Latest news – Page 2473

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    Power back to the people


    If, as Harold Wilson memorably remarked, a week is a long time in politics, what on earth should we think of 10 years? That is the time it will take to bring the NHS plan to completion. What will screw it up, of course, is what another Harold - Macmillan ...

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    A song and dance from Deacon as the McPlan leaves England reeling


    And a happy new year to you, too. Now that We are all agreed that the new millennium has commenced, let's start on a suitably apocalyptic note. Let's look at Scotland's newly published version of the NHS plan, a 96-page glossy entitled The NHS Plan for Scotland.

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    Name: Simon Stevens.

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    Take the money and run?


    Are managers being paid over the odds when their contracts are terminated? And why do NHS employers refuse to reveal severance payments in defiance of official guidance? Seamus Ward reports

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    'The chair wanted a sacrificial lamb': a chief executive's tale


    Anne (not her real name) lost her job following some unrest among her trust's senior consultants.

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    Surely some mistake? The case of Andrew Wall


    More than 40 chief executives have seen their contracts terminated over the past five years and with many currently seeking to gain work or having returned to work in the NHS, few are willing to talk about their experiences.However, Andrew Wall, who lost his job as chief executive of Bath ...

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    Import duties


    One trust has solved a long-standing nursing shortage by recruiting overseas. And thanks to a programme of support, the new recruits are staying, as Yvonne Sawbridge reports

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    Steering in the right direction


    All the overseas nurses needed a settling-in time, whether they formally required an adaptation period or not. When nurses were recruited from Malaysia, Finland and South Africa they arrived as registered nurses within this country, but still needed support.

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    Equitable strife


    A new HIV funding formula has failed to bring clarity and fairness to the funding of the treatment and care of people with HIV/AIDS, according to Peter Cosgrove and colleagues

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    Upper limits


    The dominant theme of the new guidance on services for upper gastro-intestinal (UGI) cancers (see box 1) is the need for greater specialisation. A wide-ranging review of research evidence, summarised in the latest Effective Health Care bulletin, reveals the magnitude of the gulf between outcomes that prevail in England and ...

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    Seeing is believing


    A practical guide to primary care groups and trusts Edited by Michael Dixon and Kieran Sweeney Radcliffe Medical Press 280 pages £22.50

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    Watching brief shows its age


    Observing organisations Anxiety, defence and culture in healthcare Edited by RD Hinshelwood and W Skogstad Routledge 175 pages £15.99

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    Where a pioneer leads by example


    HSJ monographs Primary care mental health By Dr Alan Cohen To order call 01483-303017 18 pages £12.99

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    in person


    Jana Burton has been appointed chief executive of Lowestoft primary care trust - the first in Suffolk - which will become operational from April.

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    HAs must name their NHS plan 'champions'


    All health authorities will have to appoint their own modernisation boards and nominate a team of 'champions' to lead on the changes outlined in the NHS plan, according to new guidance from the NHS Executive.

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    Consultants step up pressure on private work ban


    Consultants are seeking concessions on their right to work in private practice as negotiations between the Department of Health and the British Medical Association on new contracts open next week.

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    Users 'lack rights in white paper'


    Concessions in the government's mental health white paper do not go far enough to balance the rights of the individual against powers for compulsory treatment, charities have warned.

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    New year honours give nod to key modernisers


    Key players in the drive to modernise the NHS have been rewarded in the new year's honours list, with CBEs going to several senior managers for their work in driving forward reforms.

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    'Dirty' hospitals could face clean-up teams


    A team of facilities managers could be sent into 'dirty' hospitals within the next few weeks after 35 per cent of hospitals failed inspections for cleanliness.