Nurses at Rampton Special Hospital have withdrawn goodwill and are to ballot on industrial action over new shift patterns which managers say would improve patient care.Around 700 members of the Prison Officers'Association are protesting at the change from working three 12.5-hour shifts a week to five shifts of 7.5 hours. ...

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    Trusts get green light to profit from own products


    The NHS is to be able to to protect its intellectual property rights through the formation of companies to manufacture new health products. A clause in the Health and Social Care Bill will allow trusts to become shareholders in new companies to make and sell prducts which have been developed ...

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    Conservatives attack latest DoH waiting-list claims


    The number of patients waiting for an NHS operation fell by 3,600 during November, according to the Department of Health. The total number of patients waiting in England stood at 156,960 - 137,000 fewer than March 1997.

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    BMA fears bill could thwart even distribution of GPs


    Clauses in the Health and Social Care Bill could lead to an uneven distribution of family doctors, warns the British Medical Association. Clause 17 abolishes the medical practices committee, which has always controlled the distribution of GPs in England and Wales. 'Abolition of the committee, devolving its functions to individual ...

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    Struck-off doctors accidentally listed on website


    A website which claimed to be a guide to good doctors included two who had been struck off last year, and also wrongly described a third, according to the BMA News Review. The Good Doctor site, whose major shareholder is Alliance Unichem Group, included disgraced gynaecologist Richard Neale, who worked ...

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    Confed's HR director in storm over working hours


    Andrew Foster, human resources director of the NHS Confederation, is at the centre of a row with junior hospital doctors, who are furious at comments he made in the Financial Times, which implied that thousands of doctors were being deceitful about their hours of work. Mr Foster claimed that only ...

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    Room at the top puts NHS plan in mortal danger


    Plethora of key management vacancies is creating leadership vacuum

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    Dishing the dirt HSJ-style


    Restoring public confidence in the NHS could hinge on a clean-up

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    January is a unique month, ponders Monitor, offering the chance to pack one year away neatly while another shyly reveals herself. It is a contemplative time - a chance to look back to the highs - (the dazzling debut of Giggles Denham! How we roared! ) the lows - (the ...

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    Dear Mel. . .


    At a recent Christmas party at our clinic I was approached by a doctor with a lewd suggestion. Try as I might, this medic wouldn't leave me alone. And, well, one thing led to another and we ended up in bed. Do you think this will damage our working relationship ...

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    NHS Pensions Agency 'may be liable for loss'


    The NHS Pensions Agency could be held liable for the loss of pension benefits of some of the 18,000 NHS employees who had money invested in troubled insurance company Equitable Life, according to a leading insurance lawyer.

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    More joined-up working is the way forward post Langlands


    Better regulation of health service professionals, more joined-up working across agencies, and targeted action in selected areas to improve equity of access are all needed to build on the significant progress made by the NHS under Sir Alan Langlands, according to the public accounts committee.

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    Days like this


    Alan Langlands, who has been acting regional general manager of North West Thames RHA since David Kenny was taken ill last July, has been appointed to the post on a permanent basis.

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    A tough nut to crack


    'Nuts to be caged for life by docs'. The Sun is not renowned for its sympathetic coverage of mental health issues. And its piece greeting the launch of the government's mental health white paper just before Christmas had little space to examine the nuances of the overhaul of the 1983 ...

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    'Families know they have a timebomb to face'


    Louis Appleby was appointed national director for mental health in April last year, with a brief to 'spearhead the government's drive to modernise and reform mental health services'.

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    What the paper says


    'Use of compulsory powers will generally only be appropriate if a person is resisting care and treatment needed either in their best interests or because without care and treatment they will pose a significant risk of serious harm to other people.'