Latest news – Page 2476

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    Moderniser Page faces tribunal showdown


    A clinical director of Northumbria Healthcare trust, whose chief executive, Sue Page, is a member of the NHS modernisation board, has resigned and is taking the trust to an employment tribunal.

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    Scottish NHS plan will abolish trusts


    Scotland's 28 hospital and primary care trusts are to be brought under health board control in a radical reorganisation at the heart of the Scottish health plan launched today. The move will end the purchaser-provider split in the Scottish NHS.

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    Framework 'signals end of ageism'


    The national service framework for elderly people, due to be published within weeks, will require the NHS to offer equal access to treatments and drugs regardless of age.

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    Extra £1bn will help fund key NHS objectives


    The English health service will have around £1bn of extra cash to implement the NHS plan next year, according to NHS Executive finance director Colin Reeves.

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    RCN believes staff crisis will result in big pay boost


    Nurses and midwives' leaders are hoping for a significant pay rise for the professions to be announced next week, in the light of a report highlighting the crisis in NHS recruitment.

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    In Brief


    NHS South East regional director Barbara Stocking, who was recently appointed temporary director of the NHS Modernisation Agency, will become director of the charity Oxfam when her six-month secondment ends in May.

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    Housing services 'may be run by care trusts'


    Housing services could be run by the NHS under new powers to be allocated to care trusts, it emerged last week.

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    Consultant at abuse scandal hospital in new probe


    A consultant psychiatrist criticised for his 'passive' role in the Garlands Hospital patient abuse scandal in North Cumbria has been suspended from his management post.

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    Call for uniformity and improvement of CHD care


    Junior health minister Gisela Stuart has called on trusts to improve the care of coronary heart disease patients after the results of a survey of CHD patients showed that a significant minority had an unsatisfactory experience of treatment and that there were major variations between trusts. The independent survey, carried ...

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    Health inequalities show no sign of levelling off


    Although disadvantaged families in Britain are benefiting from rising educational standards in schools and falling levels of unemployment, there has been no corresponding reduction in health inequalities, according to a report by the New Policy Institute published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The report, which compiles information from 50 indicators, ...

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    Nurse recruitment crisis hits vaccination targets


    Vacancy rates for practice nurses in Tower Hamlets - one of the most deprived boroughs in the UK - have reached one in four. GPs say that with such high vacancy levels they will be struggling to reach vaccination and immunisation targets. Primary care group board member Dr Kambiz Boomla ...

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    Unison chief slams government over modernisation


    Unison deputy general secretary Keith Sonnet has accused the government of modernising public services 'at the expense of the workforce'. Mr Sonnet, appointed this week, was previously assistant general secretary of the union. He takes up his post on 1 January, replacing Dave Prentis who will take over as general ...

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    Cash boost allows breast screening to be extended


    The Department of Health has confirmed that an additional £8m is to be allocated to the breast cancer screening programme to allow screening to be extended from next year to cover women aged between 65 and 70 .The extension of the mammography service will allow screening of an additional 400,000 ...

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    Glaxo Wellcome man gets top BMA job in break with tradition


    In a surprise move, one of the top directors from Glaxo Wellcome, who has no medical qualification, is to take over as secretary of the British Medical Association.

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    CHI reviews will grade trusts on governance


    The Commission for Health Improvement has denied that it is under pressure to adapt its reviews to the 'traffic-light' performance monitoring system.

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    Capacity limits NHS-private influx


    The private healthcare sector is buoyant, but limited capacity will prevent a 'large-scale' influx of NHS patients, industry analysts say.

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    Monitor hates to be the bearer of bad tidings. But growing evidence confirming the burgeoning sense of humour at Denham Towers gave Monitor an idea.

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    Share option


    One in three people will develop cancer. One in four will die from it. But a year after its formation, the Cancer Services Collaborative seems to offer significant hope for faster and better patient care.

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    Another fine mesh


    A health secretary wrapped in the flag, vehement denials of ministerial interference and more data than the Pentagon - it was all at NICE's second annual conference.Paul Stephenson reports

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    Body politic?


    NICE chair Professor Sir Michael Rawlins sharply rebutted claims that ministers had influenced its decisions.