Latest news – Page 2478

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    Winter cash unlikely to avert crisis as PM admits problems


    NHS managers got an early taste of winter pressure this week as prime minister Tony Blair admitted that some problems would be 'inevitable' over the coming months.

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    'Fat czar' brought in to tackle overweight Scots


    A government weight-watcher is to be appointed after a survey of health in Scotland showed around three-quarters of Scots were overweight.

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    Pressure is on


    To overcome the shortage of physiotherapists, the UK is increasingly reliant on recruiting from overseas. But can it be done ethically? James Buchan reports

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    Stealing the show


    Three-quarters of all new hospitals are built through PFI - so why is it that the public sector's payback costs are clouded in secrecy? John Mair battles for exposure

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    Rights article catches NHS on the hop


    When the Human Rights Act came into force on 2 October, trusts braced themselves for test cases on a variety of fronts.

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    Patients' negligence claims meet with failure


    Negligence claims by patients go on unabated, but as two recent cases demonstrate, they can be fought successfully where it can be shown that there is insufficient evidence that the injuries were caused by negligence.

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    Victim can't be forced to work alongside bully


    Bullying claims are the latest growth area at employment tribunals. The bullied even have their own website, Bully OnLine, where they can keep up to date with legal developments.

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    In Brief


    As HSJ went to press, the government seemed on the verge of dropping legal aid proposals requiring losing litigants to stump up for their legal bills from any equity in their house over the first £3,000. At present, equity of up to £100,000 is protected.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks'notice of your event.Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ.Fax:020-7874 0254.

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    in person


    Management consultant Martin Hugh Vandersteen has been appointed chair of Barts and the London trust.He takes over from board member Elsie Gilding, who has been acting chair for four months.

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    In Brief


    Dr Elizabeth Vallance, former chair of St George's Healthcare trust, is to succeed Sir William Reid as chair of the advisory committee on distinction awards in England and Wales. The committee advises on awards to individual consultants for 'outstanding work' in the NHS.

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    NICE fertility guidance leaves HAs struggling


    Health authorities must be allowed sufficient time to implement new guidance on fertility treatment from the National Institute for Clinical Excellence to ensure they can meet the financial and resource implications, according to NHS managers.

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    'Investing for health' plans to lower NI mortality rate


    NHS managers will be expected to produce 'health and well-being investment plans' in a bid to rid Northern Ireland of some of the highest mortality and morbidity rates in the world, health minister Bairbre de Brun has announced.

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    Trust board rejects PFI merger proposal


    A controversial private finance initiative scheme has hit renewed trouble, with the board of one of the trusts involved rejecting a crucial merger plan.

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    Cervical screening at same level as five years ago


    The proportion of women in England screened for cervical cancer has remained unchanged since 1995, with a persistent 16 per cent who do not have regular smears, according to the latest report from the cervical cancer screening programme.

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    Bedblock set to hit trust's £1m savings


    A cash-strapped Scottish trust has revealed that it has made £1m in savings on wages but will have to spend an extra £1m on tackling bedblocking this winter.

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    Job-limbo woman sues


    A hospital consultant is suing the Scottish health trust that made her redundant after a five-year dispute.

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    PCGs 'must go complementary'


    All primary care groups should provide complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), according to a report by the House of Lords select committee on science and technology.

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    Strategy for HIV remains elusive despite an extra £41m in funding


    Public health minister Yvette Cooper has announced an extra £41m next year to tackle soaring numbers of people living with HIV and AIDS. But there is still no sign of the long-delayed draft sexual health and HIV strategy, which is now not expected until the new year.

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    Security crackdown planned for special hospitals


    Patients are to be banned from receiving food or tobacco sent from outside Ashworth, Broadmoor and Rampton special hospitals as part of a security and safety crackdown announced last week by health minster John Hutton. He also announced that patients are to be routinely tested for illicit substances and there ...