Latest news – Page 2471

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    When push comes to shove


    Health authorities'powers are no match for the influence of clinical professionals when it comes to changing maternity care.Louise Locock and Sue Dopson explain

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    Honour high


    Many of those who have played a key role in delivering the NHS modernisation agenda found their work recognised in the new year honours.

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    High risks, scarce talent leave NHS fighting to fill top jobs


    One in four top NHS jobs is vacant - and the gaps at the 'top table' of management mirror recruitment concerns at trusts across the country, HSJ sources have warned.

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    Heartlands trust denies 'turbulence'in wake of chief executive departure


    Chair of Birmingham's Heartlands and Solihull trust Paul Castle has denied that the trust is facing major internal management difficulties following the departure of former chief executive Robert Naylor to run University College Hospital trust in London.

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    Hospitals prepare for the worst as they enjoy 'no flu bug' respite


    A spot-check survey by HSJ of 30 of the busiest general hospitals around the country has revealed that, with no flu epidemic, few have experienced major problems - yet.

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    DoH gives £700m push to IT roll-out


    An additional £700m is to be allocated to NHS information technology over the next three years to support the implementation of the targets set out in the NHS plan.

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    In brief: Lord Hunt


    Junior health minister Lord Hunt has announced a capital investment programme of around £75m to be made in North West region's four centres for specialist heart surgery over the next 10 years. Priority will be given to a new centre for surgery at Blackpool Victoria Hospital.

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    In brief: Joint consultants' committee


    The joint consultants' committee has claimed that the General Medical Council's plans for revalidation could deter doctors who are not in practice from returning to the profession. It is proposing a retainer system to allow doctors not practising to remain on the register.

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    In brief: Northern Ireland Ambulance Service


    The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service has been given a national award for bravery, for acts of outstanding courage and heroism.The Ambulance Service Institute's bravery award medal has never been presented to an entire ambulance service before.

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    In brief: Multiple Sclerosis Society


    The Multiple Sclerosis Society has condemned as 'breathtaking bungling' the announcement by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence that no decision on the drugs beta interferon and glatiramer acetate will be made before July 2001. NICE said new evidence had come to light which needed to be taken into account.

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    In brief: NHS walk-in centres


    A Which? survey has found that many NHS walk-in centres are failing to provide an adequate service for patients with minor illness. In its survey covering eight centres, the magazine found that staff did not properly assess patients, leading to 'potentially dangerous' and 'shockingly superficial' treatment in some cases.

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    In brief: A Tome of Their Own


    In last week's news focus 'A Tome of Their Own' (HSJ, page 7,4 January) we referred to the chief executive of Grampian primary care trust as Jeremy Davies. This should have read Jeremy Taylor.

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    'Patient advocate'plans aimed at taking sting from CHCs' abolition


    The government has conceded ground on the need for independent advocates to support patients' complaints against the NHS, following the decision to abolish community health councils.

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    Fears of inaccurate figures overshadow measles drive


    Public health directors are considering a London-wide campaign to encourage more parents to have their children immunised against measles, amid fears of an outbreak of the disease.

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    'Do not limit new models of scrutiny'


    The NHS Confederation has given a guarded welcome to the Health and Social Care Bill's proposals for local authority scrutiny of NHS services.

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    Record funding fails to slow Scots hospital debt


    Scotland's hospitals are facing rising levels of debt despite record levels of funding from the Scottish Executive.

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    Substantial pay hike likely for NHS laboratory staff


    NHS staff not covered by the pay review body system are to receive a pay rise of 'at last 3.7 per cent', with substantial rises going to laboratory staff where there have been serious problems with recruitment and retention. Health minister John Denham said rises would be 'fair and affordable', ...

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    Risk pooling cuts cost of trusts' insurance premiums


    An estimated £30m will be saved from the cost of trusts' property and liabilities insurance compared to two years ago, as a result of the pooling arrangement for risk that now operates across the NHS, according to health minister John Denham. The schemes set up two years ago mean that ...

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    1,300 consultants needed for labour ward services


    The NHS needs an extra 1,300 consultant obstetricians and gynaecologists to provide adequate labour ward services, according to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The figures are based on government measures to bring in consultant-based services. The RCOG says 200 extra consultants are needed to meet existing guidelines that ...

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    NAO gives National Blood Service mixed review


    There are now effective measures in place to ensure that blood is safe for transfusion, but the National Blood Service needs to improve communication with hospitals, address the factors putting people off giving blood and improve its management efficiency, according to the National Audit Office. The NAO says the service ...