Latest news – Page 2483

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    'Extend mental health plans' call


    The national service framework for mental health should be extended to cover children and young people, says a children's mental health charity.

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    GMC buys extra time in row over cancer registry privacy


    The General Medical Council has moved to try to head off the potential collapse of the UK cancer registration programme.

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    In a slightly juvenile way, Monitor was chuffed to bits at the idea that Crispy Nige could be replaced by a man called Bacon at London regional office. So delighted was Monitor by the savouriness of their names that he barely considered their faces.

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    Hospital put patients to bed in midafternoon


    Patient groups have criticised a hospital where staff shortages were so severe that nurses say they were forced to put elderly patients to bed at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

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    Trust under fire for £3m agency bill


    Trade unions are seeking urgent talks with a Scottish trust after it signed a multi-million pound contract with a private company to supply nurses and healthcare assistants - despite the fact that ministers have urged trusts only to use agencies as a last resort.

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    Days like this


    A £2m contract with management consultants to prepare West Midlands regional supplies organisation for the internal market has come under fire from the district general managers of financially pressed health authorities. They have voiced concern at the money paid to United Research while hospitals are closing beds to make ends ...

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    Talking point


    To combine his twin NHS roles of permanent secretary and chief executive, Nigel Crisp has to pull off a tricky balancing act. But he is determined to be accessible - and communicative - he tells Laura Donnelly in an exclusive interview

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    Highs and lows: the Crisp career to date


    Nigel Crisp began his NHS career in 'what was then called a mental handicap unit' in East Berkshire. It provided one of the lowest points in his career. He suggests that one of his earliest decisions - to sack a charge nurse accused of ill-treating patients - was one of ...

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    Whistle stop tour


    A worried manager voiced her concerns about Oxford Heart Centre a year ago. Some of those involved have left, but no-one has been fired. Laura Donnelly and Claire Laurent report

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    Crowd puller


    It is not just social services that is strengthening its partnership with the NHS - there's education, housing, even 'cultural services'. Tash Shifrin follows the joined-up dots

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    Strawberry fields for ever


    The oldest non-executive director in the country, Sir Sidney Hamburger has devoted his career to the staunch support of the NHS. Jeremy Davies reports

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    Too many cooks spoil the froth


    Celebrity chefs are to beef up the hospital menu, but two-Mars-Bars-a-day man Mark Gould has his doubts

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    Joining forces


    The promises of 'zero tolerance'have come to nothing, so is it time for an NHS police force to protect staff from attacks, asks Alison Moore

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    Milburn versus Bogle in the battle of the 48hour pledge


    Health secretary stands his ground - but still has pay-round joust to come

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    Reeves leaves funds and friends


    NHS Executive's departing finance director triumphed over tough times

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    Pitfalls of arranged marriages


    It is impossible to pick up a government report these days without the terms 'partnership', 'teamwork' and 'joined-up working' leaping off almost every page. For all the new-found enthusiasm for them, none of these notions is new, as numerous articles published in HSJ alone testify. Indeed, there is much about ...

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    'Fog everywhere.Fog up the river, where it flows among green aits and meadows; fog down the river, where it rolls defiled among the tiers of shipping, and the waterside pollutions of a great (and dirty) city. . . Fog in the eyes and throats of ancient Greenwich pensioners, wheezing by ...

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    The mind Bogles as BMA chief vents his spleen


    In the wake of the Cabinet's special session at Chequers I was struck by the fact that Alan Milburn was judged a safe enough pair of lungs to report to the broadcasters.

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    Work patterns do not encourage car-sharing

