Latest news – Page 2488

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    The mountainous world of NHS recruitment gets overshadowed, fears Monitor, by molehills in matters of sport. Luckily funzine HSJ has no time for nonentities of the Kevin Keegan variety when there are real celebs like Nige Crisp to worry about. But this week, the dizzy worlds collide, as a former ...

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    Two-trust plan 'may lead to ghettoisation'


    Plans to create two primary care trusts to cover a city centre are being fought by the local authority which says that it will divide the city along racial and social lines.

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    Litigation threat if CHCs go


    The Law Society is backing community health councils in their fight for survival - and warning that abolition could increase litigation costs to the NHS and patients.

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    Days like this


    William Waldegrave has replaced Kenneth Clarke as health secretary in a move seen as an indication that the government does not regard the internal market reforms as a vote winner. It is understood Mr Clarke accepted his new job, at education, reluctantly.

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    Quietly does it


    The NAPC annual conference was a politically subdued affair this year. Everybody happy, then - or just too busy getting on with the job? Paul Stephenson reports

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    Breaking the cycle


    Some brave souls are arguing that a future petrol blockade could be just the impetus the NHS needs to rethink its attitude to environmental issues. Ann McGauran reports

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    Getting friendly: hospital buildings of the future


    Architecture practice Llewelyn Davies says the NHS has been trying to introduce sustainability in new hospital design 'within pragmatic limits'.

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    Fenland PCT: a role play with resonance


    The presentation was a real opportunity for delegates to get down to the nitty-gritty of running a PCT. And its three chief officers made it clear that, to date, things had worked well because they got on well as individuals and were all committed to the trust.

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    Stocking's tops


    The newly appointed director of the NHS Modernisation Agency takes up her job with a reputation as a thoroughly 'modern'woman at one with the ethos of New Labour. Laura Donnelly reports

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    Great white hope


    Will the government be able to avoid a politically disastrous 'crisis' this winter - the last before the election? Alison Moore reports that it is putting its hopes on joint initiatives at local level by health and social services

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    Seeing more clearly with CARATS


    The success of the community assessment, rehabilitation and treatment scheme (CARATS) in Rotherham has shown how plans aimed at reducing unnecessary admissions and increasing early discharge can help in the long term, as well as relieving pressure at critical times.

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    Outmoded recalcitrance is costing NHS the earth


    Refusal to engage with environmental issues must be addressed - now

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    Capital reminder of PFI perils


    Commons health committee probe may offer much-needed perspective

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    Less jaw, more trousers


    The clinical governance train is gathering momentum.

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    As paramedics cut away the remains of the wrecked vehicle, a voice-over intones: 'The nearest hospital is 20 minutes away - and she only has 10 minutes to live.' The picture pans across to take in a descending helicopter. 'The air ambulance will have her there in five.'

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    Fleet-footed 'Billy'Milburn faces down the ballet-hoo


    It's usually water off a duck's back to me. But I would not deny that Alastair Campbell can be a pretty rough hooligan when it comes to trying to bully reporters or their editors with a dawn phone call. In the week of the Milburn 'concordat' with the private sector, ...

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    Message in a virgin

