Latest news – Page 2474

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    £500m deal for phones and TVs


    Seven companies have been awarded full or provisional licences to provide the NHS with over 150,000 bedside TV and phone systems in a contract which could be worth up to £500m.

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    Days like this


    The Department of Health has been criticised for spending £10,000 on a slap-up dinner for the chairs and managers of successful trust applications.It feted more than 100 guests at a £50-a-head black-tie dinner at the Banqueting House in Whitehall. Bath district general manager Andrew Wall described the event, attended by ...

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    A tome of their own


    The NHS plan for Scotland is, says the minister, 'not about restructuring the system, but rewiring it'.Maura Thompson reports on an attempt to rid Scotland of its reputation as one of Europe's health blackspots

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    'I can see you now'


    Government-funded online centres are providing new treatment opportunities for those with mental health problems. Claire Laurent reports

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    Clinical developments


    The Clinical Standards Board for Scotland is charged with overseeing the implementation of clinical governance. Like the Commission for Health Improvement in England and Wales, it will publish reports on the performance of trusts. The Health Technology Board - the equivalent of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence - will ...

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    Best practice or better: staff


    Staff will be directly involved in assessing boards' performance as employers.

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    Doctors' private clinic 'may worsen wait lists'


    Concerns have been raised that a new Darlington private hospital, funded by a consortium of local consultants may worsen already lengthy waiting lists at the local trust.

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    Patient proposals questioned


    The NHS Confederation has cast doubt over key planks of the government's proposals for patient involvement in the health service.

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    Days like this


    Clinicians need to be involved in drawing up contracts under the internal market due to go live in April, according to NHS chief executive Duncan Nichol. In a letter to general managers sent at the Joint Consultants Committee's request, Mr Nichol says: 'This process will be vital in ensuring that ...

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    Jingle hells?


    Being hooked up to the hospital radio station was once considered worse than being tied to an IV drip, but a renaissance in broadcast services may have patients reaching for the headphones. Janet Snell tunes in

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    Broken headsets and Bing Crosby


    'In the 1970s I used to do voluntary work for a station with the rather grand-sounding title of the Edinburgh Hospital Broadcasting Service. It broadcast to nine hospitals but it probably had about nine listeners, too. The enduring problem was trying to get the hospital electricians to give any sort ...

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    Just as your mind was beginning to make up that long list of well-intentioned new year's resolutions - get out more, take up jogging, run the marathon; damn it, get fit somehow - along comes the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine to make you think twice before you've ...

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    Dear Mel. . .


    I have just read in the press that TV star Matthew Kelly of Stars In Their Eyes fame is to quit showbiz to become a psychiatrist. Do you think this is a good idea, and do you think any other celebrities might make good health professionals?

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    What the spin doctor ordered


    How do you cope if a sick celebrity lands in your hospital? Lynn Eaton finds out

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    Modern times


    It was a year of grand plans and private gestures. Mark Crail on how the millennium bugged the NHS

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    Ah yes, I remember it well. . . .


    Or do you? An end-of-year quiz on the events of 2000

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    Great Scot! Trust abolition could put NHS out of kilter


    Enormous upheaval will be watched carefully by English managers

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    Is housing too hot to handle?


    There is surely a limit to the extra responsibilities the NHS can take on

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    Whose view is it anyway?


    'What's clear from consultation on the NHS plan is the need for robust mechanisms to ensure user involvement moves beyond the aspirational'

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    Bash street kids slug it out for Citizen Windsor


    One sentence leaped out of the Whitehall guidance note which accompanies the annual Queen's Speech programme. After dealing at length with the government's yobbashing proposals, the note seamlessly asserted: