Latest news – Page 2489

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    What exactly is the NHS good at, Dr Walshe?



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    Need more focus on fuzzy idea of governance



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    Remember 'For the many'slogan in CJD saga



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    Cash crisis is underfunding across the board



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    Lost and confused


    Little is known about the needs of people entering nursing and residential homes. Research suggests that the NHS may be failing them, report Karin Janzon, Stella Law and colleagues

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    Questionnaire and answer sessions


    Information was collected on all publicly-funded admissions to residential or nursing care in both boroughs over a three-month period. With the written consent of clients or their carers, a detailed questionnaire was completed on each individual at the point of assessment, by the client's social worker or care manager. The ...

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    Cut to the trace


    Searching for patients who have been treated by a surgeon infected with a blood-borne virus can be a time-consuming task. Tracey McErlain-Burns looks at some of the lessons to be learned in one trust

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    What is hepatitis C?


    Hepatitis C is a virus that can infect and damage the liver. The virus is found in the blood of people who have this disease, and is spread primarily by contact with the blood of an infected person.The main route of transmission in the UK is by injecting drug misusers ...

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ.Fax:020-7874 0254.

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    in person


    Dame Barbara Mills, former director of public prosecutions, has been appointed a non-executive director of the Royal Free and Hampstead trust.

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    In Brief


    Department of Health figures released this week show that by the end of September this year the number of people waiting for an operation had fallen by 256,000 since the waiting lists peaked in June 1998 and by 2,000 compared to the end of September last year.

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    NHS Executive pulls the plug on private schemes worth £58m


    A trust is pressing for NHS capital funding after changes in a private consortium's financial figures forced the NHS Executive to axe four private finance initiative schemes last week.

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    £1.1m is set aside for redundancy payouts


    Managers at the country's first completed private finance initiative hospital have set aside £1.1m to fund anticipated redundancies among non-clinical staff, a tribunal heard.

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    Publicly funded schemes losing more acute beds than PFI deals


    More acute beds have been lost in publicly financed hospital building projects than in private finance initiative deals, NHS head of private finance and capital Peter Coates has claimed.

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    Charities pay 10 per cent of London's health bill


    Charities pay £500m - nearly 10 per cent - of London's annual health service bill of £5bn, according to research by the Charities Aid Foundation in association with the King's Fund. Most of the money was spent on hospice care, clinical equipment, refurbishment of hospitals and medical research. Around £214m ...

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    Lincolnshire RAZ held up as model of joint working


    A Home Office white paper outlining plans to tackle rural poverty and isolation, published this week, will praise Lincolnshire county council's rural action zone as a model of joint agency working to help tackle issues such as bed blocking. The Lincolnshire RAZ, also launched this week, follows the South Holland ...

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    NICE approves combination therapy for hepatitis C


    Combination drugs for hepatitis C have been recommended by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence. NICE said that patients suffering from moderate or severe hepatitis C should be given a combination of the drugs interferon alpha and ribavirin. Until June 1999, interferon alpha was the only licensed treatment for chronic ...

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    Government launches £40m 'programmes for action'


    The government has launched three programmes for action on orthopaedics, dermatologists and ear, nose and throat surgery. The programmes - for which funding of £40m was announced in August - aim to enable 'innovative practice', cut waiting times, improve patient access and reduce inequalities in provision of services. The programmes ...